Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Only a few hours into the game and loving it. Thanks!

I cannot really comment on content, etc, since I am a newb... Great so far.

What I would like, unless someone has already found the way, is to be able to set up a spot on the map where I can press one key to have the window center there. Would be real nice to be able to set a few spots. centering characters via < and > is great, but if I need to monitor a high risk area I want to be able to do it with one key. Example, hunting area near a bear's territory or other volatile area, center of my facility, Stores, etc...



Quote from: RkyMtnDude on June 06, 2016, 03:07:53 PM
Only a few hours into the game and loving it. Thanks!

I cannot really comment on content, etc, since I am a newb... Great so far.

What I would like, unless someone has already found the way, is to be able to set up a spot on the map where I can press one key to have the window center there. Would be real nice to be able to set a few spots. centering characters via < and > is great, but if I need to monitor a high risk area I want to be able to do it with one key. Example, hunting area near a bear's territory or other volatile area, center of my facility, Stores, etc...

+1  Ability to scroll though hotkey zones would be grand.  I never thought about it, but once you said it, I can already imagine how awesome it would be to have.
Stories by Vaporisor

Escaped convicts!
Altair XIII
Frozen Wastes


The straw that broke the camel's back
When a colonist breaks into a mental state, the pop-up message should list the most recently gained negative thought.

This would be solely for flavor because, naturally, as far as mechanics go many thoughts usually contribute. But it would help immersion.


Quote from: RkyMtnDude on June 06, 2016, 03:07:53 PM
Only a few hours into the game and loving it. Thanks!

I cannot really comment on content, etc, since I am a newb... Great so far.

What I would like, unless someone has already found the way, is to be able to set up a spot on the map where I can press one key to have the window center there. Would be real nice to be able to set a few spots. centering characters via < and > is great, but if I need to monitor a high risk area I want to be able to do it with one key. Example, hunting area near a bear's territory or other volatile area, center of my facility, Stores, etc...



Raiders should occasionally offer payoffs to not attack.  "Give us 300 corn or we will attack"!  Or, "Give us your Uranium Shivs"!  If you comply, those items will just automatically disappear. If you refuse, the Raiders objective when attacking should be to steal said items in the same way they kidnap. Run in, get the loot, get out. This would probably fall on Sappers since most players keep their goods behind walls.

It adds a dimension other than this whole idea their only objective is to kill me.
They could steal animals, food, mined resources, tables and chairs, golden statues, weapons, colonists.....Anything!  Heck, maybe they asked for corn, but take your television too since you made them go through all the trouble!

Too bad you didn't get all that steel hauled inside from across the map.  Raiders just took half of it!
(Maybe that's going too far......maybe not)  I assume they are simply trying to survive also.  They probably need it just as bad as you.


Quote from: b0rsuk on June 07, 2016, 03:30:07 AM
The straw that broke the camel's back
When a colonist breaks into a mental state, the pop-up message should list the most recently gained negative thought.

This would be solely for flavor because, naturally, as far as mechanics go many thoughts usually contribute. But it would help immersion.

Very clever idea. Like the social fighting message.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Concrete Walls (And proper Concrete Floors): We already have concrete floors, although those make use of Metal rather than any form of processed stone. I would also propose that the nature of concrete floors be changed at the same time. Like with concrete floors, concrete walls should be sturdy (better than wood, not as good as stone), cheap and ugly.

How to make: Recipe / job order at a Stonecutters table. Like with creating a Fine Meal, requires 2 or more ingredients of different types, either bricks or rock chunks (or if Metal still desirable, bricks/stone and a small amount of metal). Produces Concrete blocks/bricks of a large quantity.

Stats for Structures: Quick to build. Ugly, equivalent to current concrete floors. HP/etc greater than wood, less than Steel or Stone.

Purpose of this Addition: Creation of very cheap and quick to produce walls and floors. More durable than wood, less likely to burn, but not as good as stone or steel of course. Concrete walls/floors/doors would be ideal for front-line defenses during a raid or siege, those areas that are likely to get attacked and destroyed the most often as the threat-level increases.


Quote from: Tynan on June 09, 2016, 12:35:18 AM
Quote from: b0rsuk on June 07, 2016, 03:30:07 AM
The straw that broke the camel's back
When a colonist breaks into a mental state, the pop-up message should list the most recently gained negative thought.

This would be solely for flavor because, naturally, as far as mechanics go many thoughts usually contribute. But it would help immersion.

Very clever idea. Like the social fighting message.
You can expand on it by making subsequent annoyances from the same source cause -5 bad mood (non-stacking). A colonist could become extra sensitive to ugly (dirty) rooms. In other words, trauma.

I get the mental image of fellow colonists tip toing around the volatile colonist and desperately avoiding the topic that makes him snap.


Tynan, could you make it so that the colonists go around the deadfall traps much like they go around boulders? It would stop many a silly accident from happening and would actually make using these traps much more viable option.


Allow beating out

fires that aren't in your home zone.


Give ability to a colonist to bandage himself as long as he has consciousness, and make the process take 4 times as much time.


I would like to see 2 changes to animal "obedience."

1) Animals who have been trained and/or bonded with a colonist but who are not trained for "Release" or "Rescue" won't "heel" to a colonist when they are recruited.  This is very unrealistic becuase it ends up with your Yorkies running into a firefight.  The only current work-around is to unassign the master, which then results in a loss of happiness in the colonist.

2) Animals or Animal Zones can be set so that the animals won't leave that area to follow their bonded colonist/master in non-recruited status.  If I am going out hunting, I don't want my Muffalo to follow me out of the compound.  Even now with Animal Zones set and the animals restricted to that zone, I have had issues where animals still follow their master out and they get injured/killed.


I'm not that good as suggesting cheap ideas, but I'll give it a go! How about bear traps! If not that, then just enable the dead fall traps to take part in hunting.

I think that could probably take a day but I hope not.

Once again, I'm a rookie at this Rimwold stuff. And I'm a teenager, so my intellectual skills are pretty poor with programming skills.


Something I've wanted for quite a while. 1x1 or 1x2 square tables!!

I want to provide a chair and table to my prisoners, without having to cram a 2x2 table into their cell. It ends up forcing me to make their cells larger than I want to!


Quote from: Plymouth on June 12, 2016, 08:37:59 AM
Give ability to a colonist to bandage himself as long as he has consciousness, and make the process take 4 times as much time.

I concur - allow self treatment at a penalty. This would allow you to survive the situations when only a single colonist is not incapacitated or dead.

My other suggestions:
1) Ability to reject the wanderer (as of now they automatically join the colony)
2) Ability to banish the prisoner if he is a colonist
3) Make mad animal's bites always cause infection (rabies?)