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Messages - keylocke

can you create a wearable light source (like a flashlight) that auto-activates during the night or during eclipses?)

this would be cool for mods like realistic darkness.
Ideas / weapon modifications (like FO4)
April 03, 2017, 06:56:05 PM
i wanna suggest the ability to modify weapons.

ie :
-add a bayonet to a rifle : increase melee damage (equal to a knife)

-add a flash light to a gun : adds a conical flashlight effect that lowers line of sight penalty at night (for realistic darkness + FOW mods)

-add grenade launcher to a rifle : press a button and click on a target to launch a grenade on that location. normal fire just shoots like a normal assault rifle.

-add scope (to some guns) : increases accuracy

Ideas / Re: Fog Of War & "Security" Work Assignment
April 03, 2017, 06:48:08 PM
@OP : try these mods :

real fog : gives you the FOW effect

realistic darkness : dark nights and low visibility

minimap : let's you see hostiles in the minimap (it shows where they are in the map, but they are invisible until you have line of sight)

wildlife tab : let's you conveniently hunt animals, even with fog of war.

i suggest adding call of cthulhu mods : coz night raids from those monsters are epic.


i think the FOW mods are mostly aimed for people who are more hardcore combat oriented, otherwise people who don't like combat so much would simply turtle up more with their killbox rather than go out and explore the unknown.

anyways, i'm gonna test out the 20CWM mod that supposedly adjusts line of sight more realistically if it works well with the other mods stated above.

also, i'm looking for mods that would add something like a conical "flashlight" equipment to the game which would look great during the night. (functional and adds more ambiance)
General Discussion / Re: This game makes you evil
April 03, 2017, 06:23:40 PM
@anglewyrm : your posts often has these pics of hot babes.

i wish there was a "like" button coz damn, they are hot.
General Discussion / Re: Incapable of "Scary"?
April 03, 2017, 06:09:06 PM
i hope they add pop-up windows that completely details what tasks a trait affects

(ie : incapable of violence : can't fight, can't even equip weapons. etc..)

lack of description is confusing for newbies and for people who haven't played in a while and forgot all about it. hahaha.
General Discussion / Re: Hunting Strategy
April 03, 2017, 06:05:50 PM
best solo hunters are unarmored snipers/joggers.

target deer and larger animals for more meat. if they aggro, run the F away and draft reinforcements for an ambush (most large animals are slow).

the only large animals that can usually outrun a normal speed hunter are the predators and the thrumbos. <-- when hunting those, hunt with a drafted party and always use bait strategies. (ie : check the target of the animal, then tell the target to run around as bait while others keep shooting. primary target is often the closest pawn, so i often place my fastest pawn as the bait runner)

i also use wildlife tab mod. it makes it easier to see if there are any animals with enough meat worth hunting.

that mod works great if you're using real fog + realistic darkness + minimap mods. (which i think is a great combo)
General Discussion / list your favourite mod combos!
April 01, 2017, 12:08:40 AM
yeps boyos, list your fave mod combos and why you recommend it (ie : mod synergies that makes them better when combined)

combo 1 : (aka : evil lurks in the darkness beyond sight) this mod combo revolves around making the call of cthulhu mods more "immersive"

-realistic darkness (not the light version) : holy crap it's dark, my immersion level is hyped. (works really well with miningCo. mining helmet, which creates light that your pawns can wear)

-real fog : if you play RTS games like warcraft/starcraft, you already know how it works. black area is invisible until explored, while in gray area you see the terrain but the pawns/items are invisible. (there's a watchtower to increase your line of sight, the surveillance camera breaks "immersion" haha.)

-mj minimap : displays a minimap! enemies appear in the map as red dots so you know where they are, but if you're using real fog, that means they're invisible until you have line of sight so you don't know what equipment they have. hahaha.

-miningCo. mining helmet : as stated above, it works great with realistic darkness.

-immersive human sounds : awesome during battles. it's so fun hearing death screams. especially spooky during night battles.

-call of cthulhu mods : it's a set of cool mods that i think works well with the dark and suspenseful mod combos already written above. imagine cults worshiping eldritch gods, a horde of cosmic horrors lurking in the dark beyond your line of sight. it also has this cool "industrial age" type of furnitures, equipment, etc.. fun times. (also, cool lamp posts, jukebox, candles!)

-dubs bad hygiene : aside from being a cool feature, it's pipeworks also adds to the aesthetic of the industrial age. building bathrooms in houses, creating waste disposal, bedpans for the sick! aw yiss.

-industrial rollers : also adds to the industrial age aesthetic. it's so awesome creating badass well planned factories for mass production.

-bridges : this is awesome when creating your coastline town in a boreal forest. you can build on top of marshes, and build right on top of the water. (great when combined with fishing industry)

-fishing industry : works great with the "bridges" mod. you can assign fishermen wearing those yellow raincoats from the call of cthulhu mod.

-RT's weapons pack : has realistic guns that's great for industrial age setting.

-buckshot shotgun : the most awesomest shotgun. makes you feel like evil dead.

-hospitality : because it's fun to build a tavern in your industrial town (jukebox baby!). might as well have visitors join in on the fun.

-prison enhanced : let's you create more realistic prison and asylum. (my insane pawns go here and i just slap them with a straight jacket so they behave. lel)

-vegetable garden : doesn't have much "synergy" with the others, but adds more realism and diversity. (i get tired watching my pawns eat "luxurious meal" all day. i want to have more variety) plus it makes the "hospitality" tavern look more lively.

-fertile fields : let's you create tilled soil and use fertilizer and stuff.

-glass+lights : create windows that let's sunlight in. good for creating more realistic houses.

-dubs skylight : good for creating a more realistic greenhouse (works well with glass+lights mod). greenhouse + vegetable garden mod + fertile fields

-barbed wire : more industrial aesthetic and defense.

-fences and floors : more industrial aesthetic stuff

-dapper muffalo : a muffalo wearing a top hat. this is my industrial town's mascot. hahaha.

-aside from these, you should also avoid using technologically advanced stuff, stick to industrial age technology to increase immersion.


that's it for now.

feel free to add your own combos or suggest mods that you think might work well with other combos.

i'm looking for more mods i could add to my list that's gonna make this combo better.
sup dudes,

is it possible to add more tags to the workshop to filter out different types of mods?

ie : i was looking for mainly aesthetic mods like more hair, faces, better textures for wildlife, mechanoids, furnitures, buildings, etc..
i came back from a long hiatus just to convey this very important message :

nekid cannibal lesbians

no regrets..
Quote"mass" column in each character's "gear" tab, so you can tell how heavy each stack is.

^from blog update.

i was wondering if pawns would be able to craft incendiary/explosive/deadfall traps and then place it in their inventory for rapid deployment? (of course bringing items like that in inventory has movement penalties for the pawn)

or perhaps even bring a secondary weapon, that the pawn can switch to. (again, overall weight will affect movement speed)

i was also wondering, if this weight system will be expanded to allow the use of backpacks (to allows more items to be hauled by pawns when traveling)
Ideas / Re: Some thoughts on Item Quality and Maintenance
February 16, 2017, 11:39:27 AM
in games like gnomoria.

a weapon that managed to kill a ton of enemies, eventually achieves a legendary status.

i also agree with having weapons and armor repair/maintenance.

as for "legendary" status. i think that people and equipment can acquire "legends", which is similar to art.

ie : some furniture created by master builders/artists can occasionally have "art" that increases it's effectiveness/value. the same can be said for pawns and equipment that achieves "legendary" status.
is this a subjective thread about :

if i hate something and post it here, it's automatically a horrible idea, therefore anybody else who likes what i hate is poop.

Ideas / Re: Neutroamine
February 16, 2017, 11:26:45 AM
Quote from: Scaphismus on October 31, 2016, 02:13:41 PM
There's a cool mod that makes tamed Boomrats and Boomalopes produce Chemicals, much like other animals produce milk.

The Chemicals are then used to make Neutroamine.

I feel like it's fairly balanced, since keeping a herd of boomers is pretty risky, potentially even disastrous.

that would be nice.

i kinda agree with OP. since i don't really wanna play a colony that is dependent on traders for anything.

trade should be an option, rather than a necessity.
General Discussion / Re: Best and worst skills in A16
February 16, 2017, 11:22:55 AM
i just recruit only colonists who are incapable of nothing.

as for passion/interest. i prioritize people with passion/interest for shooting or melee + 1 other skill at random.

i let pawns specialize based on their passions and i keep an eye out on balance so that at least 1 pawn is specialized on each task. though at start, my skill priority is construction. i always start with at least 1 passionate builder with high skills.
Ideas / Re: Environmental hazard suit.
December 26, 2016, 10:18:41 AM
hmm.. i forgot to test this.

if you get a radioactive fallout event or a volcanic winter event or a heat/cold wave event, etc.. does it apply to other areas of the map? (ie : if you go nomad)