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Messages - Pangaea

General Discussion / Re: Please come to gog
March 04, 2020, 10:22:34 AM
Yay, it's finally there! :)

The review score is bound to change slightly, and I don't know how many have voted yet, but 5/5 is a pretty decent score  8)
Tynan released an update on the blog today (2 March), which I recommend that people read.

Spoiler: There will (probably) be more patches and expansions :)
General Discussion / Re: Killing killboxes.
March 01, 2020, 11:14:21 AM
This is a game from 1.0, with a killbox that some detest. After dying many times without one, I ended up concluding it was a necessity. At least for how I prefer to play the games.

And honestly, taking on something like this in the open (and remember this is a fairly normal-sized raid/ship, it's not a one-off, and same with the 200+ tribals).

We still suffered heavy damages, one person died, and from what I recall 7-8 others were incapacitated and I had a couple of people trying to frantically get them into hospital and fix them up before they bled out. It was total chaos. But because we had turret support (until everything blew up from the ~15 inferno cannons), it was possible to survive.

But for all I know, Tynan also detests stuff like this, and wanted it gone. Who knows. But I liked to be able to play long games like this, and take on colossal raids  :'(
Quote from: TrashMan on February 29, 2020, 03:58:09 PM
Or do you think that RW is the only moddable game that has lots of mods? There are plenty others out there. Yet few where people use that many mods AT ONCE. They might switch between various mods in different playtrough, combines a few....If something wasn't missing for a complete experience, then people wouldn't be using that many at once.

Recently I have played The Witcher 3. Like with RimWorld I only use a handful of mods (okay, a bit more in RimWorld, maybe 20, though most are small stuff), but I see people saying they use 200-300 mods. And Witcher 3 is a rather successful game too, that won a GOTY award or two. Not many will call it unfinished or claim that CDPR don't know how to make games.

Nay. With any game that has an active modding scene, and with a game somewhat accessible to modding, it will quickly have hundreds and even thousands of mods. It doesn't mean the game is crap or unfinished. It simply means there are a lot of people out there with even more ideas, and they implement some of them. And they generally do it quick, with little or no testing.

A professional game developer can't operate like that. A modder fucks up, and the 1000 people or whatever who downloaded it has a wonky game. They can remove the mod, and everything is well. If Ludon does that, a million people will have, in the worst case, a non-working game. It would be a disaster.

Whether people prefer to use no mods, a few mods, or everything ever released isn't really a comment on a game's quality. More likely a reflection of people having loved the game and played it a lot, and then wanting to try out some mods to spice it up, have a slightly different gameplay.

(True, there are some things I think are more deserving of going "core" than others, but generally the above paragraphs are fair I think).
General Discussion / Re: Killing killboxes.
February 29, 2020, 04:21:37 PM
This is actually the one thing I'm really upset about in the 1.1 update. It's not just a tuning either -- turrets are nerfed into the ground (and I wasn't even aware of the huge drop in HP, which makes it even worse). It quite effectively have removed turrets from the game, as they are pretty much pointless to build now.

As a player that doesn't use wealth control and like to play long games with (eventually) many colonists, this is a death sentence. In the mid or at least late game, it was necessary to have some type of turret and/or killbox defense to survive. Not to automate combat. To survive.

These changes may mean that playing how I prefer is no longer possible. I always detested using heavy wealth control to ensure more manageable raids, and prefered an active (but later on, turret-assisted) defence instead. It was more fun.

If Tynan really wanted to kill killboxes, this may have done it. Unless people want to use 100 traps in there or something.

But believe you me, taking on 40+ centipedes (and however many other mechs arrive) in the open, effectively without turrets, is not going to be a fun experience. Well, if you survive long enough for such raids to be possible that is.

That is why I asked earlier if this was a balancing trick where they first nerf them to the extreme, and then gradually revert the changes. It's all I can hope.

Since he hasn't actually sold 30 million copies, let's rephrase that function a little bit:

10. Keep doing what you are doing.
Help / Re: XML Auto-Documentation
February 24, 2020, 08:41:35 AM
Thanks. Downloaded it just in case I want to look at it later.
General Discussion / Re: Royalty Expansion
February 24, 2020, 08:32:52 AM
Can pets become royals? I think it's pretty clear we need a cat king! :D
General Discussion / Turret changes
February 22, 2020, 02:04:04 PM
I'm not able to play the newest version yet, but I see there went in some changes about turrets on the wiki, and assuming those are correct (they probably are), all turrets have been nerfed harshly (and had a cost increase for usage).

Is this another example of the "tune it to the extreme" at first, and then see how wildly people react, then gradually roll it back? Because if the current changes stand, with pretty hefty nerfs to damage, range and cost-increase, I'm not sure there is much point in building them at all.
Ouch. This sounds like a weird and very annoying issue. Best to postpone trying the game until this is fixed then. Not that I could anyway, since I don't use steam (spit) :D
Quote from: Tynan on February 17, 2020, 04:28:14 AM
The spammers don't care if you click on the link. They do it for search engines. The more places link to a site, the higher Google will rank it. So they try to produce real-looking links on forums like this.

Jackpot. This is also why they sometimes hide the links in hard-to-read text, or colour the same of the background. They don't want mods to see it (and remove it/ban them), but they want search engines to see it.
That is a very impressive changelog. Thank you, Tynan :)

Some of them are pretty big game-changers too, like the inability to build stone walls on bridges. That has been a staple in my games where I had a river through the colony, or similar cases like that.

It gives a nice feeling to see bugs that I personally reported be fixed, so thank you for that. Means it wasn't in vain, even if some of them were rather minor things. Also, big thanks for the colourblind friendly icons for other colonies. It was always so hard to tell neutral from hostile apart. Sounds like it should be much easier now. Thanks.

I'm currently in a big The Witcher 3 mode -- I'm sure a few of you have heard about the game :D But I'll be back to this one at some point in the future. It was too fun (and challenging!).
The easiest is to banish everybody :D
General Discussion / Re: Animals...?
February 05, 2020, 03:35:43 PM
Quote from: Livingston I Presume on February 03, 2020, 04:54:13 PM
sounds like far too much micro for me haha.  Cheers, for the mod suggestion though.

Exactly what I thought too when I read about that exploit way back. Besides, with 150+ animals, you'd probably be up shit creek with that trick anyway, and have to repeat it frequently.
Help / Re: A quick tutorial of xpathing and patching
February 05, 2020, 03:26:51 PM
To follow up on that, as I managed to find the solution eventually, after some trial and error  8)

xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//redxml/definitions/loot_definitions/loot/loot_entry[@name='Monstrous bone']" -s A:T:- "../@name" -v "concat('* [[',../@name, ']] (', @chance, '%)')" -nl def_loot_monsters.xml

That's with a bit more formatting and sorting, but what I had to do was to use -m (for matching) and change things around a little.