[A16] FloorBeautyRebalance

Started by lost_RD, July 19, 2016, 05:34:20 PM

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The mod reduces the work for smoothed stone floors


Update: this mod does a lot more now. It now adds rough, smooth and polished variants of both stone and wood floors. You can smooth stone twice now instead of once. You can smooth wood now! It's a whole new world.

Rough wood has the same beauty as smooth stone but rough wood adds wealth whereas stone does not.

I did use the values I came up with earlier:



I agree that giving 3 to smoothed stone is just silly, it should've been 0, but giving wood 2 is silly too.
I think it should be all carpet-based, with beauty depending on how expensive the carpet material is. Same for wood, like adding some rare wood types for farming maybe.

make polished versions accumulate less grime, it makes total sense, I've had wooden floor myself and unpolished parts of it were where all the filth tend to accumulate.


In my view, this new balance is both realistic and ideal -- and besides, I couldn't care less about the balance so much as whether it's intuitive.  Smoothing stone is supposed to be a stopgap measure rather than laying down proper tiling, for use when resources are tight.  Aside from the finest cathedrals in caverns (and even somewhat then), any form of smoothed stone I've observed in reality was always rather boring except for externally produced pavers and tiles where the mosaic of colours was the defining feature rather than the stone itself.  We aren't dwarves. ;-)  Smoothing stone in place is only ever done for the hardness and cleanliness (and therefore travel bonus) of the surface -- the balancing factor is not the aesthetic but the fact that it requires no external input other than time and sand.  Wood flooring, even though it requires a cheap and renewable resource, still requires a resource after all (which can be extremely rare in arid areas), and even smoothly polished stone will never match the sheer beauty of polished wood.