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Messages - kodapa

Updated to B18 ;)
There is a work in progress version for B18 in the GitHib page. I'm still waiting for the stable release of Combat Extended. This WIP version works but it's not fully balanced.
I'm sorry for the delay to update and reply btw.

Quote from: moonra on September 03, 2017, 10:11:09 PM
You never posted this in the Megafauna topic, right? Is the author even aware you made this?

Quote from: kaptain_kavern on September 04, 2017, 09:59:49 AM
The author is, because it's the author - Spino - that uploaded this one patch/mod to SteamWS
It was me who uploaded the steam version.

This is a compatibility patch needed for Megafauna by Spino work properly with Combat Extended by NoImageAvailable.

-Updated to game version 1.0
-Added compatibility to the new creatures from Megafauna v1.4
-All creatures rebalanced (yes, again...)

-Updated to game version B18
-Added compatibility to the new creatures from Megafauna v1.3
-All values rebalanced to match new B18 format

-Added compatibility to the new creatures from Megafauna v1.2
-Added compatibility to the new creatures from Megafauna v1.1
-Rebalanced attack speed and attack damage on all creatures, making them closer to the original version.
-Some minor fixes.
- Release

Suggested mod order:
Combat Extended > Megafauna > Megafauna (CE compatibility patch)

Steam version

Download via GitHub
Quote from: deadlyexodus on April 18, 2016, 03:04:38 PM
i've been getting an error which causes me to be unable to trade : anybody knows how to fix this?

Read the last posts. You need at least one beacon without any roof built over it.
Quote from: ItzADeadShot on April 09, 2016, 06:23:16 PM
Hi I could really use help on how to install and make the modpack work. Was slightly confused with the downloading steps

Click on "Download latest test version on Github!" and then click on the button "Download ZIP". Unzip the "Mods" folder inside your rimworld's folder and copy "ModsConfig.xml" to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Config.
Quote from: Zakhad on April 09, 2016, 08:35:45 AM
Is the Github version still 2.5 (for alpha 12?) as the person above me mentioned? I stoped downloading it because I thought it was Alpha 13 version as well also in part due to 2.5. having a official release so close to alpha 13 being released. The reason I ask because I'm not actually sure whether or not the bug I'm experiencing will be fixed or will I have to wait until Alpha 13 release.

The bug I'm experiencing is whenever I go to trade with a ground caravan the money transfers between transactions but I don't actually get the items same with the trader he Doesn't receive me items but my money gets deducted anyways, he also doesn't get my money added to his total pool.

Edit provided screenshot for bug.

Just unroof your trade beacon.
Quote from: krockle21 on April 07, 2016, 07:02:43 PM
I think this problem and the trader problem are connected.   I had the same issue and it seems whenever the locust attack event is triggered the game has problems choosing a specific place for it to happen and then the uptick error occurs slowing down the entire game.  It looks like a similar if not the same error occurs whenever a trade is attempted, except the error does not uptick like with the locusts.  Possibly not being able to find a specific tile to place the bought goods or something like that.  Anywho my traders are still busted, but I modified one of the incident def files to reduce the chance of a locust attack happening to zero, and I have not had that problem since.  I'm using a github version from a couple of days ago by the way.

The only trade related problem I have is when I try trading something without a trade beacon outdoors. I have to create a "no roof zone" above the trade beacon everytime I trade.
Tools / Pawn (creature) Remover
April 08, 2016, 01:58:16 AM
I made this simple java program because I had too many tarantulas in my map and they were lagging the game. 
Removing a few tarantulas from the savefile with notepad wouldn't be a problem but removing 40+ tarantulas would be really annoying. 
Just write down the creature's name and select your savefile. The program will remove ALL alive entries. Including tamed animals. 
This program will create a NEW savefile to avoid damaging yours but creating a backup is always recommended. 
Game updates and/or mods probably won't break this program.
Please let me know if something goes wrong.

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]
Quote from: Duncan on April 07, 2016, 05:11:18 AM
One tip I ran into from years ago with framerate drops was stockpiles. I tried and it definitely helps. If there are two potential stockpiles that an item can legitimately be placed on, the pathfinding cost is much higher. Make sure you have fewer, larger stockpiles, that each stockpile has a specialised selection of goods that does not overlap with other stockpiles, and that if two stockpiles can contain the same thing they have a different priority. This made a huge difference for me in this modpack and saved a game with slow speed and bad framerate from being deleted and restarted.

Edit: I actually came here to ask about A13, anyone heard anything about update compatibility and progress? I expect it will take a long time given the scope of this pack, but I will probably be playing A12 with this pack for the foreseeable future rather than play A13 without it.

I tried removing half my stockpiles before posting here but that wasn't causing the drops. It's very weird because if I load an older autosave and keep playing, this problem won't happen anytime soon.
Quote from: sidfu on April 06, 2016, 07:45:57 PM
check your log. i only had this happen to me when i used say carnivores for pets or if i let to many ccarnivors stay on the map. it is a issue with eat action of the carnivores i belive. when i keep their numbers down it seems to help. it seems to be more specific do dog and wolf types thou.

if its not that check your log and look for anything thats causeing a 10jobs per click error,

In my case killing almost everything that moves didn't help at all. 
What exactly am I looking for in the log? The only tick related things I found are Do.SingleTick() and TickManagerUpdate() in a few errors.
Anyone else having huge FPS drops when time accelerating(3) after playing a map for like 6 hours? My game just gets unplayable after some time. 
The weird thing is that the game plays fine and all of the sudden it's unplayable. 
@skyarkhangel Would you please take a look at my save files? Autosave-5 works fine but Colony4 is unplayable at 3x speed. It happens with every colony I play. Happened both in rainforest and tundra.
You can download these two save files at
I think maybe it's an specific random event that does it because if I load Autosave-5 and keep playing it doesn't happen again at the same point. Restarting the computer doesn't fix the problem. 
I have a R9 380 (should run rimworld easily) and a A10-7850k processor (also should run rimworld easily). CPU load never reaches more than 40%. 
I hope all this can be useful for you.