(1.3.3162 + Royalty) Herbal medicine bug in Caravan forming window

Started by lyfe, December 02, 2021, 09:39:56 PM

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Every time I'm forming caravan, if I have Herbal medicine, it splits into two-three rows but with no information in the column with yellow digits.


Green number is nutrition, which medicines have none of, so that won't appear. The yellow is the days it will last, herbal medicine has like a 2.4yrs before it rots so there's no point in it being either.



I can only guess it's because of a variance in the days until rots time. I guessing the "days to rot" isn't visible on the medicine is because the code doesn't show anything over a set value perhaps like 35 days. I would say you have two stacks in your storage and they have different days to rot, if not in a frozen state. This happens with meals and raw food all the time if they are left outside of a freezer.

As you see in this pic added, I have 3 stacks of meals with varying "day to rot". 32 of them are in the dining room outside of the freezer, the 7 at 2.7 days is in the freezer. All the raw food is no split lines because it's never been outside of freezing enough to split the "rot status". This might change if a long enough power outage let the freezer warm enough, to change the status between old stacks and new stacks brought in during the outage.

*edit* Didn't realize the pic didn't get attached, for explaination of my point.


Exactly. So now this should be fixed in one of two ways. One row, or a value in the column with yellow digits (preferably).


The value is allready be displayed.
Maybe you don't understood the 2 green rows.
One is the nutrition, not everyone know the value's of all meals and raw food. Special when you use mod's they can differ from vanilla stuff.

The other show how long some food stay fresh. It don't made sense to carry 3000 corn from your fridge that will maybe rot in 2 days to a 3 travel days settlemet to sell it.
Or take fine meal for 6 days travel, since they rot at 3 days.

Sure when you allways use automatic mode, you don't get bothered with that.


What value is already displayed? There is nothing in the 'yellow' column. It's an obvious bug: the game divided a resource into two groups but didn't indicate the difference. It's up to developers to decide if they don't want to divide this resource into groups or they want to indicate the difference. But I'm surprised there is a discussion whether there is a bug. ))


They are both "Travel suplies" like the tab name show.
All things the caravan need for traveling are there.
Food,Medicin,Bedrolls and maybe other i don't be aware at moment.
Sure you can made a caravan without medicin and bedrolls, but both increase the success for the caravan.
From my side i would add recreation food/drugs here too, but i think to remember the pawn's don't use them at their own while one caravan.

The market value, the ones with the $ before the numbers.

The only bug i see, that there isn't an label on top what the column means. Sure RW veteran assoisate nutrition and day's until rot for the 2 coloured column's.
But not fresh player.
(Note for Phaenor to forward that maybe)

At the Item's tab, i rather would call it Cargo not Items, you can add all the resources/stuff.
But the caravan don't use/need them.

I don't see your point yet. Maybe i don't understood it right.
Maybe try to explain it different or with some examples.


The only thing I could see he's complaining about is that fact that the herbal meds don't have expiration dates in the caravan window. But as I mentioned before, I would guess there is a limit to the number of days it will list and since herbals have a lifespan of 2+ years before rotting. It's kinda a moot point, unless it is a separation of expiration dates between the two lines.


Yes, I'm "complaining about" (actually simply reporting a simple bug) Herbal medicine not having days until expiration shown. There is no reason for those days not to show, Especially when a resource was split into two groups (rows) based on that attribute.

>Maybe try to explain it different or with some examples.

Why would developers give me control to choose between two groups of the same resource (Herbal medicine) if there is no information to make my decision upon?? (Imagine I've unticked "Automatically select travel supplies" checkbox and am going to manually add Herbal medicine from one of the rows)


Ok, missing day's of rot for stuff over xx day's rot time.
They are splited into 2 row's because they have different timer, which you can't see.


Thanks for the feature request.  I'll bring up to the devs the confusion about the columns and what exactly they mean, as new players may not have this knowledge.