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Topics - Nynzal

I remember that in a specific version, when a lot of the textures changed, the texture for the Component and Advanced Component also got changed, but then reverted in the next version.
Since I recently got back into RimWorld, I want to make a small patch to bring them back.
I already searched for mods and looked through the provided artwork.
Does someone know which version it was, if the texture is floating around somewhere or there is a mod for it that I can't find?

If none exist, I might need to try and extract it from earlier version, which I don't know how to do. But this will come later, at its own time.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Help / How to upload scenarios to the workshop?
August 03, 2016, 08:00:27 AM
I have some ideas for scenarios and want to share them via the workshop, but since I never uploaded sth before I have no clue how to do it.
Searched the forum with the search options, only found how to upload mods ( dev mode and then click upload button ) which doesnt work for me it seems. Also there is nothing directly in the steam workshop.
So is there a fast solution?
Sorry if this question already got answered, I can't find it.
Hey Guys,
the last run with this modlist ended on a almost dead colony, wiped out by a siege, which are tough with CombatRealism.
So I modified the list a bit ( see below ) and this is the new run with it. This time it is Randy Random on Challenge.
With these settings it should only be very slightly easier.
If you have any suggestions for mods, feels free to share them.

I'll upload episodes daily and post three at a time here!
This is the -> playlist <-
-> Episode 1 <- First Camp
-> Episode 2 <- Tribespeople Raid
-> Episode 3 <- Space Refugee
-> Episode 4 <- Weapons and Ammunition
-> Episode 5 <- Gigantic Manhunter Pack
-> Episode 6 <- Pirate Raid
-> Episode 7 <- Tribespeople Raid
-> Episode 8 <- The Unextinguishable Fire
-> Episode 9 <- The Colony Offers Safety
-> Episode 10 <- Endless Amount Of Food
-> Episode 11 <- Polar Bear Attack
-> Episode 12 <- Food Storage Infested By Hive
-> Episode 13 <- All The Food Is Rotten!
-> Episode 14 <- The Deadly Misclick
-> Episode 15 <- Upgrading The Defense System
-> Episode 16 <- Working On The Guest House
-> Episode 17 <- Get The Medical Wing Up And Running
-> Episode 18 <- Will He Come Back Someday?
-> Episode 19 <- Prison Architect?
-> Episode 20 <- New Prisoners
-> Episode 21 <- A New Storage Building
-> Episode 22 <- Finished The Component Assembly Bench
-> Episode 23 <- Build A Barn For The Muffalos
-> Episode 24 <- The Discovery Of The Crafting Spot
-> Episode 25 <- More Geothermal Power
-> Episode 26 <- Make Steel Floors Everywhere
-> Episode 27 <- Thats How We Deal With Bug Hive Infestations

- Community Core Library
- CCL Vanilla Tweaks
- EdB ColonistBar
- CombatRealism
- Hospitality
- Expanded Prosthetics & Organ Engineering 
- Stonecutting Tweaks
- RT-Fuse
- Numbers
- SmartApparelOptimizier
- More Furniture
- Better Vents, Better Coolers
- Craftable Medicine
Hey Guys, the first Let's Play colony in vanilla ended somewhat sadly.
So for this run, I searched for realistic mods, with a lot of gameplay improvement and not that heavy on content.
I put together some mods like CombatRealism and Hospitality, check out the modlist at the end.
Again on Extreme, I think we can manage to survive this time, build a prospering colony and make it to space!
If you have any suggestions for buildings, tactics, etc. just share them ;)

I'll upload episodes daily, starting today! New episodes will be posted here.
The first episode with pawn creation and the first buildings: -> Episode 1 <-
Jump to 3:20 to start with pawn creation, 12:50 for the landing!
-> Episode 2 <-
-> Episode 3 <-
-> Episode 4 <-
-> Episode 5 <-
-> Episode 6 <-
-> Episode 7 <-
-> Episode 8 <-
-> Episode 9 <-
-> Episode 10 <-
-> Episode 11 <-
-> Episode 12 <-

Here is the playlist!

- Community Core Library
- CCL Vanilla Tweaks
- EdB ColonistBar
- CombatRealism
- Hospitality
- Expanded Prosthetics & Organ Engineering 
- Stonecutting Tweaks
- RT-Fuse
- Log Walls
- Numbers
- SmartApparelOptimizier
A huge thanks to the modders, who created these mods!
Hey Guys,
I revived my YT-Channel and started with a RimWorld Let's Play on the highest difficulty in Tundra biome with a very short growing season!
I wanted to start of with a Vanilla game first, so I only included the awesome EdB Colonist-Bar, just to improve UI.
Hopefully we will survive in the harsh environment and make it back into space, make sure to check it out!

You will finde the playlist here:
My Channel:

Because I'm no native english speaker, I will make mistakes. I'm trying my best to improve, so if you notice any mistakes, just point out or ignore them. Be nice about it, please!

Enjoy the RimWorld!

Hey guys, I'm searching for a possibility to save some space while storing materials like steel and leather.

I want to create a new storage building, a rack or shelf, which dynamically increases the amount stored on one square. This is pretty much equal to the equipment rack in type of building ( no weapons and apparel though ).

E.g. I want to store some steel, but got 3k already, requiring large amounts of space. So my pawns build a rack which can store / hold 200 steel instead of 75. If the steel is not in the rack, the stack size should remain 75.

Is there a way to check where the item is placed and then modify the stack size in the thingDef? The stack size can be defined elsewhere, if possible. This mechanic would be similar to putting 75 steel on a wooden floor, but on marble tiles you can place 150 instead.

Maybe i can implement my rack as a structure with more than one slot on one square. As a result two stacks are lying on my rack, but only one is visible ( similar to piling pawn bodys after turret explosion ). So if I have leather underneath and steel ontop, i wouldn't be able to see the leather. Setting the storage for each rack manually ingame is only a half solution though, but not that important atm.  ;)
Does anyone know how to possibly implement it? I found this in the .dll under Building_Storage, but I have no clue if its helpful:

public virtual IEnumerable<IntVec3> AllSlotCells()
Building_Storage.<AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE <AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE = new Building_Storage.<AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE();
<AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE.<>f__this = this;
Building_Storage.<AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE expr_0E = <AllSlotCells>c__IteratorAE;
expr_0E.$PC = -2;
return expr_0E;

A third possible way can be sth. similar to the <preventDeterioration>-tag, which obviously changes the behavior of the item. Creating a new tag which multiplies the stack size, if set as "true", may be a solution. I'm kinda new to this stuff, so i don't really know if this is a thing  ???

I searched the Mods section of the forum, but couldn't find anything helpful, sorry if I missed it and creating a double post now  :-[
I really appreciate all kind of help and hopefully, one day, we all can build some awesome storehouses whithout dumping everything on the floor  8)