[MOD] (Alpha 3) Turret Package (v.1.4)

Started by Kilroy232, March 03, 2014, 01:38:06 PM

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Turret Package

The main goal of this mod is to add more powerful turrets to the later part of the game so that you can fight off the ever growing raider parties that are determined to destroy your colony. This mod adds five new turrets to RimWorld along with six new research topics. There are three new textures added to the turrets and two new projectile textures. The turrets range in size, from 2x2 to 1x1 depending on what I figured seemed appropriate.


  • Improved Turret (An improved version of the improvised turret)
  • Incendiary Turret (An R-4 rifle fitted to the turret capable of firing a burst of 4 incendiary rounds)
  • Sniper Turret (A sniper rifle fitted to the turret capable of firing accurate shots over long distances)
  • Grenade Turret (A turret made specifically to fire grenades over short distances)
  • Heavy Turret (A heavily armored, fast firing beast of a turret meant to deal with multiple enemy at a time)
  • Energy Turret (All the benefits of the heavy turret plus extra damage done by the energy projectiles)

Mod Team:
  • Kilroy232

Special Thanks
A special thank you to ItchyFlea for allowing me to integrate his energy turret into this mod.
His profile page can be found here http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=959

How to Install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

How to use:
This mod works as soon as it is installed, nothing to difficult. To use the Improved Turret you must first research 'Armour Plating' and 'Electrical Systems' then research 'Improved Turret'. Once that is done you can then build Improved Turrets, Sniper Turrets and Grenade Turrets.

After those have been researched you can research either 'Incendiary Rounds' to allow the incendiary turret to be build or 'Weapon Systems' to build the heavy turret. Once the Heavy Turret has been researched you will be able to research 'Energy Weapons' and this will allow you to use the Energy Turret.

To download go to the bottom of this post and click the attached file

Nexusmods page: http://www.nexusmods.com/rimworld/mods/6/?


The textures are a work in progress. I am an engineering student and not an art student unfortunately, but that has not stopped me trying my best.

This is a list of attributes of each new turret in more detail for those of you who are interested

Improved Turret
Research Requirements Armour Plating Electrical Systems
Health 400
Damage Per Round 9
Round Speed 70
Accuracy 4
Rounds Per Burst 4
Range 25.9
Explosion Radius 2.4
Power Consumption 500
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 300
Work Needed 1500

Sniper Turret
Research Requirements Incendiary Rounds Improved Turret
Health 300
Damage Per Round 40
Round Speed 100
Accuracy 20
Rounds Per Burst 1
Range 50
Explosion Radius 2.4
Power Consumption 350
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 200
Work Needed 850

Incendiary Turret
Research Requirements Incendiary Rounds Improved Turret
Health 500
Damage Per Round 9
Round Speed 40
Accuracy 8
Rounds Per Burst 4
Range 30
Explosion Radius 2.4
Power Consumption 400
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 300
Work Needed 1500

Heavy Turret
Research Requirements Weapon Systems Improved Turret
Health 800
Damage Per Round 12
Round Speed 70
Accuracy 6
Rounds Per Burst 12
Range 25.9
Explosion Radius 3
Power Consumption 600
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 400
Work Needed 2000

Energy Turret
Research Requirements Weapon Systems Energy Weapons
Health 800
Damage Per Round 16
Round Speed 50
Accuracy 8
Rounds Per Burst 12
Range 24
Explosion Radius 3
Power Consumption 700
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 400
Work Needed 2000

Grenade Turret
Research Requirements Improved Turret
Health 400
Damage Per Round 9
Grenade Explosion Radius 2
Miss Radius 1
Explosion Delay 30
Range 18
Explosion Radius 1.2
Power Consumption 300
Flammability 0.5
Metal needed 200
Work Needed 800


Version 1.0
- First version of the mod written and tested successfully

Version 1.1
- Added 3 new turrets
- Added a custom bullet system for each new turret
- Added custom structure system for each new turret
- Added custom textures
- Added preview.png

Version 1.2
-Decreased time between rounds for Heavy Turret
-Increased Heavy Turret accuracy
-Removed Grenade Turret
-Added Energy Turret
-Added Sniper Turret

Version 1.3
-Fixed Incendiary turret projectile texture
-Added Grenade Turret

Version 1.4
-Made ready for alpha 3
-Added custom textures to each turrets gun top
-Added custom firing sound to the sniper turret

Finally and as always I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and to download this mod. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, your opinion is the best way for me to improve and add to this mod. Also if anyone wants to contribute there is always room for people to help.

Thanks again,

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Maybe you could create a more endgame Energy turret modelled after the R-4, and then right at the end of the tech tree a mass acceleration cannon thats 3x3 and does massive damage AoE damage, but has a very long reload.
'Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying'
-Arthur C. Clarke'
'Needs moar boosters!'
-Jebadiah Kerman


your acceleration cannon idea gave me tingles, consider it on my to do list. I an thinking custom projectile and sounds for that one too. As for the energy turret I am happy to hear you suggest that as it is also one of the things I have planned for the next release.

Really my only concern is that I don't want to add too many turrets to the game and I want to try to keep them as balanced as possible. As I said before though, that is where you guys come in as i tend to get a little carried away :P

Thank you very much for the idea and your opinion, it is valued greatly,


Any way to make turrets feed off of a hopper like the Nutrient Paste machine?

They already sell rockets and shells...


Hey! i love the turrets! good job!


Looks great but I'm running into a small problem - none of the advanced turrets will actually attack enemies. They just sit there getting fired upon until blowing up.


Really? do you happen to have them sitting behind something? At one point during the testing I had them sitting behind a barricade (another mod I am working on) I was testing making and they would not shoot over them despite the fact the barricade was set to the same height as the sandbags


New Update out for this mod if anyone is interested! :D


Very Interested.  midgame raiders are wiping me out unless I use the laser turrets which seems overkill.

Unable to download it though :(


That's strange. Are you getting an error? or is it simply not downloading?

EDIT: scratch that, I know what the problem is just gotta figure out how to fix it. For now you can download it by going to the bottom if the main post and clicking the attached .rar file to download

Sorry for the trouble


That happened to me when i hit the dwnld link to it says:
An Error Has Occurred!
You are not allowed to access this section
But then i just saved the link below and i got the file just fine

jimi mardlin

how do i install it there is no install butten


Quote from: jimi mardlin on March 14, 2014, 12:41:09 PM
how do i install it there is no install butten
Read the full download section in the OP.


Quote from: Motorkingpus on March 14, 2014, 12:55:02 PM
Quote from: jimi mardlin on March 14, 2014, 12:41:09 PM
how do i install it there is no install butten
Read the full download section in the OP.

Ya I will fix that, I am getting there. I have just been really busy with school... its midterm season -_-
(save me!)


Hey Kilroy, why'd you take away the grenade turret? :)