[1.0] Combat Extended - 1.8.2 CE Melee released (17.11.2019)

Started by NoImageAvailable, June 09, 2017, 04:13:13 PM

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Quote from: N7Huntsman on December 04, 2018, 06:27:51 PM
The dev-branch on the CE Github is functional; most of the outstanding issues are simply balance related.

Additionally, Combat Extended Guns has been updated to 1.0.
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1582570547
Github: https://github.com/NoImageAvailable/CombatExtendedGuns (not updated at time of writing) or https://github.com/N7Huntsman/CombatExtendedGuns (updated fork).

Very interesting. I have been lurking the GIThub for some time now in anticipation. Are the ongoing updates likely to break save-games?

Another thing, while i love the expanded armoury CEG gives, im not a big fan of the specific weap names. I have there fore compiled a list of generic names i plan to implement in my own copy at first given chance. Are you interested in getting the list for a parallel download?

Third thing, with your name, do you do any Mass Effect related mods? It could be a fun combination with CE although the whole heatsink concept probably will require some consideration.


Can I see anywhere the differences between the ammo types?




Quote from: Jan2607 on December 06, 2018, 11:46:03 AM
Can I see anywhere the differences between the ammo types?

There's a spreadsheet with all the stats on the GitHub wiki
"The power of friendship destroyed the jellyfish."

Jordan Huitema

Quote from: Jan2607 on December 06, 2018, 11:46:03 AM
Can I see anywhere the differences between the ammo types?

You can see the stats of ammo by selecting a gun, clicking info and them mousing over the caliber.
You may be able too view all available ammo stats in a list by using Dubs Mint Menus and selecting the ammo bench


Thank you.

I gave one of my snipers a Tac-50 and added 30 .50 BMG FMJ cartridges to her loadout. She doesn't want to pick it up and if I want to force her, it says "inventory is full". But she has a backpack and the inventory only has a weight of 26 of 40 kg. Bulk is 20 from 50, so she should have plenty of space to take at least a few of the bullets in her inevntory.


Where do I craft arrows? I cant find it in any crafting table :-/


craft spot. If you can't find it, try reload game without "expended woodworking"


The Inferno cannon is way too overpowered at the moment and armor pen doesn't work on centipedes. I had now two times mechanoids and there was always a sentipede with inferno cannon. He alone wiped out my full 15 people colony. My colonists had 90 mm flak turrets, M240b and KVP machine guns, .50 sniper rifles and lots of machine guns.
It is nearly impossible to bring a centipede down before the inferno cannon destroys the whole colony. I tried it with a lot of spacing between my colonists, but it didn't work. Even when the inferno cannon doesn't hit my colonists, it will destroy walls behind them and set the colony on fire, which I also can't ignore.
The centipede was hit by dozens of .50 bullets, around 10 90mm HEAT shells (that didn't nothing to him. I thought, HEAT is "High explosive anti TANK" -> if it kills a tank, shouldn't it also kill a centipede?!) and hundreds of 7,62x51mm NATO AP bullets and it still shot my colony to pieces.
And it was only one...
Also, I think the splash damage of the inferno cannon does to much damage to walls. It shouldn't be an artillery.


I can't find a recipe for 5x35mm charged for charge lance.


Were you using the '1.0' version..?

EDIT: Centipedes are apparently an issue in 1.0

And do you have the proper research acquired (stupid question considering your other weaponry) for charge weaponry?

I know that in the B18 version (I still haven't quite moved on) that centipedes typically don't take much- 1-2 shoulder launched LAT/MAT to take it out.

As for the damage of the inferno cannon, well- it's a cannon. A Centipede essentially is a tank, and it makes sense for it to have an equally tank-y style of main weapon- a long range cannon that trumps most infantry weapons in both range and firepower. Thus, a Centipede should be powerful- but certainly not invincible.
Otherwise, I'm not sure what your problem is, sorry if this wasn't helpful.

Personally, I'd love some sort of integration of the 'Yes, Vehicles' mod. Having a tank or technical could really help offensively, as long as the whole 'matching' forces thing is gotten rid of, because always fighting an 'equal' force is pretty boring, because it means I can send in the minimal amount of people simply for an easier fight.

Also, have deployed weapons been considered in raids? They could deploy similarly to mortars, I assume, except closer to the edge of wherever 'your base' is calculated. Perhaps create a sort of 'danger' area, similar to trap memories, where colonists get killed from most often, and the weapon would place itself just within max range and rain hell on these spots.
Oh, and combined raids. I really hate to see a siege come in, just to wipe them out before they get a single shot off. Truly disappointing... perhaps add a sort of detachment that moves ahead with the raid, a combined arms approach, with an accuracy buff to simulate the usage of binos- since making AI use binos would be difficult.


I'm using the 1.0 version N7 mentioned above. Since it is not Steam workshop I'm not sure if it is the latest version.

I researched charged weapons. Besides this, the charge lance can be crafted without the research. I looked for recipe in loading bench and machining table, but I only did find 8x35mm, which doesn't work on the lance.

Well, if centipedes would be easier to kill, the cannon shouldnt be that big issue anymore. But combined with the nearly invincible centipede it is too powerful at the moment.