[A15] Expanded Traits and Misc Mods

Started by TheFlameTouched, May 14, 2016, 03:06:03 AM

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Are the Trait rolls about right?

No, Higher tier traits barely ever roll for me.
5 (29.4%)
No, I have too many Higher tier traits.
0 (0%)
Yes, It's just right
7 (41.2%)
Yes, I have lots of higher tier traits
0 (0%)
Whole system needs redoing
5 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: May 19, 2016, 02:51:04 PM


Quote from: MagicItalian2o2 on June 20, 2016, 09:29:16 PM
I have been enjoying this mod quite a bit but I think I have encountered a bug. I`m not certain if it is due to using EPOE (Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering), but I have a RimWorlder colonist who is has a mood debuff due to the removal of a colonist`s organs and due to the removal of a colonist`s organs until death. The colonist with this trait did not preform the surgery. Based on the trait`s description I would think the colonist would be unaffected or even laugh at this rather than being sad. If this has already been reported I am sorry but I only did a light skim of the previous comments.

I'll upload a fix and version 1.3 tomorrow or the next day. Lifes just been a bit busy but I'll get around to it before the end of the week


Thank you very much. This is a great mod that really allows for better defining of colonists, especially with Edb Prepare Carefully.


For some reason, this mod doesn't work with EdB's prepare carefully for me. while it doesn't cause the game to crash or anything, when I start a game that I prepared carefully, it simply starts the game as if I hadn't done that at all. while I could just turn more traits on AFTER my colonists crashed on the rimworld, I find it rather frustrating that I can't easily have good colonists with the new traits. if anyone knows what the problem might be, please let me know

EDIT: actually, the culprit seems to have been another mod I had enabled
this one


First I'm going to ask if you've unpacked it properly, iirc one of the packs is two folders deep instead of one folder deep like it should be. Its working fine for my prepare carefully, however I might not be using the latest version of it sue to having been inactive for a while now. Load order shouldn't but might matter in which case just load this up after prepare carefully.


Are you doing an A14 version? Pretty please?




Ok, will see if I can update and upload this afternoon


Quote from: TheFlameTouched on July 18, 2016, 02:48:34 AM
Ok, will see if I can update and upload this afternoon

awesome, i cant wait :D


Alright, I've had a chance to look at the def files, and don't quote me on this, but I believe you should be able to run the mod with A14 without a problem. However, Just to be safe I will start working on a new version with more mods and stuff, expect that tomorrow midday-ish.




Getting a butt-load of errors with Alpha 0.14.1238 today. Just a heads up.

Beyond the errors I could not test it to see if I liked things, but the description looks like something I want to use.


I'm willing to bet almost every one of those errors said something like "couldn't cross reference". This is harmless and the mod is basically telling you that I cut a trait or two and forgot to get rid of all the things that restrict the missing trait. Nothing will go wrong with actual gameplay because of it.

That said, I'll probably be uploading an update later today or tomorrow depending on how involved I feel with my stellaris play


Very good to know.

There was a couple with something about permathought also, but that seems like all the errors otherwise.