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Topics - michal3588

Help / Endgame Storyteller
June 02, 2018, 03:49:16 PM
I would like to create hellish storyteller for myself with frequent raids and disasters. Could someone explain those valuse for me?

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ClassicIntro"/>
      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ThreatCycle">

-<threatOffDays>4 means that there will be 4 days break between threats?
- what is "mtb"?

What I want is raids over and over but with numbers above they are not much more frequent than vanilla storytellers.
I want storyteller to switch to on the end game when I'm at the point where I can shake off even mechanoid raids without much losses. Rather than "packing my toys and flying away" ending I would rather test my fortress and see how long can I struggle against constant attacks.

Help / Deep drilling
September 25, 2016, 06:20:13 AM
How do I change range of deep drill? All I could find is "specialDisplayRadius" but if I am correct it will only change its display and not actual range of mining?
Help / Temperature in biomes
July 17, 2015, 06:59:33 PM
 How can I change temperature in particular biomes? After checking Defs folder I'm out of ideas which tells a lot about my modding skills :P.
I would love to play on really challenging maps with hardcore temperatures that would force me to plan every move. You can't just randomly pop out of the base for resources when it's 80°C outside :). Or just assume that planet we landed on has very thin atmosphere and temp is dropping from +50°C during day to -80°C during night and you have to carefully plan your every trip outside because if your pawns will be caught by sunset far from base then it's over for them. And imagine that rush to find some wood to build simple shelter and campfire so you can survive first night :).
Soooo... Does someone knows how can I change temperature in biomes :)?
General Discussion / Problem with forced target
March 12, 2015, 09:44:40 AM
Why I can't set forced attack for couple of turrets/mortars at the same time? With battery of 10-15 mortars it is a real pain in the *cough* to click on each of them to set target.
Is that a bug or for some reason this option wasn't implemented?
There is a problem with raider's items becoming automatically unforbidden. If I take my eyes off colonists only for a second then there they are... Going for this few simple meals with a stubbornness of psycho and dying one by one like lemmings... How are you dealing with it? My only idea was locking those idiots up inside the base during raids and after raid searching map for this damn item.
General Discussion / Dress up order
October 10, 2014, 03:46:46 PM
In what order should I equip my colonists? I have 2 people in EXACTLY the same clothes. Scyther frame and Alloy vest (from Apparello mod). First colonist equipped Power armor without taking off anything but 2nd swapped vest for armor. Why one colonist can wear those items together but another can't? Its about weight? Or maybe dress up order?
General Discussion / Melee auto attack
October 10, 2014, 05:32:36 AM
Is that possible to set colonists to auto-melee attack somehow? After killing ordered raider they are just standing there waiting for death:/. I've tried to make an assault against raiders with space drop pod and lightsabers from mods (because why not :D). But its almost impossible to micromanage 15+ colonists fighting with raiders manually without heavy loss. Because of that melee weapons are useless compared to guns.