[A11] (TEXTURES) Better Tribals V2.00

Started by The13thRonin, August 13, 2015, 03:32:31 AM

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It seems to require a custom ThingClass to work with masks and such - they would have to work like beds currently do, where both stuff colour and sheet colour change the texture.


Quote from: Alistaire on August 14, 2015, 05:44:21 AM
It seems to require a custom ThingClass to work with masks and such - they would have to work like beds currently do, where both stuff colour and sheet colour change the texture.

Can you provide a short guide on how to do this?


After further investigation of both methods, it seems they both get stuck at wornGraphicPath having too many things hardcoded. It's
impossible to change shaderType of worn apparel, because it's hardcoded to be Cutout (instead of the CutoutComplex you want for
masked images).

Doing anything other than using a colourGenerator will require rewriting apparel code and chunks of the pawn code. You're currently
using the colour generator to keep the graphics white, but this can be done with a single line:
<colorGenerator Class="ColorGenerator_White"/>.

Unless Tynan fixes wornGraphicPath to use GraphicData settings in some later update (or a later update adds a HUESHIFTING
colorGenerator class), there's no simple way to keep all hue details in your images without making them different items. Using
ColorGenerator_Options is the only real solution, but it compromises subtle hue differences. It would be relatively easy to optimize
your graphics for those hue differences by making bigger differences in grayscale as opposed to hue (make the details slightly


Quote from: Alistaire on August 14, 2015, 06:25:21 AM
After further investigation of both methods, it seems they both get stuck at wornGraphicPath having too many things hardcoded. It's
impossible to change shaderType of worn apparel, because it's hardcoded to be Cutout (instead of the CutoutComplex you want for
masked images).

Doing anything other than using a colourGenerator will require rewriting apparel code and chunks of the pawn code. You're currently
using the colour generator to keep the graphics white, but this can be done with a single line:
<colorGenerator Class="ColorGenerator_White"/>.

Unless Tynan fixes wornGraphicPath to use GraphicData settings in some later update (or a later update adds a HUESHIFTING
colorGenerator class), there's no simple way to keep all hue details in your images without making them different items. Using
ColorGenerator_Options is the only real solution, but it compromises subtle hue differences. It would be relatively easy to optimize
your graphics for those hue differences by making bigger differences in grayscale as opposed to hue (make the details slightly

I ended up making the Tribal Headdress recolourable by the game.

Check the front page.


Quote from: The13thRonin on August 14, 2015, 09:03:08 AM

I ended up making the Tribal Headdress recolourable by the game.

Check the front page.

They look three times more amazing right now than before
(That's a lot of amazing)


You can make them a lot nicer looking by making the options stricter. It's possible to get a grey headdress now, but if you change the
code to something like the following, it only allows vibrant colours:

    <colorGenerator Class="ColorGenerator_Options">

And besides that, it's a really good idea to make the details stand out some more using full black and full white at some parts, and really
working on the contrast between two greys. The top parts of the feathers are a bit boring at the moment.

To make the feathers more realistic you could add more white and yellow-ish (high weight) options with a few tiny specks of vibrant purples,
reds and magenta's and a very occasional green, blue or yellow. If you want a suggested color setup like the one above for that, please ask.


do you do requests and/or suggestions?

if so, how about

- TIKI Masks:  made of wood, colourful and perhaps adds a small boost to skills depending on mask style and colour.

     ( http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81hUv6-7FlL._SL1464_.jpg )

- Big bone headdress or nose thing:  your standard big bone through the nose or big bone through the hair. 

     ( http://www.admiralcostumes.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/C6353.jpg )

- Animal pelt: a leather headdress made from a wolf pelt. would look kind of like a barbarian-ish style.  maybe adds a small boost to melee or medical?

     ( http://www.thegreenwolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/goldenwolf5.jpg )

- animal skull with antlers/horns:  like wolf pelt but better armour?

   ( http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/175/5/8/Dragon_Headdress_by_McGibs.jpg )

just a few ideas to help flesh out your mod, hopefully some of these may be doable :D



Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


Quote from: Dragoon on September 11, 2015, 05:41:21 AM
Quote from: bazalisk on September 09, 2015, 05:47:15 PM

Did you mean to send this to Alistaire or to Shinzy?

I'm pretty certain this was meant for our charming rogue the13thRonin hisself!
As this mod is more or less for tribal headressings


^--  as above

yea i too would just love to see more going on with the tribes.