[1.2.2753] Negative meditation at Anima tree?

Started by Doomster, January 08, 2021, 09:20:48 PM

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My Anima tree meditation information:

Base value: 28% / day
Nearby artificial structures: -30%
Final value: 0% / day
Meditation psyfocus bonus: -2% / day

I guess, the last one should be 0 too. I didn't test how it works, I presume a visual bug.



When you select the tree you should see 2 circles, the bigger one is the range no buildings/structures should be or the anima tree get disturbed.
"Nearby artificial structures: -30%" looks like you got alot of structures too close to them, maybe you build your base to close to the tree or some map starting structures disturb it.
Don't forget the anima tree is more then just structure you can build for meditation, it is an psychic entity, and why not it should be possible to draw psychic power from nearby meditation pawn to satisfy it hunger.


OK, but the numbers don't match:
Quote from: Doomster on January 08, 2021, 09:20:48 PM
Final value: 0% / day
Meditation psyfocus bonus: -2% / day


Hmm yes, maybe you are right.
The final value from the right side should be the displayed Meditation psyfocus bonus.
