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Messages - Shushei

Quick Question about manned turrets

Do they have fixed accuracy or does shooting skill affect it?

Since my gameplan was to put ppl without passion for shooting on turrets;) But if they are going to miss everything it doesnt make much logic!
Quote from: shocker154 on July 18, 2016, 08:47:07 PM
Not to be annoying but any answer to my problem? Tried reinstalling rimworld and that even didnt fix it

I use it in A13 and works just fine for me . ( I think ) Mostly getting stone chunks . And thats what I use it for. Strange thing only I ocasionaly got cobalt alloy ;)
Quote from: AlexD on July 18, 2016, 04:34:19 AM
I can't figure out any way to survive in tundra/desert biomes.
Is there any way to plant crops when there's just sand or poor soil everywhere? Getting enriched soil takes just a bit too long and animals go extinct eventually.
I almost finished my playthrough on challenging diff on tundra with hardcore sk modpack. few tips

Get shelter 1st !
Theres almost no wood so use it wisely.
Your main food source for LONG early game will be MEAT , so collect lots of lots of meat since during certain seasons there is almost no new game (animals) So be sure to be stocked

Pref build around gayser.
Before 1st winter try to make parkas + gloves + fur boots for every single one of your colonist (should be easy with all the leather from animals)

Not sure if it was bug or a feature during summer my solar panels worked great but duiring winter their top efficency was at  around 500 W for a peak. So I would rather use lots of winturbines together with quite few batteries to buffor for when there is no wind.

For me unlike common sense suggest research focus should be on mining / oil extraction and only then switched to Agriculture for hydropnics.

Once You get hydroponics remmeber when I said SAVE YOUR WOOD ? Hey you need WOOD to make Mulch. So pref try to get bamboo seeds from anywhere ( maybe even start with them from prepare carefully) (Or be lucky with traders and buy shit ton of wood from them But I would rather be self sufficent)

Cheers . And Good Luck !
Hey Guys ! Question
My Hadron Colider works at 1% efficency how to incease that ? Cuz getting 2 antimatter every so not offen wont work me ;(
Hey, Skyarkhangel

Zombies from ZombiApokalypse. ( Huge Part of them) Goes for Autoturret ignoring my pawns at all.
Huge Bug !!!

Mai Robots ( Hauling Bot / CleaningBot ) Are ocasionaly insulting colonists which causes social fight between them ( if colonist is good fighter it can destroy robot)
Quote from: Idiot on July 12, 2016, 01:53:17 PM
Every attempt to run the modpack fails.

When checking the mods and then it goes through the process of applying them it always errors without any form of elaboration as to what mods caused errors and reverses the process entirely.

Even so much as checking the bare minimum causes this.  1. Core 2. Community Core Library 3. Core SK

These three alone still causes it to error.

I am using the latest version of rimworld (A13) and this mod (3.0)

Not sure what to do.  It gives nothing to go off of as to what is causing it.

REad instruction at the 1st post. YOUR SUPOSED TO COPY CONFIG FILE not select mods in order . Cheers
Hey Guys, I just build my 1st auto turret (Sentry Heavy Turret ) And even though its stuffed with ammo. All it does it keep Aiming at enemy and not firing .

Anyone knows how to fix it ?

Ok . Nvm It shoots but not through Embrasure

I just tested it and i dont think its working like I thought It would. So Heres and idea

Make walls exchange heat with outside depending on material heat insulation

eg. Wooden structures would be way harder to keep 21 celcius than pobedite
Quote from: Havan_IronOak on July 12, 2016, 03:00:58 AM
Crafted Wood? From what I can see there is no way to make "crafted wood" which is an ingredient in any early melee weapons (other than shivs) Is this only available through traders? It seems that even the dumbest colonist should be able to craft some sort of wooden club, no?

Craftred Wood is Planks
Wood Log >(Through WoodLog HandSAw or electric Saw ) > Wood Plank (or Bamboo)
Hey guys !
Anyone know which Def I need to fix so that Cooking Luxury meals starts being posible ?

Atm As you can see on Screenshot it got proper recipi but under luxury stuff theres nothing ( there should be Onion , hypericulum, mint , wild rose) And even though I have all materials and skilled cook they refuse to cook it. As If they dont know that luxury stuff is the things listed above. On my stockpiles Luxury stuffs are listed properly.

Cheers !

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Anyone got some tips for tundra map ?

Theres almost no tress to get wood for early campfires and 1st winter got coldsnap 10 days -100 celsius ;)

P.S. I got them parkas / gloves / furboots before winter. WAsnt enough.
Quote from: Encadi on July 09, 2016, 03:45:10 PM
My game started lagging like hell and suddenly i noticed:

  Samoyed horde all over my map

Theres probably around 8000 Samoyeds on my mapm any way to fix it? It lags everything

Quote from: Shushei on July 05, 2016, 07:32:52 PM
Yo ! A super strange bug . Anyone know if its fixable ? Check screenshot .

The Problem : On top left corner of the map theres a mass spawning of samoyeds. I tried killing them all with Dev Tools, and they just keep spawning and then after a sec they leave map. It slows my game pretty much alot and its annoing. Anyone one know if I can play with save file to delete this abomination ?

I also tried to put a 21x21 rock over them . . . They just kept spawning although they jumped through rock to nearest posible space.
I tried exploding all of them with Bomb , didnt work either ( since new ones just keep apearing like 40 per sec )

P.S. My sister is going to get Samoyed and shes talking about them 24/7 and now this happens WTF DOES IT MEAN ?! XD

*EDIT 1 - Nvm I Fixed it ( Deleted Qued incidents for traveler group in my save file. On load Samoyeds were there but they stopped spawning and just went away )

If You just search for world "Samoyed" Eventually you should find the event. Thats how I found it.

Think It should look smth like that :

                     <spawnCenter>(8, 0, 349)</spawnCenter>
Quote from: Virgil on July 07, 2016, 05:37:16 PM
Having a game now which i enjoy, but it keeps firing of an event with some vile force of darkness stuff, that kills of all my colonists even though im standing in light sources.

As of for now, no amount of lights that i have put up deters them. Is there a good way to deal with this menace , or a way to disable this event?

I hate darkness myself But I never lost colonist to it.
Have more than one room lit ( i mean dont just have 1 lamp and colonist stand n ext to it) but have a light around that lamp.
The dark spawns "degenerate" in light. Also use Hold Fire and lump all ur colonist together !
My preffered defensive room vs darkess is Hospital so that fallen down colonists can get a hospital bed asap.
Quote from: Havan_IronOak on July 07, 2016, 01:53:17 PM
Separate issue:  I very much like that things like ammo can be in stacks of over 100. However, there needs to be a right click command that allows me to tell a colonist to pick up something OTHER than 1 or the entire stack. Maybe 25?

Otherwise there's not a good way to carry a sensible amount of ammo.

I just Assign colonist wepon and ammo count I want them to carry

Example my 1st weapons are colt and lee enfield
In assign tab i make new Weapon Assign call it "Colt"
Then i chose Colt and 90 ammo to be carried
Then  i set assigment to colonist A and Colonist A keep stocking his ammo to 90 if he ever runs out ( by hunting or when defending )