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Messages - Gerrymon

Quote from: Exende on April 12, 2018, 05:39:01 PM
Will there be a slave Leia outfit ;)

Another mod have covered that already, at least a sexy slave bikini similar to that :v
I can make my own version if more people want that, not now or in the near futurr.
Upload the steam version. For those that have subbed to the WIP version that uploaded by SimplySublime, please move to the new one. I am very sorry, but there is no way to move authorship in steam.
Quote from: slice107 on April 10, 2018, 03:02:22 PM
You could just get added to the author list I think then you can edit it and stuff. The other person would have to add you though.

Tried that, contributors cant even edit the description or adding image. Meh.
Outdated / Re: [B18] A mod about meat
April 09, 2018, 10:57:59 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on April 08, 2018, 06:25:16 PM
This is disgustingly AWESOME!

That brick and soil texture are disgustingly beautiful too
Can you also add meaty door that open as slow as stone door? :D
Quote from: Canute on April 09, 2018, 09:00:49 AM
Just curious, why did you ask here, and not the steam support ?
Ludeon or the forum has nothing to do with the steam internal things.

If the other mod author allow you to publish his mod, you just can release it with a second entry, and the other author could remove it.

Sorry, even though I already know the answer is impossible.  I asked here because some people might have a workaround or trick to do that. And to be honest I dont know which discussion group in steam that is the most suitable to ask this question.

As you know, this mod is uploaded by other people in steam and I want to move it to my own steam account. Sublime also ok with that. But if I delete the original mod, it would cause a thousand of people that subbed to this mod a problem..
Guys, is it possible to move mod author to other people in steam? 😐
Quote from: Mosser on April 08, 2018, 12:55:41 AM
I think it's because you forgot to add the workgivers :P
Quote from: slice107 on April 08, 2018, 04:05:28 AM
Ha Ha its all good no worry's, I thought it was my game.

Updated again! Please re-download the mod. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
If you find anything that failed again, please let me know. Thank you!
Holy cow I'll update it again tonight. Sorry!
Quote from: slice107 on April 07, 2018, 10:36:42 PM
Yes I did research and I have materials and I have people that do crafting and tailoring.
Wut...? I'll check it asap :/
If anybody also have issues like that let me know too
Thank you so much SzQ, Mosser! I am very happy!   :D

Quote from: Mosser on April 06, 2018, 02:08:37 PM
Also, for the headgear I found that the lockers from the prison expansion mod makes the slaves wear them

Thats great news then! Thanks for sharing them!
Slave Outfits finally finished! Only applied 90% of what I want initially, but I am happy I can finish this mod. Please continue to the releases forum!

Slave Outfits finally finished!

     Did you have a loyal pawn that do everything you told them and want to pamper them by buying a new cloth? Did your inner slaver triggered when seeing a bunch of prisoner/slave not wearing a same uniform? Gift your hard working pawns the clothes they deserved at last! Or maybe you only want some skirt and dresses in Rimworld.

      This is a really basic mod that add some apparel for slaves and prisoners. Generally, these outfits decrease social impacts (because they are lowly slaves) but improve work speed and mental threshold. Use with prison labor and/or slavery mod for best result. What's in there:

1. Ragged clothes that fit prisoners in early colonies. Inspired by ragged clothing in skyrim. Really cheap and fast to make. Improve hard labour work speed, decrease social impact a lot. Cost: 20 and 40 fabrics respectively.

2. Medieval sub-themed tunics along with a coif. Fine tunic (bottom one) doesn't decrease social impact. Created for those that play with medieval mods. This is only 1 piece middle layer clothing though, so sorry if that triggered the medieval enthusiasts here.

3. Factory coveralls for industrial tech. Available in 3 colours if spawned, but since it has fixed recipe, you can only craft totally white coveralls. I suggest to use other apparel colouring mod like change dresser if you don't like it.

4. Of course, victorian maid and butler! The 'lower stair' servants represented by the scullery maid and hall boy uniform, and the 'upper stair' servants represented by house maid and footman uniform. Why no housekeeper/head maid/butler uniform you said? Because these apparels are intended for lowly slaves, and those high class jobs are not for them.

5. And lastly, the space slave uniform used by the off-screen spacer faction! Come with a built-in collar that contain the wearer's ID and GPS. Because it's a bit expensive to produce, not many slavers use this clothing though. The helmet is mainly used by construction workers because it covers the whole face while still allowing sight. More explanation for that in the item description.


Q: Why's my female pawn wearing a male's clothing (or vice versa)? D:
A: I apologised for that. I made the apparels according to the body shape, and have no idea at first that females can also spawn with male and hulk body type. I also tried to make a more universal clothing for thin and fat body, but some are simply impossible.

Q: Then why don't you make 2 version of each apparels then? One for female and male.
A: 1st, that means another 40 textures and I have no time for that because real life sucks. 2nd, it's not efficient for the players too. Imagined searching 5 mins for just a male ragged clothing that you just craft in your whole base because some stupid pawn hauled it before you noticed. Also I try not to cluttered the crafting bills too much. 3rd, I just can't stop laughing when I drew hulky dress. Yes I've tried that.

Q: How to craft these outfits? I only find the first ragged dress and the bandana.
A: They are locked behind a research tree in the new "Slave Uniform" research tab, so people can select what they want to use. And a special tailor bench also locked behind the first research. Thats where you craft these clothing. I included the tailor bench in the screenshot, try to spot them.

Q: Will they spawn naturally in the game?
A: Not very often, but yes.

Q: Prisoners won't wear the bandana/helmet! How I can make them wear it??
A: That's vanilla behaviour, and I also have no idea how to force them to.

After Words:

     I apologised for the huge images. 800x600 is not really big when displayed outside the browser haha. Thanks for Harry Dicks and his discord people that helped me learn the rope, also all the people in the WIP forum that give me advices too. And sorry no sexy space maid yet, because in the end I decided it's not really fit in this mod. Keep in mind that this mod is meant for people that like to play as prison labor colonies like me. Other recommended mods to use with this: Don't Shave Your Head (or other mod that make hair won't disappear when wearing hat), Change Dresser or other that allow colouring apparel. Did I need to mention Prison Labor and/or Simple Slavery?

     DROPBOX (v.1.2 - make bandana and first tier rag craftable with leather)
This is interesting. Screenshot please! Preferably their size comparison with normal pawns :D
New mod! And I change this thread to be a collection thread instead of making new post every time!
Help / Re: Crafting output random item?
March 25, 2018, 10:09:42 AM
Please post the result here! I also want to know that!