Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Consistency in skill gain.

When constructing/smithing/tailoring/making components, you gain build/craft experience every 0.01 seconds.
When stonecutting or cooking, you gain craft/cook experience only when the job is complete.

Maybe use the same algorithm for all jobs?  "If they're doing it, give them exp while they're doing it"?
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


Construction/smithing/... can be interrupted without losing progress, construction can even be continued with a different pawn. The xp need to be given cumulative.

Stone cutting/cooking/... leaves no unfinished product. Giving cumulative xp would allow for an exploit by aborting the process without resource cost. (because raw materials are directly converted into the finished product upon completion)
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


It would be nice if tailoring was a separate skill from smithing. My dilemna right now is I have only one or two decent crafters, and there are too many things to do. He needs to make parkas(which take a long time), but he also needs to make weapons and armor. Later in the game, he MUST be working on components. But then he can't work on weapons and armor or new clothes. It just seems like the crafting skill encompasses too much, and it'd be nice if it was split up.


Prioritize bleeding wounds, and/or allow manual priorities during treatment.

At the moment it's not even random, but it seems like doctors are programmed explicitly to heal wounds of missing limbs LAST, then other major bleeds, then small bleeds, and everything else that cannot affect immediate survival like burns and bruises are treated first.


Quote from: poseyjmac on January 28, 2017, 03:50:49 PM
It would be nice if tailoring was a separate skill from smithing. My dilemna right now is I have only one or two decent crafters, and there are too many things to do. He needs to make parkas(which take a long time), but he also needs to make weapons and armor. Later in the game, he MUST be working on components. But then he can't work on weapons and armor or new clothes. It just seems like the crafting skill encompasses too much, and it'd be nice if it was split up.
Huh? Tailoring is separate from smithing and crafting.
Rock5 [B18] Mods
- Butchers Can Count Meat
- Sun Lamp Planner
- JTZoneButtons
- RimSearch
- JTExport


The ability to save sets of mod configurations so that you can simply load a previous mod setup instead of having to individually select each mod every time.
Healer got his legs torn off by hellspawn today, bugs exploded from someones floor, and its been a toxic fallout nuclear winter for the past week. Then a solar flare hit.
Such is life in the rimworld.


Quote from: Rock5 on January 29, 2017, 02:51:37 AM
Quote from: poseyjmac on January 28, 2017, 03:50:49 PM
It would be nice if tailoring was a separate skill from smithing. My dilemna right now is I have only one or two decent crafters, and there are too many things to do. [...]
Huh? Tailoring is separate from smithing and crafting.

The tailoring, smithing and crafting work types all use the crafting skill. I admit it's a bit weird that a person who did nothing but smith guns can suddenly tailor fine clothing. Changing the skills won't help you (I dare say it would do the opposite), what you need is more manpower.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Some way to make pawns only use one workbench, while excluding all others. i.e, I want my crafting 20 pawn to only use the tailoring bench, while i want all my other pawns to use everything except the tailoring bench. I don't want my crafting 20 pawn to go off to other benches when they're empty.

Quote from: Gizogin on March 16, 2012, 11:59:01 PM
I think I've been sigged more times as a result of my comments in this thread than I have in most of my other activity on these forums. 


Rimworld has elements of a survival game. Can we please have "nutrition per day" on pawn info screen ? Without it, stockpiling food for winter is hard.

Also, we can ration colonist drug use but not ration food ?


Wish I could prioritize people to haul stuff that degrades in rain.

I always end up clicking haul on everything, then pausing, interrupting and clicking haul again. I'm 100% I'm not the only one.

P.S. I like these text enhancing things. Fun to play with.


color conflicting buttons in the keyboard configuration


for gods sake, let me override AI commands on objects/pawns with rightclick.

BOB is sick.
(ENGIE is already healing BOB.)
Nope,.... rightclick on BOB and MEDIC is healing now.

ENGIE Standing next to GLittermeds but cant haul it, cause BOB in the opposite part of the map wants to haul it.
Nope,...rightclick and ENGIE is hauling it now.

now we have to manually draft/dedraft the first pawn and rightclick the command with the second.
this gets a bit tedious.

Born in Toxic Fallout
Drop-Pod Escape Artist


yeah i know of that but thx, i just want that in vanilla.  :-[
Born in Toxic Fallout
Drop-Pod Escape Artist


- health (or toughness) number:
It's kinda hard to see how much punch can take a centipede, a panther, a cobra, a colonist (no armor), apart from the obscure description and experience. So let's say a cobra has a health of 10, a panther= 40, a centipede=100... or whatever the math would show.
- move feeding a downed whoever from medical to hauling jobs. Kinda silly to waste precious doctor time on hauling meals when on another bunk a colonist is bleeding out in 3 hours.