[1.0] Children and Pregnancy - v0.5b (2019/Feb/25)

Started by Thirite, December 27, 2016, 09:06:22 PM

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hug lib error

[HugsLib][ERR] Failed to apply Harmony patches for HugsLib.Children_and_Pregnancy. Exception was: System.Exception: Wrong null argument: br
  at Harmony.ILCopying.MethodBodyReader.<FinalizeILCodes>b__17_4 (Harmony.CodeInstruction codeInstruction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[CodeInstruction] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.ILCopying.MethodBodyReader.FinalizeILCodes (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 transpilers, Label endLabel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.ILCopying.MethodCopier.Emit (Label endLabel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.MethodPatcher.CreatePatchedMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 prefixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 postfixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 transpilers) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, Harmony.PatchInfo patchInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.<PatchAll>b__6_0 (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[Type] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at HugsLib.ModBase.ApplyHarmonyPatches () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger:Error(String, Object[])

Exception in SetupToils (pawn=Nate, job=Lovin A=Thing_Human14904 B=Thing_HideBedDouble518237): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.AI.Toil.AddFinishAction (System.Action) <0x0003c>
at RimWorldChildren.Lovin_Override.JobDriver_Lovin_MoveNext_Postfix (Verse.AI.Toil&,RimWorld.JobDriver_Lovin&) <0x00079>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobDriver_Lovin/<MakeNewToils>c__Iterator32.MoveNext_Patch1 (object) <0x003fb>
at Verse.AI.JobDriver.SetupToils () <0x000c0>
lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_DoLovin, curJob.def=Lovin, curDriver=RimWorld.JobDriver_Lovin
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob(Job, JobCondition, ThinkNode, Boolean, Boolean, ThinkTreeDef, Nullable`1)


Updated to v0.3g Testing Version
- Hopefully fixed the last of the errors related to crashes on worldgen (tested it many times, seems to never crash now for me)
- Adjusted the position children are rendered in bed, fixing some odd visuals

Soupy Delicious

Quote from: Kalista on July 26, 2017, 10:49:49 AM
Quote from: metky on July 26, 2017, 09:40:24 AM
Quote from: Soupy Delicious on July 23, 2017, 10:41:45 PM
Maybe some people who have tested this mod with Psychology can tell me exactly what goes wrong when used together?  I want to figure out whether it's something I could go in there and focus down in a couple sessions of figure-outtery.
Honestly the only stuff I've noticed is surrounding mayorship:
- babies attending meetings with the mayor
- kids running for and winning elections (I haven't seen babies do this, only kids with full work functionality)
I've had a 5 day old baby win an election with it on so its entirely possible for that to happen.

What a progressive society you live in! :0


no luck here still getting the fail to apply harmoy patches error.


Looking at 0.3g now. Happy to report, no world gen crashes so far, but still getting red errors related to graphics every now & then...

Tried to get a resource "Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Bodies/Naked_Fat_back" from a different thread. All resources must be loaded in the main thread.
Verse.ContentFinder`1:Get(String, Boolean)
Verse.GraphicDatabase:Get(String, Shader, Vector2, Color)
Verse.GraphicGetter_NakedHumanlike:GetNakedBodyGraphic(BodyType, Shader, Color)
RimWorldChildren.Hediff_Baby:GrowUpTo(Int32, Boolean)
RimWorldChildren.PawnGenerate_Patch:_GeneratePawn(PawnGenerationRequest&, Pawn&)
RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator:GenerateWorld(Single, String, OverallRainfall, OverallTemperature)

Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Bodies/Naked_Fat, color=RGBA(0.340, 0.320, 0.300, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000))
Verse.GraphicDatabase:Get(String, Shader, Vector2, Color)
Verse.GraphicGetter_NakedHumanlike:GetNakedBodyGraphic(BodyType, Shader, Color)
RimWorldChildren.Hediff_Baby:GrowUpTo(Int32, Boolean)
RimWorldChildren.PawnGenerate_Patch:_GeneratePawn(PawnGenerationRequest&, Pawn&)
RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator:GenerateWorld(Single, String, OverallRainfall, OverallTemperature)

Again, seems to be happening w/ all of the body types other than thin when a child is auto generated in the character creator, as if the game thinks their back textures are missing? (They'll usually play nice w/ random generator & default to thin body type, though, but it's the initial generation that's causing issues apparently.) Also seems this bug kind of affects the graphics generation of clothing/armor/hair options unrelated to the mod completely that comes on each child, which I know worked just fine before in 0.2f... that could possibly be a reason why I'm still getting that slight graphics glitch with visible pants or full clothing clipping at the top of the sprites. Other than that, gameplay seems to be fine as usual. Just still have kids roaming in oversized clothes, but I think I'll probably end up changing their body types via the save xml so that won't happen for now.  :)

EDIT: Also happy to report, currently using "Don't Shave Your Head" mod in place of Simple Beard Framework since that is not built in anymore, and that seems to be meshing fine as well with the changes of this mod, for those of you wondering about mods that render hair underneath hats. Haven't tested the others available yet, but perhaps someone else has already?


I found a bug - when I shoot or beat a poison ship - the game gives me red errors, and i does not damage ship
Exception ticking Bullet_ChargeRifle62430: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RimWorldChildren.ChildrenUtility.ChildMaxWeaponMass (Verse.Pawn) <0x0001a>
at RimWorldChildren.PawnEquipmentracker_NotifyEquipmentAdded_Patch.Notify_EquipmentAdded_Patch (Verse.ThingWithComps&,Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker&) <0x00053>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentAdded_Patch2 (object,Verse.ThingWithComps) <0x000b4>
at Verse.ThingOwner.NotifyAdded (Verse.Thing) <0x00275>
at Verse.ThingOwner`1<Verse.ThingWithComps>.TryAdd (Verse.Thing,bool) <0x003f2>
at Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker.AddEquipment (Verse.ThingWithComps) <0x0013f>
at RimWorld.PawnWeaponGenerator.TryGenerateWeaponFor (Verse.Pawn) <0x0035c>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateGearFor (Verse.Pawn,Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0006d>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0041b>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
at RimWorld.Building_CrashedShipPart.TrySpawnMechanoids () <0x0028f>
at RimWorld.Building_CrashedShipPart.PreApplyDamage (Verse.DamageInfo,bool&) <0x00148>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Thing.TakeDamage_Patch1 (object,Verse.DamageInfo) <0x0016d>
at RimWorld.Bullet.Impact (Verse.Thing) <0x00174>
at Verse.Projectile.CheckForFreeIntercept (Verse.IntVec3) <0x00170>
at Verse.Projectile.CheckForFreeInterceptBetween (UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3) <0x00291>
at Verse.Projectile.Tick () <0x001c9>
at Verse.TickList.Tick () <0x002c0>


And an errors with start new game
Exception ticking Bullet_ChargeRifle62430: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RimWorldChildren.ChildrenUtility.ChildMaxWeaponMass (Verse.Pawn) <0x0001a>
at RimWorldChildren.PawnEquipmentracker_NotifyEquipmentAdded_Patch.Notify_EquipmentAdded_Patch (Verse.ThingWithComps&,Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker&) <0x00053>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentAdded_Patch2 (object,Verse.ThingWithComps) <0x000b4>
at Verse.ThingOwner.NotifyAdded (Verse.Thing) <0x00275>
at Verse.ThingOwner`1<Verse.ThingWithComps>.TryAdd (Verse.Thing,bool) <0x003f2>
at Verse.Pawn_EquipmentTracker.AddEquipment (Verse.ThingWithComps) <0x0013f>
at RimWorld.PawnWeaponGenerator.TryGenerateWeaponFor (Verse.Pawn) <0x0035c>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateGearFor (Verse.Pawn,Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0006d>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0041b>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
at RimWorld.Building_CrashedShipPart.TrySpawnMechanoids () <0x0028f>
at RimWorld.Building_CrashedShipPart.PreApplyDamage (Verse.DamageInfo,bool&) <0x00148>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Thing.TakeDamage_Patch1 (object,Verse.DamageInfo) <0x0016d>
at RimWorld.Bullet.Impact (Verse.Thing) <0x00174>
at Verse.Projectile.CheckForFreeIntercept (Verse.IntVec3) <0x00170>
at Verse.Projectile.CheckForFreeInterceptBetween (UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3) <0x00291>
at Verse.Projectile.Tick () <0x001c9>
at Verse.TickList.Tick () <0x002c0>



Bizarre. Well, I fixed it:

Updated to v0.3h Testing Version
- Fixed a strange bug triggered on shooting a poison ship


 :'( Had my first set of crashes in a while trying to start a new test colony. Currently on 0.3h, so I'm up-to-date on all files for this.

Same type of errors as before where I mentioned the graphics issue again, the game keeps complaining about not being able to load "[clothing_name]_[body_type]_back" in the logs on my end. Whether it's trying to pull back graphics for Male, Female, Fat, or Hulk, I'm either getting a mixed bag where I'll end up w/ loading a world w/ the red errors popping up if kids are auto generated, or in this instance a crash.

Hate to have to keep bringing this up, but I think it may be something not working well with pawn "back" graphics in the code? It never mentions any issues with having trouble pulling up "front" or "side" graphics, which is odd...

(BTW, recently disabled a number of mods, including some recent additions just to see if it was anything else that was possibly conflicting, but still the same deal, red errors seem to be happening on Naked sprites & Tribal clothing in this case.)


I suspect it's just because it loads the _back graphic first out of a set of multi graphics (back, front side). I've been looking into the issue, but I haven't been able to pin down exactly where or why it's trying to load graphics on an asynchronous thread.


still getting the
[HugsLib][ERR] Failed to apply Harmony patches for HugsLib.Children_and_Pregnancy. Exception was: System.Exception: Wrong null argument: br  that i posted above. do u know any mods that might cause it?


Quote from: Soupy Delicious on July 27, 2017, 02:41:50 AM
Quote from: Kalista on July 26, 2017, 10:49:49 AM
Quote from: metky on July 26, 2017, 09:40:24 AM
Quote from: Soupy Delicious on July 23, 2017, 10:41:45 PM
Maybe some people who have tested this mod with Psychology can tell me exactly what goes wrong when used together?  I want to figure out whether it's something I could go in there and focus down in a couple sessions of figure-outtery.
Honestly the only stuff I've noticed is surrounding mayorship:
- babies attending meetings with the mayor
- kids running for and winning elections (I haven't seen babies do this, only kids with full work functionality)
I've had a 5 day old baby win an election with it on so its entirely possible for that to happen.

What a progressive society you live in! :0

So, it works then? I've been hoping to use this with Psychology and was holding off due to the dire warnings of incompatibility but it seems that it's compatible/not incompatible?


so weird even thou i get that harmony patches fail message it seems to be workingg good. still cant figure out how to breast feed thou.


That moment when your baby gets lost in your mountain base, has an extreme mental break and gets into a fist fight with an adult ...
I think i have a female Stewie here, all shes missing is a voice and a ray gun.


Right now the only mods I predict that will clash with it are ones that modify pawn drawing in a way that doesn't take children's smaller scale into account. But they should only cause visual oddities, not straight up fail at patching. If you post your full player.log file I might be able to get a better idea where this "Wrong null argument: br" is coming from.

Haha, oh fug. I completely forgot about rerouting baby mental breaks to "Have a tantrum". I'll add that to my todo list.