[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Some balance feedback: fishing seems OP in my experience. I settled on the coast and setup a single pier near the kitchen. A single, dedicated fisher, at less than 10 skill, has been able to feed a colony of 10. I had to tell her to stop for a season because there was so much excess food.

She was using some nice gear though....a force field net or something. A raider dropped it. Though even with a harpoon, the yield was good.

Maybe I should post this on the fishing industry thread though. Perhaps the fish yield should change with the seasons.

Oh, unrelated issue I noticed, too: active vents seem to create substantial amounts of heat from nowhere. It was -20C outside, and my house's heater was disabled. The active vent was supposed to regulate the heat between two bedrooms and a hallway, but, those bedrooms were around 8C. Where'd that heat come from?


hi, is there a tech/research tree somewhere i could use? is there some way to see it using the debug tools i dont know about? i like the mod, been playing it a couple weeks trying to figure out what unlocks what, whats needed for what, but keep dying before i do...seems like some things overlap? was about to go through and write it out for myself, then i started looking for one online, and then i couldnt find one. anyone made one? theres one right under my nose isnt there...


Quote from: Owlchemist on October 06, 2015, 01:53:53 AM
Some balance feedback: fishing seems OP in my experience. I settled on the coast and setup a single pier near the kitchen. A single, dedicated fisher, at less than 10 skill, has been able to feed a colony of 10. I had to tell her to stop for a season because there was so much excess food.

She was using some nice gear though....a force field net or something. A raider dropped it. Though even with a harpoon, the yield was good.

Maybe I should post this on the fishing industry thread though. Perhaps the fish yield should change with the seasons.

How often would you get fish? The issue may be an improper skill check for failure or it could be a simple fix like changing how much work the fishing job requires. You can try modifying the work multipliers in ..\Mods\FishIndustry_SK\Defs\StatDefs\Stats_Pawns_WorkGeneral_FishIndustry.xml


Hmmm is tilled soil working as intended? In order to place it, you need mulch, nitre, and sulfur ammonia. But in order to make the mulch, you also need nitre, ash and sulfur ammonia. Double whammy? I thought mulch was supposed to just be made with logs.


This is an outstanding modpack! I cant believe how different Rimworld feels with this mods. Its a test of endurance and iron will, even when I play in the lowest difficulty with the easiest storyteller. It really gives rimworld a new feeling: while on vanilla game one of the first things I would do is to set up a solar panel and start building turrets, here I have to see how the heck am I gonna be able to survive another day. People dying of infections, heart-attacks, relying on cannibalism... hell, its a really hardcore expierence!.


Colonist dont clean either if assigned from work panel (both auto and manual) or if manually assign to clean a spot. This could seems a minor problem but all my colonist are runting for the uglyness.



Would it be possible to have a 10 point tech (like the info tech), explaining how the different materials are constructed? I spend quite some time figuring out that I needed a factory to produce electronics. Format could be something like: [product] - made via [table/factory] - requires [tech(s)]


Has anyone else having an issue where the animals just wont eat harvested hay, i have 5000 units but my alpacas would rather starve then eat it, they are more then happy to eat all my meals though.


Quote from: andbruu on October 07, 2015, 05:55:07 AM
Would it be possible to have a 10 point tech (like the info tech), explaining how the different materials are constructed? I spend quite some time figuring out that I needed a factory to produce electronics. Format could be something like: [product] - made via [table/factory] - requires [tech(s)]

as far as I know, there's a FAQ tab.
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.


I noticed when looking through Trader_kinds.xml in Core_SK that pirates and exotic traders do not have a definition that allows them to buy Rum. Pirates that do not desire to purchase rum is not acceptable.

There is already a Thing_category for Alcohol and there are several trader entries for individual alcohol types. Would it be simpler to define traders purchase Alcohol by category rather than by SingleDef?

<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">
For exotic traders.

<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">
<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">

Adjustments for Pirate Merchants (numbers are duplicates of those existing) Thought it was kinda odd you couldn't sell your drugs to the Pirate Merchant. If playing FarCry 3 has taught me anything, pirates love drugs and alcohol.

EDIT: Discovered there was a Drugs category and updated to include that.


Updated to 2.2e
with next pack of fixes.

Freezing and lags should be gone.


Quote from: skyarkhangel on October 08, 2015, 01:48:23 AM
Updated to 2.2e
with next pack of fixes.

Freezing and lags should be gone.

After updating, I'm no longer able to assign cleaning zones, and home zones don't work either for cleaning tasks. So, I have new structures now that are dirty and cannot be cleaned D:

Also, did you remove the collect sand and rubble orders too?

I also can't seem to get anyone to use the petrochemical plant, like to make rubber and plastic. It looks like the tile they stand on to work is inside the machine now, so they can't reach it.


Когда перевод на русский? Помощь нужна?


Quote from: Owlchemist on October 08, 2015, 07:45:19 AM
Quote from: skyarkhangel on October 08, 2015, 01:48:23 AM
Updated to 2.2e
with next pack of fixes.

Freezing and lags should be gone.

After updating, I'm no longer able to assign cleaning zones, and home zones don't work either for cleaning tasks. So, I have new structures now that are dirty and cannot be cleaned D:

Also, did you remove the collect sand and rubble orders too?

I also can't seem to get anyone to use the petrochemical plant, like to make rubber and plastic. It looks like the tile they stand on to work is inside the machine now, so they can't reach it.

1. Using mod by Latta: No Clean Please. Separate cleaning function from home area to "cleaning area".
2. Nope. Please restart game. After changing language needs to restart Rimworld. Community Core Library require restart for Orders (Designators).
3. Ok. i'am check Petrochemical plant.

Quote from: Hague on October 07, 2015, 01:40:18 PM
I noticed when looking through Trader_kinds.xml in Core_SK that pirates and exotic traders do not have a definition that allows them to buy Rum. Pirates that do not desire to purchase rum is not acceptable.

There is already a Thing_category for Alcohol and there are several trader entries for individual alcohol types. Would it be simpler to define traders purchase Alcohol by category rather than by SingleDef?

<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">
For exotic traders.

<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">
<li Class="StockGenerator_Category">

Adjustments for Pirate Merchants (numbers are duplicates of those existing) Thought it was kinda odd you couldn't sell your drugs to the Pirate Merchant. If playing FarCry 3 has taught me anything, pirates love drugs and alcohol.

EDIT: Discovered there was a Drugs category and updated to include that.

Ok. Thank for information.