[LF Mod] Crafting and Refinig Ores

Started by Azzarrel, January 19, 2019, 11:56:53 AM

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Hey there,

It has been quite a while since I last played RimWord and I was looking for a few mods for my next playthrough. I previously loved playing with the Hardcore SK Project, but it is quite overloaded with features, some of which I don't really like. It also is incompartible with some other mods I'd like to try out, so I am going for a playthrough without this modpack.

Some thing I simply can't abbandon is the advanced crafting system in Hardcore SK (like having to smelt iron in order to get steel instead of getting refined steel from mining). I couldn't find any mod on the workshop, that expands on the crafting/refining system in a way like this, so I was hoping some of you might know one.


To bad the revived Superior Crafting didn't made it to 1.0 (yet).
So you don't found any complex crafting like HCSK.
But you can try
Rimworld Ore Processing

Expanded Woodworking