Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Externalize more pawn romance/attraction calcs


Quote from: gendalf on January 29, 2017, 08:38:28 PM
- move feeding a downed whoever from medical to hauling jobs. Kinda silly to waste precious doctor time on hauling meals when on another bunk a colonist is bleeding out in 3 hours.
It will lead to starving if no pawns are priorized to hauling.
In my opinion, feeding a downed should stay in the doctor task but heal wounds should have a higher priority inside this task than it.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


When marking a body to be stripped, allow marking only specific items, like personal shield, kevlar vest, kevlar armor. Those are the only I care about and I have to manually forbid the rest after the body is stripped. It could utilize interface similar to the one where you order your own colonist to drop something.


This should be applied to prisoners as well.

*comatose people need a "doctor" to feed them, haulers are unqualified for that job
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


NeverPire, Thyme, the problem is that you can only force the "feeding task" to a colonist, who's allowed to work as a doctor job in the priority list (even if the skill is 0), if you (as you should) unselect priorities of all the low-skilled "doctors", you end up with no one being able to feed, except for your high-class *cough*yet 99% of the time failing*cough* surgeon, so you'll have to: set priority->force the job->unset priority. Moving it to haulers would just simplify the process.


If that's your problem, set all your pawns to doctoring, with lowest priority and only your real doctors to 1. Feeding definitely belongs to the doctor work type and skill.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Doing the sea ice challenge and thought of something.  A 'Heat' Shield that protects you from the cold.  Not sure if it would take up an armor slot or have any effect on combat but either way it would be handy for survival without the best kinds of parkas and also give pawns in raids or caravans something to use.


Quote from: gendalf on January 30, 2017, 06:42:54 PM
NeverPire, Thyme, the problem is that you can only force the "feeding task" to a colonist, who's allowed to work as a doctor job in the priority list (even if the skill is 0), if you (as you should) unselect priorities of all the low-skilled "doctors", you end up with no one being able to feed, except for your high-class *cough*yet 99% of the time failing*cough* surgeon, so you'll have to: set priority->force the job->unset priority. Moving it to haulers would just simplify the process.
No, no, you don't understand, I was speaking about let the feeding in the doctor task like now but forcing the doctor to treat all wounds before feeding downed pawns.
A pawn can wait some hours before eating, a wounded one needs immediate treatment.

In each field of tasks you have a hierarchy, like in the hauling field, rearming traps before hauling items.
I propose inside the field doctor to set treating wounds higher in the hierarchy than feeding.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Just make some floors flammable, like wooden or carpets. I would really like to see it. More realistic and harder to deal with fire if you aren't prepared carefully (for example fire breakers) , 'cause wooden base will burn to ashes even faster almost with no counterplay.
(sorry for my english)


Here's something that's easy to implement (and has been asked again and again)

New armor tag/flag:
- powered (or whatever, name is notimportant) - marks a piece of armor as strength-enhancing

Weapon tags:
- bulky (required power armor to be used without penalty. Without power armor, speed and aim penalty)
- massive (CANNOT be equipped without and armor with the "powered" tag. UN-equipping the armor automatically unequips and drops this weapon)

EXTRA: weapons come in regular and sidearm, let's increase that:
- "sidearm" is for one-handed small guns (bonus when second hand is empty, but allows something else to be used in other hand)
- "sidearm_P" is considered as one-handed for a user in power armor, a regular two-handed weapon otherwise
- "two-handed" is for regular two-handed weapons, these are ALWAYS used two-handed


Gradual desire/mood balance.
Simply put, desires will increase with colony wealth, as expectations become credible.

So no "shared bedroom" negative in the early colony days, since no one even has a bed yet!

Bascially Low Expectations, but gradual change in it's value, depending on time/wealth.


Disassembling mechanoids should take far more time, it just takes literaly seconds, but why?
And as always.. sorry for my bad english


Make spaceship parts A LOT BIGGER. like 3-4 times bigger.

That way you need to clear and protect a much bigger space for them, making them a bit more of a risky project, and also giving them the kind of "OMG" factor that they deserve.
They need to be worthy of 'game ender' status, instead of the piddly little things that they are.

Also probably add a few parts to the spaceship. Against just to increase size/cost/coolness


A cheap (I think) Idea is to have the ability to have a bill at a production station pull from a certain stockpile instead of a certain radius.
The only possible issue I can think of is a stockpile being deleted when a bill is using it.

*edit forgot what a bill was called in game


easier way to see eggs, maybe a box for eggs and force all animals have their eggs there.