[1.0/1.1] Stuffed Doll

Started by tikubonn, December 15, 2019, 02:49:19 AM

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this mod add some lovely stuffed doll to your rimworld! it is just right to put on the bedside. you can tailor it on hand tailor bench or electric hand tailor bench after research "Stuffed doll".

Stuffed Doll: A small stuffed doll that just right to put on the bedside. it increase comfort 0.02 to connected bed, and increase beauty in the room.
Big Stuffed Doll: A person-sized piece of stuffed doll that just right to put on the bedside. it increase comfort 0.02 to connected bed, and increase beauty in the room.
Unfinished Stuffed Doll: it is unfinished stuffed doll.


ぬいぐるみ: ベッド脇に置くのに最適なぬいぐるみです。接続されたベッドの快適性を0.02上昇させます。また部屋の美しさを向上させます。
大きなぬいぐるみ: ベッド脇に置くのに最適な人型サイズのぬいぐるみです。接続されたベッドの快適性を0.02上昇させます。また部屋の美しさを向上させます。
未完のぬいぐるみ: 未完成のぬいぐるみです。

I adjusted the sell price of stuffed doll.

since this version, if a stuffed doll is placed in someone's bedroom, only the room owner can play with it.

this MOD has supported to the Vanilla Furniture Expanded Experimentally. if you want to link the stuffed doll to added furnitures by VFE, please load this mod after VFE. since this version, stuffed dolls added by this MOD can link to the bed rolls.
試験的に Vanilla Furniture Expanded に対応しました。この MOD を Vanilla Furniture Expanded の後に読み込むことで、ぬいぐるみを追加される家具に接続できるようになります。ぬいぐるみを寝袋に接続できるように修正しました。

this MOD has supported to the Gloomy Furniture and RIMkea. if you want to link the stuffed doll to added furnitures by Gloomy Furnitury or RIMkea, please load this mod after those. adjusted the comfort bonus of stuffed doll added by this MOD.
試験的に Gloomy Furniture と RIMkea に対応しました。この MOD を Gloomy Furniture と RIMkea の後に読み込むことで、ぬいぐるみを追加される家具に接続できるようになります。ぬいぐるみが与える快適度ボーナスを 0.01 から 0.02 に調節しました。

this MOD has supported for RimWorld version 1.1 unstable experimentally.
試験的ですがRimWorld 1.1テスト版に対応しました。

this MOD has supported multiple version of 1.0 and 1.1. but I finished update this MOD for RimWorld 1.0.
この MOD はこのバージョン以降 RimWorld 1.0 と 1.1 双方のバージョンで使用できるようになりました。ただしこれ以降 RimWorld 1.0 用の更新は終了します。ご留意ください。

changed name of Japanese translation directory to RimWorld 1.1 style.
日本語翻訳ディレクトリの名前を RimWorld 1.1 の仕様に合わせました。

you can download latest one from https://ux.getuploader.com/rimworld/download/58(for RimWorld 1.1).
or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1937192602.
old version is https://ux.getuploader.com/rimworld/download/34(for RimWorld 1.0).


I love them! They're adorable


STUFFIES!  This looks adorable!  Thank you.


why does the normal and big doll basicly got the same comfort stats? Should have the big one at last 0.02 ?
What do you think about Stuffed doll bed ? A bed with the look of a big stuffed doll.
