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Messages - Temeez

I'll be keeping the non-steam version of the mod alive in github from now on:
Quote from: LasurDragon on September 09, 2018, 01:32:04 AM
Big thanks for the update but there's two noticeable issues with the current version of the mod.

  • XML defs for new lamps use WorkToMake instead of WorkToBuild which makes lamps to be built instantly. More details here.
  • Even after this is fixed, this value is still much lower than for standing lamp - 120 vs 300. This makes floor lamp to have same light radius while requiring less energy and work to build.

Again, thank you for all the work on this mod, it became must-have for my playthroughs :)

Thank you and oh what a blunder, much appreciated! I've fixed those and a few warnings. I balanced the WorkToBuild values based on the Standing Lamp and glow radius so it's 300 for 12 radius and 150 for 6 radius, etc.

Direct download:
Chinese (Simplified) translation was added.

Direct download:
Updated to version 4.1 which tells pawns not to break things on top of the tile before building the light.
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on November 23, 2017, 07:36:46 PM
Hey I find you this, while exploring code:

<building >

In the XML for powerswitches (/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/Buildings_Power.xml)

I haven't tested anything and I suspect using it will means having to place ceiling lamps on a power conduit, but maybe it'll interest you nonetheless.

I was thinking: I need to find a vanilla building that doesn't shows wires to see how it is done.

I tried that just now but it didn't seem to do anything.
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on November 22, 2017, 12:20:30 AM
There was quite a simple mod back in the old day that was getting rid of them by "just" replacing the wire texture by an empty texture. To the game they were still there but not visible, but I can't seems to find it again :-(

That is what I did with this mod but it stopped working at some point.
Beta 18 compatible version is out and it'll also work with the "Adjustable Colored Lights" mod.

Workshop link:
Direct download:
Quote from: Canute on October 31, 2017, 01:16:33 PM
Basicly i don't care about the workshop, but before you get angry customer, you shouldn't update it, you should create a new entry.
Yes that is what I have done and will keep doing.
Quote from: Belgrath on October 28, 2017, 06:26:05 AM
I use the Floor lights mod all the time and think its great.
Thanks for all your work Temeez, please let me know if you want this removed.

So as I'm always running the "unstable - Public testing" version of Rimworld, I decided to update this mod for myself as it was only a couple of quick changes! But then I thought why make the changes and not share with everyone.

Thanks, that's fine. When A18 comes out as stable I'll update my mods in Steam Workshop.
Quote from: numberland on August 29, 2017, 11:36:37 AM
Thanks so much for your work and for posting here! 
I've been using the old version with A17 without any trouble that I'm aware of.  I'm curious about what you needed to update?  I'll still sleep better at night knowing my mod list is without red squares...

It was just the version number in the About.xml, afaik. So you should be fine.
Quote from: Semo on February 16, 2017, 02:31:21 PM
Sorry for being lazy and not looking it up myself but is there an easy way to get rid of the little wires that connect from the lights to the power conduits? I rly like this mod but i always end up laying hidden power conduits underneath the lights.

Hoping for an easy def fix?

Not to my knowledge, and until there is something like <wire>off</wire> xml setting for stuff and things, they likely won't go anywhere.
Quote from: Selway on February 15, 2017, 07:33:17 PM
Thank you for this grrrat mod. It's one of my must haves. 

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if I am over using this mod and therefor having it generate a lot of lag. I tend to light up every hallway and room with it to the point I have hundreds and hundreds of them. How much graphics and or processor lag do you think that would cause?  I notice that each individual light has its own connection to electricit and that each one is feintly graphically represented too. Can that crest a lot of lag?  I'm just trying to figure out if I have free reign with this mod or I have to limit myself. Thanks!


I honestly have no idea. It could be that the game can't handle too many light sources, but that is just a guess.
Its the feature.. but yeah, that doesn't really look good at all. I think I'll revert that.

Edit: Reverted for lamps.