If the game won't start properly

Started by Tynan, July 16, 2014, 04:46:40 PM

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Well, the log is totally clean. Not much help there.

Best I can suggest is to follow the steps, being sure to follow 1,2, and 3 diligently.

If you do that you should be able to completely clear out every trace of RimWorld, getting it back to where it was before when it worked properly.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


I did step five twice. The first time it didn't work after a clean reinstall. The second time it did. I'm not really sure what to make of that but thank you so much. I'll make sure to save a log and post it here if it happens again.


Joining team Black-screen-of-doom, I get as far as "Loading interface" and then I get to see naught but the white cursor on a black screen, forever.

I have no mods installed. I am on a windows (10) machine and have completed every single step on the first thread of the post. It's a Steam based copy.

I tried waiting out the black screen, but it stayed constant for 4 (tested) hours.

I have no mods subscribed. Core was checked the last time it worked. I even deleted all the saves as a random solution.

All is sadness, I already put 60 hours into this game, but I would like it to actually work.


Quote from: Pandawithaproblem on September 11, 2016, 04:22:08 PM
Joining team Black-screen-of-doom, I get as far as "Loading interface" and then I get to see naught but the white cursor on a black screen, forever.

I have no mods installed. I am on a windows (10) machine and have completed every single step on the first thread of the post. It's a Steam based copy.

I tried waiting out the black screen, but it stayed constant for 4 (tested) hours.

I have no mods subscribed. Core was checked the last time it worked. I even deleted all the saves as a random solution.

All is sadness, I already put 60 hours into this game, but I would like it to actually work.

Hmm. When exactly did this start? Something must have changed if it was working and then stopped working.

Are you sure you completed every step? For example, did you do the whole wipe-all-files-and-registry step, with restarting your PC? Did you install it on another drive?

If so it'd be great if you could post your log file.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: ItchyFlea on July 16, 2014, 10:46:02 PM
If you're using Windows XP, the location you want for Step 3 is here:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Config

i tried all the things but i cant get the game from the blackscreen :/ i get the right pointer and i can hear sounds when i hit icons in the game but i cant see anything.. HELP

im on win 10 too and i checked everything and i even reinstalled everything including steam.


Quote from: Pandawithaproblem on September 11, 2016, 04:22:08 PMJoining team Black-screen-of-doom, I get as far as "Loading interface" and then I get to see naught but the white cursor on a black screen, forever.

I know you're saying you have no mods, but did you at any point have some, then delete them?

I had precisely this problem the other day, after deleting a bunch of out-of-date mods; It turned out I'd accidentally deleted my Core mod as well. When I restored that, the problem went away.


i really want to play the game but i cant get it to work on windows 10, i did all the steps but still black screen, help?


The game doesn't start after updating OSX to 10.12.1
The only thing I get is a black screen, then it goes into 'Application not responding'. There is no excessive CPU utilization, no network traffic for the process, no excessive RAM consumption. I have the latest RimWorld version (build ID 1314177).
Installed via Steam, tried removing and installing again - to no avail.

Fix ploxx


@WhatsOn: Can you roll back your OS update?  I know virtually nothing about OSX, FYI, so I can't offer anything better than stupid ideas like that.  :P

@JJRaz: I see it's been over a month now.  Any success?


@milon: I cannot rollback the update (nor do I want to, really), although it did work on 10.11, I am therefore sure the update broke the game. Would be really happy to see this fixed, as I am sure more users will update to Sierra as well.


Agreed.  Unfortunately I don't know enough about Mac to even begin troubleshooting.  :\

I did try googling a bit, and it looks like there were a bunch of Mac graphical issues, but I think those were related to Sierra 10.12 (not 10.12.1).  I don't think I can help further, but I'll keep an eye on this just in case.


This is a critical issue, it would be nice to see a bit more effort put into fixing it. It literally makes the game unplayable...
I've opened a bugreport https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=27117.0, if You need more information let me know there.


I'm glad you've got it fixed now.

And it seems more like a Steam or an OSX issue than a RimWorld issue, so I doubt Tynan can solve it for you.


Hey guys, every time I'm generating the world I allways get this crash :/


========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

  ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'The specified module could not be found.' (Address: 0DF87E80)
  ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.' (Address: 0DF87E80)
0x0DF87E80 ((<unknown>))
0x01982ECD (RimWorld1249Win) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\gfxdevice\d3d\gfxdeviced3d9.cpp:1795] GfxDeviceD3D9::ReadbackImage
0x019ADA4F (RimWorld1249Win) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\gfxdevice\threaded\gfxdeviceworker.cpp:1056] GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand
0x019B0CAE (RimWorld1249Win) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\gfxdevice\threaded\gfxdeviceworker.cpp:309] GfxDeviceWorker::Run
0x015F40ED (RimWorld1249Win) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\threads\thread.cpp:40] Thread::RunThreadWrapper
0x73DE62C4 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x76F60719 (ntdll) RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

**** Crash! ****

I all rdy try several thinks, clean install, no mods, no AV running everything and all ways get this error :/, try this on 14e and the last one 15c if I remenber right

Other think from the log file

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)

Mods config data is from build -1 while we are at build 1249. Resetting.

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)



If I run the game with
-force-opengl or -force-d3d11

I can generate the map, but the map and all thinks (textures of characters and such) goes pink but if i save, remove the -force from the shortcut, I can load the map without any problem and its all normal, so don't know what do to here.

I do have drivers updated and such


Could you upload the full output_log as an attachment?