Visitors Not Eating, Starve to Death, Don't Use Beds.

Started by Scottvrakis, February 07, 2020, 08:37:55 PM

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I'm thinking this is a bug with the Hospitality mod, and I already made a bug thread over on the mods' discussion page, but I thought I'd throw one in here as-well. I apologize in advance if this isn't the right sub-forum to post bug reports in.

"Found out about a big bug when loading my game today, it began flooding my console with hundreds of the same notifications so I took the steps listed in the Detailed Instructions thread to gather my information. I'll post it here.

Would totally appreciate any help, I really would love to keep this multi-year save lol.

Hugslib Record Kepper Output Log.

Dropbox link with the Output log.

Dropbox link with the Modlist XML file.

Dropbox link with the save file.

If there's any other information I could provide to help, just ask and I'll throw it in! Thank you all for your time."

Edit: Picture of the in-game error log for reference


you have these repeating error
QuoteSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.AI.Group.LordManager.LordManagerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Map.MapPostTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
which interfere with the logic of the visitors and prolly caravan's too if you would got any at the future.

Does the visitor's are from a special race or got some special abilities/traits ?
Then you should ask at the mod discussion of that race too.

Since you have hospitality above all races, you can try to put it at the end of the modlist.
But i fear that wouldn't help you at the current colony.
To keep playing, you might use Dev tools.
Let the visitor flee, if that don't work use Destroy to remove the visitors and maybe increase the faction standing if that the chief anger.

Maybe someone else with some safegame edit skill maybe know a better way.


Ah I see, I was worried about that. I just started getting back into Rimworld again and I thought I'd download a bunch of mods that I used to use and Hospitality turned out to be one of them.

I don't think it'd be a mod update issue because I just started this save not even a week ago, but if the save is truly borked then that sucks.

I'm still not quite sure how load order works in Rimworld so I kind of installed the mods without ordering them in any particular way. Thankfully though, at least I'm not using Psychology.

I tried to remove Hospitality but that doesn't seem to fix the issue.

I don't really have any earlier saves I can turn to because I'm not exactly sure when the bug actually started due to the console stopping it's error logging at 999 messages and I guess I must have missed it.

It'd be nice if I could copy and paste my colony with all of it's colonists and local map onto a whole separate generated world, I'm not sure if Map Reroll or WorldEdit can be used for these purposes though.

Does any of this information help?


The load order is mosttimes not important.
Some mod's need another mod and these need to be loaded before.
It is a bad idea to add 2 mods which basicly do the same. Sometimes you don't even know if 2 mods modify the same thing, then it is a mod conflct.
The mod which got loaded last prolly win the fight and the first one maybe don't work at all or not correct.
There are mod sorting tools like
which help you a bit.

And for the future, don't activate all mods at once, do it at small batches and check the log window if some error's show up.

If you want to experient a bit around.
Backup your safegame.
Open it with a text editor.
Search for "LordManager"
And try to delete things out.
Sorry no expierence myself, so i can't give you a hint what you should do.
Just delete some, load it, check if the repeating error is gone or if the guest do something.
If not, just use the backup and try it again. Or when you got a good texteditor use Undo and delete a different part.


Thanks, I so far found a slap together fix by using Map Reroll and World Edit to basically *remake* my colony and that seemed to work. I appreciate the help, if anyone else would like to see and take a crack at this, be my guest!