I would like to create hellish storyteller for myself with frequent raids and disasters. Could someone explain those valuse for me?
<li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ClassicIntro"/>
<li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ThreatCycle">
-<threatOffDays>4 means that there will be 4 days break between threats?
- what is "mtb"?
What I want is raids over and over but with numbers above they are not much more frequent than vanilla storytellers.
I want storyteller to switch to on the end game when I'm at the point where I can shake off even mechanoid raids without much losses. Rather than "packing my toys and flying away" ending I would rather test my fortress and see how long can I struggle against constant attacks.
<li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ClassicIntro"/>
<li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ThreatCycle">
-<threatOffDays>4 means that there will be 4 days break between threats?
- what is "mtb"?
What I want is raids over and over but with numbers above they are not much more frequent than vanilla storytellers.
I want storyteller to switch to on the end game when I'm at the point where I can shake off even mechanoid raids without much losses. Rather than "packing my toys and flying away" ending I would rather test my fortress and see how long can I struggle against constant attacks.