Cross Reference Errors

Started by Necrikus, September 27, 2019, 12:26:37 AM

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I downloaded a couple of mods and dropped a few that I had and now the title screen is showing the debug window with a lot of cross-reference errors and even after dropping the mods that seem like suspects, I'm not sure what's causing it and I'm pretty much illiterate to how to read the output log.

Help in figuring out the problem would be appreciated.


- RIMMSLoadUp you don't need anymore, its include at the latest Rimworld release.

- The cross reference are about turrets, so i think CE bite with some other mod.
I saw What the hack and ED-EnhancedOptions patch something with turrets.
Try to disable them one by one to check if the error get removed.
If you know what mod cause it, ask at the CE topic or the mod auther about it.


I tried removing both What the Hack and ED-Enhanced Options, but there was no change. So I'll have to bring it up with the mod author.