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Messages - tylers2001

General Discussion / Leaders and killing them
June 17, 2015, 08:22:56 PM
What does killing the leader of an enemy colony do or capturing them does that do anything or is it pointless to show there names as Leader?
Sounds awesome and i hope that it gets made.
The characters and armor look amazing i have to say i am very impressed.
Stories / Re: The death of a hero.
June 09, 2015, 10:03:25 AM
Stories / Re: Recruitment Failed
June 08, 2015, 08:50:10 PM
to be perfectly honest i can see this becoming a short animation for a Rimworld movie. You honestly have such a way with words in this it makes me imagine a man sitting down in front of me talking to me with his battle scars and the anger on his face. I absolutely loved it. I hope you make more for this this is "your little treasure."  ;) And at the end Recruitment failed 2% just ties the entire thing together.
Stories / The death of a hero.
June 08, 2015, 08:41:50 PM
I am sure that everyone reading this has been in contact with "Trigger".
Well he was in one of my colonies and their was a large raid of mercenary's coming to pillage my colony. Trigger had been injured to the point of where he was completely blind so he had to use melee strategy's. he had ran up to one of the raiders and punched him in the face and broke the mans jaw. As the raider lay dazed on the floor Trigger heard something. A fellow colonist yelling "Trigger get down!". But it was to late. Another raider with a triple rocket launcher had shot at Trigger and hit him in the chest. Trigger had no chance of survival. His body torn apart and turned to dust. One of my colonist Mushinto had a sniper rifle. he saw his very close friend perish so he took action. The heavy mercenary looked directly at Mushinto at smiled. Mushinto put a bullet through the mans teeth and out the back of his head. After the raiders retreated Mushinto ran up to the heavy mercenary and looked him in the eyes one last time as he examined the hole through the mans teeth. Mushinto personally had taken the heavy's body and put it in the deep water so he could be devoured by the fish. Everyday after that raid Mushinto had parayed to god that his friend Trigger was safe.
Mods / Masters of Trades
June 05, 2015, 06:56:03 PM
Has anyone every thought that if a colonist is able to hit every melee shot that they throw that their should be a trait called Karate Master or something among those lines where they can teach other colonists how to do just as well as them. You would be able to teach colonists in every aspect as long as both the skill you want them trained in is high enough and their social skill is say at level 5 or 6. Its just something that i thought of and hopefully people can get behind this.
My first question is can you give us a bit of an explanation of the next update in Rimworld like details such as adding joy in that update?
So as the title says this is for us people of Rimworld from refugees to raiders to ask you questions of what is coming in the next update and maybe some details about some additions.
Mods / Re: [Request] Blood Types & Blood Packs
May 17, 2015, 10:56:06 AM
Quote from: esbe1595 on May 15, 2015, 01:29:53 AM
Quote from: TheReboot on May 15, 2015, 12:02:35 AM
Just like the title says.

I feel blood packs and blood types would add a more depth to the surgery in the game. "Medicine" Always being used during surgeries makes sense...but how do you replace lost blood? Especially if the surgery fails. Answer? Blood Packs.

Blood Packs can be bought or harvested one bag at a time, with one bag being about 1 liter of blood. So, a total of 5 liters could be harvested, before killing the 'donor'.

If possible, it'd be nice to have it regenerate somehow, allowing you to keep a prisoner for months, and just taking 2 liters every few days, without killing them.

Blood Types would just be used to determine which blood type can be used on a person during surgery. But, it wouldn't be a big deal if that wasn't in the mod.

Blood Packs AND Medicine would be required to perform an operation safely, it can be performed without a blood pack but that will result in more blood loss.

I'd really appreciate someone making this mod, or at least taking the time to consider the idea. Thank you~!

Concerning the blood harvesting. You could in theory just make a medical operation that requires an empty bloodbag. When the surgery is done the patient gets a 20% bloodloss and a full bloodbag with bloodtype xXImUglyXx or something like that.
They use Saline which is a blood substitute which does not need to be tested for blood type so it doesn't really matter they would regenerate the blood through their bones as the saline dissipates.
This will make me seem very stupid i am assured of it but which one do we download for alpha ten the current version of alpha ten at least.
Well either way i hope this mod go's very far so please tell some people about this idea and try to get them on board.
160 Yes.  ::)
Stories / Re: Frostbite ridden
May 08, 2015, 05:14:57 PM
Thats the thing though it is double walls but with one heater the temperatures can get down to like -40C and the inside with one heater gets up to around -20C so i went overboard just in case it gets even lower some how.
Ideas / Re: Smoothing Stone Walls
May 08, 2015, 05:13:02 PM