Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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I really don't know if the persistent fires and coolers are part of the base game or one of my mods, but if they are vanilla, I would love an allow refill button.
So I don't have to deconstruct reconstruck them in each season, but keep them in their place and just tell my tribals to do not refill coolers/campfires during the winter/summer.


Here's something really simple:
Allow plate armor and helmets to be smelted!


Something somewhat simple:

Bowling and darts, and their better electronic counterparts.
Exactly the same mechanic as horseshoes (from five tiles away, sending some kind of projectile to the rec building), but with different looks, electric ones may give bigger rec boost, as they have the instant graticification efffect of sounds and lights and color whenever you score...


Security checkpoint: a spot for colonist to stand drafted for x amount of hours. Would require a new "job". Could solve "stuck indoors" problem in mountain base.
The reasoning behind that is to leave some doors open so that base wouldn't be considered closed for the enemies. But we don't need random wild animals inside the walls, so this would solve this problem. Also, enemy raids would probably rush there too, right?


Some cool little effect for solar flare. Like slight screen static for a moment.
-Insert Witty Joke Here-

Thirteen Fish

Fix the XML formatting (specifically in Mods/Core/Defs). Many of them mix tabs and two width space indents and about 60 have no terminating end-of-line. For religious reasons my default tabstop is 8 and so browsing the files are mildly inconvenient.


"Big" things, like geothermal gen. and especially space ship reactor should require multiple colonists to work together simultaneously to build.
Also group hunt on big predator animals.


Horses. Pretty much the same as muffalo, except faster, and doesn't produce wool or milk. (Please don't make colonists drink horse milk)


We could interbreed a muffalo with an alpaca and get an alpaccalo!


More depth in outfit management. Because button-down shirt is better, than a T-shirt. But made of hyperweave is better for melee guys, and thrumbofur shirts are better for ranged.
Upd. Well, with new changes to armor and damage interactions it doesn't matter how much % of sharp resistance your inner layer has, if it will pierce marine armor/flack vest. Why do we need shirts and pants now? For insulation only? ???


Quote from: Robotic_Killer on September 17, 2018, 11:17:48 AM

(Please don't make colonists drink horse milk)

Ohhh!  Can we have a Mongolian mod?  Mare's milk to fermentation barrels to make Kumis!  Yummy.  Imagine inebriated pawns riding to battle on horseback.  The tribals would flee in terror before the first blow was struck.
Send lawyers, guns and money. 


I made a separate thread about this but i'll keep it short here,

The home area should be split into two areas, one for fire management and rebuilding and one for cleaning. Simple as that.


How about treating areas to build up skills like melee, shooting, etc. So you can make your colonists capable of doing certain things before having to learn it the hard way, waste resources, give food poisoning, die, stuff like that. At the very least combat training would be a good addition.


Cheap ideas from this topic:
1. Make unfinished items have a value of materials put in them.
2. Rework minimum wealth threshold. Make it dependent on difficulty. Make it 28k on peaceful, 14k on rough, 0k on merciless.
3. Add raid strength multiplier that depends on time (that was in b18) for merciless diffuculty.
4. Add wealth cost to researches based on research points needed for merciless difficulty.
5. Make ancient ruins floors claimable like walls.
Guide to mastery of the game -
If you have idea how make merciless naked brutality run more challenging and fun - tell me


"Only allowed ingredients" option in "do until you have x" for butchering. (disnof had a problem last stream with insect meat. Couldn't make kibble, because didn't have any vegetables, and couldn't cook any meals, because all the meat was from ants.)