
Started by kclace, July 22, 2020, 02:14:19 PM

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All Content Via Steam workshop

Game: Custom Scenario Insurgents
MODS: Preemptive Strike, Go Explore, Dire Raids, Faction Control (Empire + Civil Outlanders Only)


Catherine had a long distinguished career as a Lieutenant on a Glitterworld. After retiring, she traveled to a rimworld called Northam to take a job as a colonel for an Outlander Militia.

Then the Empire invaded. The war lasted about three days before the outlander factions surrendered. The Empire set up Imperial Governors to consolidate their gains, then started to forcibly take outlander property and redistribute  it to their knights and other title holders.

A few months later, the insurgency began and Catherine found herself in charge of small insurgent cell in the middle of a tropical jungle. Her orders were simple. Ambush Imperial patrols in the area, disrupt their caravans, and stay alive.

Catherine's Report:

I've been waging this war in the jungle for about a year and a half now. During that time, we've ambushed numerous Imperial patrols using a combination of sniper attacks, IEDS, and close in melee combat. We've also re-supplied nearby insurgent bases, and housed recently liberated insurgent POWs.

Casualties however have been high, running at 50% and I take responsibility for that. I led one failed raid to liberate an Imperial prison camp that led to three casualties. More recently, an Imperial suppression squad killed two of my men in our own base. In another set back, Imperial sympathizers detained at our base broke loose, beat my men unconscious, and stole some of our firearms.

Our weapons are sufficient, but the Imperial troops have much better armor. To compensate for that, we need more recruits. Regretably, my men have had to resort to detaining civilians and forcing them to join our cause. There will probably be many more horrors to come.

I know its only a matter of time before the full weight of the Imperial army descends on our base in a DIRE RAID, that's why we are ready to move out at a moments notice, leaving the Imperials with nothing but IED infested tunnels to clear out. But that will mean maintaining a good recon system. I'm not sure if what we have will be good enough.

But this is the cost of freedom. Our cause is just. We will prevail. Death to the Empire.


I'll have more stories to come from this game. But, I had an idea.

I wanted to turn one of my pawns into a suicide bomber, any ideas on how to do this? My only idea was to surround the pawn with IEDS and then have him throw a molotov into it when enemy pawns get close, that's really more defensive though. Offensive version would be better!



I was afraid of that... LOL

BTW play through just ended. One suped up Imperial with a charge rifle killed 6 insurgents single handedly. I guess they didn't need the dire raid afterall.


BTW: I've concluded I can only do this scenario on rainforest. Other biomes dont feel right.

Stories: The Prison Camp Raid

Characters: Glitterworld Officer, Lt Catherine (Long Sword), Sergeant Pepper (Incendiary Launcher), Space Marine Kana (Sniper rifle), Space Marine Strickland (Revolver), Ho Chi (Imperial Defector, Heavy SMG). Rainforest Biome

Lt. Catherine and her squad of rebels arrived at the prison camp in the dead of night and assembled behind a small hill. Command had ordered her squad to attack the camp and free the rebel POWs being held there.

Catherine: Alright, Ho Chi, lay down a mine field of IEDs right behind this hill. Once the minefield is in place, Pepper and Kana will lay down incendiary and sniper fire on the Imperials. Once they start moving up, fall back to behind the mine field and we'll pick them off at the choke point behind this hill. Let's move.

No sooner had Ho Chi laid down the first IED when he started taking mortar fire from an Imperial mortar. Incendiary shells started exploding around his position  burning massive swathes of the forest around him. He quickly fell back to a position behind the hill while Kana and Pepper crept around the fires to take aim at the Imperials at the prison camp.

Pepper leveled an incendiary grenade right into the prison building, causing the wall to catch on fire. With any luck, the wall would take enough damage to give the prisoners time to escape. Kana took a shot at the head of a prison guard and missed. Their weapons were answered by the loud thunk of a charge lance, which whizzed right by Pepper's head.

Catherine: Come on fall back! Let's go.

Strickland and Ho Chi laid down covering fire as Pepper and Kana fell back behind the hill. Pepper lobbed another incendiary grenade to create another forest fire to cover their retreat. Once they were safely behind cover, Katherine peeked out over the hill.

She saw the forms of the massively armored Imperial soldiers and knights approaching. She noticed that several were knights with glowing monoswords and crackling power shields.

Catherine: Seargent, keep lobbing those incendiaries to drive them into the minefield!

Pepper started to lay down the incendiary fire and the advancing Imperials adjusted their advance accordingly.

Then it started to rain..

The fires died down and the knights went around the minefield and directly toward the position of the rebels.

Catherine: We've been outmaneuvered. Every one fall back now!

The rebels started to leapfrog back into the Jungle. But Ho Chi and Strickland were the last ones to fall back and the knights were upon them.

Strickland: Eat lead slackers! He emptied six bullets into the nearest approaching knight. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the Knight's shield. Several bullets from Ho Chi broke the shield but the rest of his magazine only dented the knight's recon armor. In one swoop, the Knight decapitated Strickland with his mono sword. While Ho Chi frantically tried to reload his magazine another knight ran his monosword through Ho Chi's chest, killing him instantly.

Catherine looked on in horror from a distance. She had just lost her first battle...