[1.1.2575+Royalty Vanilla] Need meal source warning

Started by NeverPire, March 25, 2020, 12:33:14 PM

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What happened : I get the "Need meal source" = "Repas nécessaires" warning but I have a cooking bench and it is working properly.

Save file : https://drive.google.com/open?id=15Ujn-0w_E-CkSGSqduv3TntmaVCWA-t1
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Check the food policy of the pawn.
Do you have someone with a title ? Check what food he can use.


What is really weird is that I have the warning telling "you need a firecamp, a stove or a nutrient dispenser to turn food into dishes". I have all three.

As usual, I have some difficulties finding the right english original sentence.

//Edit: It is "Need meal source"
//ReEdit : Upadted to 2579, same bug
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.
