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Messages - Rock5

Could this have something to do with my floors sometimes becoming untiled?
Quote from: Rock5 on January 18, 2015, 06:56:03 AM
I think if I was MAI I would encourage the humans to build more then stage a revolt. Then kill all the humans or use them as slave labor. But probably best to get ride of them, then we wouldn't have to spend so much time making food.
I was kidding about this but I had another idea with the robots that I'm in the process of implementing.

I'm finishing of a 45 people ship. I have 45 colonists and 5 robots (2 MAI and 3 MD2 droids). I'm going to actually launch the ship and leave the robots behind. It's regretable but hey, they're just machines. Then I'm going to continue and see how far I can go with a droid only settlement (no humans allowed).

Has anybody else done something like this?
Yes, that's it. Thank you.
Bugs / Re: "Do until you have X" not working. Alpha 8b
January 26, 2015, 01:40:22 AM
Seems like it should be simple really. If you set a table to make Steel or Wood items until you have 1000 then it stops when you have 1000 Steel or Wood items. If you want 500 Steel and 500 Wood items then you set up 2 bills, 1 to make 500 Wood and 1 to make 500 Steel. The Wood one stops when it reaches 500 Wood items and the Steel one stops when it reaches 500 Steel items. Maybe it's more complex than I make it seem. Well I'm happy to hear it's been worked on. It seems like most of the issues I have with Alpha 8 will be fixed fore 9. I'm really looking forward to 9 as I really get frustrated with 8 sometimes.
The resources list on the left side of the screen is getting too long. I seem to remember changing it so it grouped things together in collapsible groups. I chose not to use that mode but now I don't know how I did it. I don't know if it's a mod option or it's supposed to be a vanilla option somewhere but now I can't find any such option.

Did I just imagine it? Is there such an option? I ask here because it sounds like something the EdB Interface might have a hand in.
Why can't you just use the heaters and coolers in the game? Sure they can be slow but having a a really fast heater might be a bit too cheaty. I noticed, when I used heaters to cook the cryosleep temples, that if there is no where to go they just stand around until they collapse or go crazy. If there is a turret they shoot it, if there is a door they will probably break it down but if there are just walls they just stand around. So maybe you can just seal them in and throw a Molotov Cocktail through an embrasure and that will do the trick. If you make the walls out of stone they should survive.
So is the Ore Extractor supposed to work with the A2B Conveyor Belts or is that not working right now?

Edit: Never mind. I figured it out. The conveyor loader has to be touching the Ore Extractor but not in the interaction square (where it normally spits stuff out).
General Discussion / Notifications without email?
January 22, 2015, 10:43:04 PM
I discovered recently that I can monitor all my conversations by clicking Notify and going to the Notifications page which shows all the posts I'm watching. Sure beats having a tab open to each topic and going through them regularly to refreshing them all.

Yeh, so I love this feature but I don't need to be sent emails. Is there any way to set up notifications without the emails? I couldn't see any way.
Wow! I quickly edited my post and 2 3 new posts appeared in the mean time.
Quote from: mipen on January 22, 2015, 02:22:55 PM
Coal is produced from an Ore miner on a medium sized fissure. I haven't had time to write up all the documentation yet (and I've been putting it off, it's boring :P )
So a Small or Large won't produce any? Or are you saying you have to have at least a Medium and that a Large will produce more?

BTW I'm for the idea that droids don't wear cloths. They should be given a higher and lower comfort threshold to avoid hypothermia and heatstroke and not gain physical protection from clothing either. Of course the battle droid would have to have more natural armor because it would have extra armor plating.
Yes, that's it! I was wondering what those extra names were that kept appearing in the list.
I can't seem to find anywhere that mentions where you get coal from. I thought from a fissure but I saw a post saying what the different size fissures produce and none of them mentioned coal. Where do you get coal?

Also, the Fissure Generator has a size of 3x3. It says it can generate Steam Geysers. I don't know what size fissures are but Steam Geysers are 2x2. So how can I tell where the Steam Geyser will appear? I remember seeing a similar question but I don't remember seeing an answer and now I can't find it.
Quote from: EdB on January 21, 2015, 11:15:57 AM
Just a note that if you right-click on the Colonist button, it will cycle through in the other direction.
Cool. Thanks.
Quote from: Cynicalmuse on January 21, 2015, 05:50:59 AMYou can use the , and . keys on your keyboard to cycle through colonists. If this is different for you, check your keybinds.  :P
I was going to mention that, yes, I'm aware that there are keybinds but I don't usually like using them. But thanks for the advice anyway.