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Messages - picollo

QuoteNie jestem do końca pewien, lecz wydaję mi się, że w "historii" Rimworld była wzmianka o galaktyce a nie o całym wszechświecie (bliżej - glitterworld, dalej - rimworlds)
Galaktyka też może być na obrzeżach wszechświata ;) 

QuoteNie powiedziałbym, że nie znamy wszechświata poza naszą galaktyką a tak z tego wynika, ponieważ w drugim zdaniu wspomniałeś o galaktyce a nie o wszechświecie. Poza tym bez możliwości podróżowania z prędkością światła podróż do innej galaktyki mogłaby okazać się nawet niebezpieczna (zakładam, że nawewt futurystyczne statki będą miały swoje granice w ochronie przed niebezpieczeństwami kosmosu, a jest ich dużo + nie wiem jak działają komory hibernacyjne, lecz wiem, że tak samo jak M=mc2 jest prawdą nawet w Rimworld to tak samo wątpie by ludzie mogli stworzyć coś z niczego ((tlen itp))
Uznajmy, że nie warto się czepiać czegoś, co jest fantastyką. Jeśli Tynan uzna, że się da, to się da. Takie są założenia tego (wszech) świata. I tyle.  Na razie nie mogę sprawdzić jak było w oryginale (zablokowana w pracy strona rimworld. Zerknę wieczorem. Wtedy ostatecznie rozstrzygniemy różnice galaktyka- wszechświat.

Quote"Lub" dobrze brzmi na końcu "wymieniania" (nie mam pojęcia jak to profesjonalistycznie nazwać ;d)
Oraz brzmi też całkiem nieźle. Dodatkowo lub sugeruje pewną ekskluzywnośc możliwości (jeśli a, to raczej nie b) a tu pokazujemy, że możesz a,b, c a jak się postarasz to nawet i ź się pewnie uda.
I proszę, w rozmowie o tłumaczeniu nie używaj potworków językowych w stylu "profesjonalistycznie". DOmyślam się, że żartujesz z tą formą. Ale równie dobrze można uznać, że to było zupełnie serio i nieświadomie użyte, co w sumie powinno być wystarczającym argumentem, żeby zdyskwalifikować Twoje kompetencje przy tłumaczeniu.

Quote"Decydują" trochę słabo brzmi. Od razu sugeruje czytelnikowi, że koloniści to puste programy symulujące ludzi (choć tak czy siak to prawda). Samemu jednak nie mam sugestii jak napisać to inaczej.

Może trochę głębsza ingerencja w tekst?

Ludzie zamieszkujący RimWorld ciągle obserwują wydarzenia i otoczenie, reagując na nie szeroką paletą (gamą?) emocji.
Huge work over there Stonn, especially with formatting it so strictly. You did good job catching some mistakes I couldn't find. But at some points I would argue  if correction is necessary, or not.
Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AM
QuoteBuild colonies in biomes ranging from desert to jungle to tundra, each with unique flora and fauna.
QuoteBuduj kolonie we wszelakich strefach klimatycznych począwszy od pustyni, przez dżunglę, po tundrę, każdy z wyjątkową florą i fauną.
QuoteBuduj kolonie we wszelakich strefach klimatycznych począwszy od pustyni, przez dżunglę, po tundrę, każda z wyjątkową florą i fauną.
Explanation: Każda refers to the female strefa klimatyczna (biome). Każdy implies that it is male which is wrong.
100% right. My bad.

Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AMBuduj kolonie we wszelakich strefach klimatycznych począwszy od pustyni, przez dżunglę, po tundrę, każdy z wyjątkową florą i fauną.
QuoteThere are three storytellers to choose from: The carefully-paced Cassandra Classic, the slower-paced, building-oriented Phoebe Chillax, and the totally unpredictable Randy Random.
QuoteJest trzech narratorów do wyboru: Cassandra Classic która stawia nas przed coraz cięższymi wyzwaniami, Phoebe Chillax o trochę wolniejszym tempie historii, skupiająca się na budowaniu oraz zupełnie losowy Randy Random.
QuoteJest trzech narratorów do wyboru: Cassandra Classic, która stawia nas przed coraz cięższymi wyzwaniami, Phoebe Chillax o trochę wolniejszym tempie historii, skupiająca się na budowaniu oraz zupełnie nieprzewidywalny Randy Random.
Explanation 1: There always has to be a comma before który/która/które.
Explanation 2: Losowy (random) already is in the name Randy Random. The direct translation of unpredictable is nieprzedwidywalny which sounds way more exciting!
Both points are fair. Agreed

Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AMBuduj kolonie we wszelakich strefach klimatycznych począwszy od pustyni, przez dżunglę, po tundrę, każdy z wyjątkową florą i fauną.
QuoteYou can even extract, sell, buy, and transplant internal organs.
QuoteWewnętrzne organy można wycinać, sprzedawać, kupować i doknywać ich transplantacji.
QuoteWewnętrzne organy można wycinać, sprzedawać, kupować i dokonywać ich transplantacji.
Explanation: It is just a typo.
Typo is typo. And should be corrected.

Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AM
QuoteAs colonists age, they can develop chronic conditions like cataracts or bad backs.
QuoteWraz ze starzeniem się mogą oni nabawić się permanentnych problemów ze zdrowiem takich jak zaćma, czy problemy z pręgosłupem.
QuoteWraz ze starzeniem się mogą oni nabawić się permanentnych problemów ze zdrowiem takich jak zaćma, czy problemy z kręgosłupem.
Explanation: An other typo. There is no such a thing as pręgosłup. It should be kręgosłup (spine) when referring to the bad back.
Pręgosłup sounds pretty cool when I look at it now, but yes, we are talking about kręgosłup here.
Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AM
QuoteBecause of how important cover and positioning are in gunfights, combat interacts deeply with the colony's layout and structure.
QuoteZasłony i odpowiednie pozycjonowanie podczas starć jest bardzo ważne i dlatego nasz system walki uwzględnia zabudowę w kolonii.
QuoteZasłony i odpowiednie pozycjonowanie podczas starć bardzo ważne i dlatego nasz system walki uwzględnia zabudowę w kolonii.
Explanation: I replaced the singular form jest (is) with (are) since it refers to two things, the cover and positioning.
Yup, agin you are right.

Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AM
Splitting hairs:

QuoteLearn to play easily with the help of an intelligent and unobtrusive AI tutor.
QuoteŁatwo nauczysz się grać z pomocą subtelnego nauczyciela SI.
Suggestion 1:
QuoteŁatwo nauczysz się grać z pomocą subtelnego tutora SI.
Suggestion 2:
QuoteŁatwo nauczysz się grać z pomocą subtelnego pomocnika SI.
The polish nauczyciela (teacher) has the boring middle/high-school feel to it and represents an actual person. It sounds weird to call that something that really is just a program. I would simply stick to the translation of tutor as tutora, or an other option would be pomocnika (helper) which I find more broad and thus better fitting.
I have been considering using tutor here. I've changed it to "nauczyciel" (teacher) here for purpose. Tutor in polish is usually used as some kind of mentor in high school. And for me it doesn't fit well system that is made to teach you basics of game. So I would not recommend tutor. However pomocnik (helper) is something that sounds good. I would say nauczyciel is still best of 3, but if you really want to change this one, pomocnik is better one.

Quote from: Stonn on August 05, 2015, 11:55:21 AM
QuoteBuy an expensive bionic leg from a trader the next year, and Joe becomes a superhuman runner.
QuoteJeśli zakupisz następnego dnia drogą, sztuczną nogę od handlarza, Joe stanie się biegaczem o nadludzkiej mocy.
QuoteJeśli następnego roku zakupisz drogą, bioniczną nogę od handlarza, Joe stanie się biegaczem o nadludzkiej mocy.
Explanation 1: Next year has been translated to następnego dnia (next day)... pretty lucky for RimWorld standards to get a trader just on time!
Explanation 2: Sztuczną just means artificial. An artificial leg is not going to make Joe a superhuman runner. I just used bioniczną (bionic), as in the original text, which fits better the comparison to the peg leg earlier in the paragraph. It also sounds way cooler.
And this part is where I have admit, I've left original translation. It makes perfect sense, and didn't needed style changes, so I haven't realised that changes were that much diffrent than english original. Yup, both suggestions are good.
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld Alpha 13/1.0
August 05, 2015, 08:34:03 AM
I guess it might be due to Tynan's plan to do steam release, and make RimWorld leave alpha status.
But some time ago plans changed, and if nothing changed, it will be just Alpha 13.
Mods / Re: [Mod Idea] Pets / Electricfield
July 17, 2015, 08:20:57 AM
This is very usefull link, you can check what Tynan is preparing for next releases.
Mods / Re: [Mod Idea] Pets / Electricfield
July 17, 2015, 07:55:32 AM
Are you aware that something similar that you are working on is being added to vanilla game?
Next update will include taming animals, sleeping boxes for them, etc.
I'm not sure if it is good idea to work on something that will be included in vanilla game. And if you won't like how it is implemented, then probably new version will have at least some mechanisms that will allow you to implement your ideas easier.
Outdated / Re: [A9] Prison Improvements v1.1
July 15, 2015, 03:04:28 PM
Did very quick testing, and it looks like it did what it should. rooms on both sides of doors are marked as prison.

Haven't tested with prisoners yet, but looks good.
What about fetiilzer pump producing very bad soil? For example something that makes crop grow 4x slower (random number thrown, could be as well 10x times, or 2x times. But this would enable us to terraform terrain, and it would require bigger effort to move all your plants indoors. Sunlamps still would be necessity, and you would not have outdoors efficiency of production.
Mods / Re: Upgradeable stuff?
July 10, 2015, 06:58:58 PM
Just when I checked this mod it's complete overhaul of whole game. With (as for me) too much of crafting things which are used to craft other things which will  be used to craft components to some usefull stuff. Chain of production like in Settlers or Knights and Merchants. And I appreciate simplicity of crafting in vanilla Rimworld.
Mods / Re: Upgradeable stuff?
July 10, 2015, 03:21:43 PM
Ahh, so it was already done :)
Superior Crafting overwhelemd me with too heavy changes, so I haven't ever looked for details of this mod. Thanks for the hint!
Mods / Re: Upgradeable stuff?
July 10, 2015, 05:24:21 AM
Definetely will do!

Thanks anyway.
Mods / Re: Upgradeable stuff?
July 10, 2015, 05:06:31 AM
DDawgSierra- I know turret coolikg does similar stuff. However I was in work, and just got an idea of it, and couldn't look at the code. Despite that my coding skill is quite low. SO any hint like  skullywag gave me will increase my work like 10 times.

Skullywag, Thanks for clarification.
I'll look at this code, and try to do some basic work.

If I wanted to decrease amount of coding, can I set (in this case) number of shots as variable, and use one function for multiple technologies?

Something like:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Verse

public static class ResearchModsSpecial
  public static void GunTurretCooling( int ShotNumber)
  from x in DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("Gun_TurretImprovised", true).Verbs
  where x.isPrimary
  select x).First<VerbProperties>().burstShotCount = ShotNumber;

<label>gun turret cooling</label>
<description>Gun turrets fire four shots in a burst instead of three.</description>
<label>gun turret cooling</label>
<description>Gun turrets fire five shots in a burst instead of four.</description>

I know that it probably is buggy as hell, bbut you should get idea of my concept. This solution should reduce code amount, and in addition make this mod more customisable.
Mods / Upgradeable stuff?
July 09, 2015, 10:30:26 AM
I was wondering if It is possibile to make upgradeable items, which would get better via researching technologies.

Let's take batteries for example.

Basic battery: Stores up to X power (dont remember exact numbers).

Research: Better batteries I: Batteries store 5% more power. with same cost.

What I've been thinking is to create late game techs, which you could research multiple times to slightly improve capacity of your buildings.
Research Better Batteries X 10 times, and each battery will have 50% bigger storage capacity.

Something similar is done with turrets, when you increase number of bullets turret shots in one burst.

I know I could create additional battery for each technology, but having 10 batteries, 10 solar panels, etc. could be a little bit irritating.
Some plans for re-release? It was supposed to work on A10, so I hoped it will work on A11, however it doesn't. And it freezes game when I mark it as active mod. Whenever I start game with this mod active, I'll see black screen only. When I mark it as active, and try to return to main menu, i see background screen, and nothing more.
And this mod seems to be as awesome as Zombie Apocalypse. Together it could be best post apocalyptic scenario ever. Maybe also with increased chances for Nuclear Fallout. (BTW. can you ensure that purple Ivy wont be affected by radiation?). I want to play post apo scenario :)
Looking at this discussion, and I think that I'll add my two cents.

Basically I agree with most of people here. Rimworld is awesome base, but it needs more flesh.
More variety. We have biomes, but only six or so of them.
We have like 6 animals species.
There is not really much of apparels or weapons.
No matter where you land, you will grow food from 4 kinds of plants.
And there is also not too much events.
If you asked me what to do now, I'd say, that Steam release could be much more successfull with one more alpha release before. This time focusing on variety. No new mechanics, no faction relations, no animal husbandry (they would be awesome, but its alot of work), but expand what exists currently.

Add new biomes (maybe something not matching real biomes, but something like biome filled with zerg-like creep, or just strange yellow ground with fantastic plants. It still shoult thematically fit to non-alien universe, but would add variety. And then while generating map, generator should chose x biomes. Not every biome has to appear on every planet.

Add new weapons. Or maybe talk to the modders, and try to integrate some mod added weapons.

More animals, more cloths, more plants.
Make growable plants depending on biomes.

Make events. a lot of them. Biggest changes in A11 were siegers, nuclear fallout, volcanic winter and warg pack. And it added alot of fun to the game. Every one of those events requires you to adapt specific strategy. To go out of your comfort zone, and adapt.  And it is awesome.

I could see game released as v1.0 without new mechanics. But expand what you have. Right now this game is in alpha. And for alpha it is awesome. But for full release it is not enough.

At some point you mentioned that you consider releasing two new versions during holidays, and doing Steam release after you return from break. I think it could be good decision (probably even better than releasing this game now as 1.0).

Ideas / Re: Raids from areas 'Undiscovered'
June 30, 2015, 11:34:45 AM
Quote from: CFSapper on June 30, 2015, 11:08:08 AM
Quote from: picollo on June 30, 2015, 05:00:44 AM
Quote from: DDawgSierra on June 30, 2015, 02:59:43 AM
Lol. Maybe nothing overpowered, I just mean there could be a chance of them arriving in a place you haven't discovered yet, and having either them waiting for you there when you discover (possibly with a small settlement of their own!) or digging out to get you.
Siege! We need sieges from undiscovered areas. Mortar shooting from unknown area would be !FUN!

You and I have two very different opinions on fun...
I guess you don't understand difference between "!FUN!" and fun. check Dwarf Fortress for clarification.