RimWorld change log

Started by Tynan, May 02, 2014, 01:40:05 PM

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Yay alpha 11 is out, WOOOO


Quote from: StorymasterQ on June 11, 2015, 01:10:51 AM
Wargs are just frustrated Wolves. Like, "WAAARG."

Not to be confused with frustrated Orks. WAAAAAGGH!
A prison yard is certainly a slightly more elegant solution to Cabin Fever than mine...

I just chop their legs off... legless prisoners don't suffer cabin fever


Quote from: Boboid on June 11, 2015, 04:23:18 AM
Quote from: StorymasterQ on June 11, 2015, 01:10:51 AM
Wargs are just frustrated Wolves. Like, "WAAARG."

Not to be confused with frustrated Orks. WAAAAAGGH!

Or a frustrated Evelyn. "WAUGH!" (I'm sad)
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here

Pale Peril

Quote from: Tynan on June 10, 2015, 10:16:44 PM
I should separate wolves and wargs, really.

I agree! Really like the suggested warg sprite art too.

(I moved the rest of my response to the suggestions forum.)

Orchestrating Villainy by Stealing Your Precious Ch'i... One Entry at a Time.


Quote from: pestilenz on June 11, 2015, 03:19:44 PM
I feel like a thief when I consider the amount of fun I had with the official selling price for Rimworld :(
Thanks for your incredible work, Tynan! Maybe you want to sell merchandise someday?  ;D



Quote from: nmid on June 11, 2015, 12:15:44 AM
Quote from: falcongrey on June 10, 2015, 04:22:53 PM
Quote from: Tobias on June 10, 2015, 01:07:50 PM
I don't want to be smarter about my defences because the combat system really annoys me.

This rather caught my curiosity. What about the combat system annoys you? :o

Sometimes we want to just city build, are slow builders and are min-maxers.
When a war/attack happens, we can handle it, but organising all that loot, drop, dead bodies makes us go very annoyed... and we obviously can't let it go to waste.. but if we do, our regular base building goes for a toss...

So yea.. Phobe base building regular for 1 year, then change difficulties to have a few attacks and then back to base building, lol.

(ps - I know that's not the concept of a raid, getting raided when you want, but meh.. the regular raids seem to happen too often when I want to base build and too infrequently when I want to fight).

Now this I CAN relate to and sympathize with. That described situation does get annoying and old fast. One solution I have found to the 'cleanup' is to have the mod Tools for Hauling. It's located here: http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=12282.0 With this mod, you can construct a cart for your colony and have someone haul it to pick up multiple items at a time. It actually becomes almost indispensable in my opinion as you start mining major ore locations or large areas of rock. I don't find it OP and I find it actually more basic and common sense. Maybe something Tynan can look at and see if it would fit into RimWorld as a staple tech to research.
It matters not if we win or fail. It's that we stood and faced it.


Thanks! That looks interesting.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


holy shit! Tynan! this new update is freaking amazing, sappers are a huge improvement, and I love the new events! keep it up dude!

Goo Poni

Quote from: falcongrey on June 10, 2015, 04:22:53 PM
Quote from: Tobias on June 10, 2015, 01:07:50 PM
I don't want to be smarter about my defences because the combat system really annoys me.

This rather caught my curiosity. What about the combat system annoys you? :o

Am not the original quoter but everything about the combat system annoys me. It is pure RNG. Force of numbers and volume of fire will win out. Tactics can be employed against very small raider counts (>5) but as the raids grow bigger, their firepower improves, the number of grenadiers and snipers increases and the number of raiders in tanky power armour increases, less and less of the fight is in your control. The game tries to play this small colonist count that slowly accrues more people and then fucks it all by throwing 30 well armed raiders at your 10 colonists. You might survive with four, the rest dead and the survivors wounded and you might lose a couple more as they succumb to their injuries because of the shit medical management that requires constant micro that has me going "for fuck's sake, heal him, now go eat, no I don't care that you're tired, fix him, and her, oh great, GREAT, they died anyway". The killboxes and the "waffle" idea breed from trying to put the odds back in your favour. Because if those innumerable raiders ever crawl off those sandbags, people will die and it will take in-game months to replace them while the raids will come every month regardless and expect you to hold against a similar count as before. The combat was better when people did not have this damage tree thing. Sniper takes a shot. It's determined to be a hit. Roll to find out which major body part it hits. It hits their chest. Now roll which minor body part it hits. It hits the liver. Instant catastrophic mass organ failure, pawn dies on the spot. It's not even like this a TBS like XCOM where you can get better armour, better weapons, move around to flank. No, this is Rimworld, where better armour is just power armour with a virgin sacrificed to RNGesus, better weapons is not actually a thing because snipers can't hit for shit given the weapons they use so just rock M16s for the three shot bursts putting more bullets in the air, and flanking is impossible because pawns are omniscient and the combat is still so fucking RNG that shooting a hunting rifle at a guy standing in the open 10 tiles away is not a guarantee you'll hit let alone kill but they can just toss a molotov your way and your colonist becomes a useless turd for the next 5 seconds only to be promptly shot to shit. The combat is bullshit and easily the most unsatisfying element of the game. Adding sappers to blow your shit up and attack from stupid angles is only exaggerating it further. The only thing scarier than huge tribal raider forces are regular raider forces tossing large amounts of molotovs and grenades, making a large part of the RNG combat redundant because things get splashed anyway. So now, instead of losing several turrets and a colonist, you lose several colonists and half your base to the raging fires that you can't combat while fighting off the raiders.

I remember once modifying the Lee Enfield to have 60 range, a total cycle time of 2 seconds, 100% accuracy at all ranges and 20 damage. I then gave a colony of about 15 these fiddled rifles. Can you guess the result of 15 colonists volleying fire at a raider force from well outside the range of snipers? 3 dead, 9 wounded (4 of which, incapacitated), 3 unscathed. 2 of the untouched broke, 3/4 incapacited succumbed to wounds, 2 wounded succumbed to wounds as the single sane person tries to heal everyone with their piss poor medicine score. The survivors suffered from constantly poor mood as they tried to clean up the bodies and then died to the next raid. No slave traders came by and no wanderers joined. The raiders are allowed to have this unlimited turnover and suffer no ill effects from it. I am not. One cog breaks and it all goes to shit. Chef wounded and the only source of fine/lavish meals goes out the window until they're on their feet? Everyone's mood drops, constant mental breaks, the farmers lose their shit, no food is being harvested, everyone loses their shit. Raiders threw 60 bodies at you? They'll throw 65 at you next time. Fuck everything about the combat in this game. I do not have the mindset to find it remotely enjoyable.


Quote from: Goo Poni on June 12, 2015, 03:22:19 PM
Quote from: falcongrey on June 10, 2015, 04:22:53 PM
Quote from: Tobias on June 10, 2015, 01:07:50 PM
I don't want to be smarter about my defences because the combat system really annoys me.

This rather caught my curiosity. What about the combat system annoys you? :o

Am not the original quoter but everything about the combat system annoys me. It is pure RNG. Force of numbers and volume of fire will win out. Tactics can be employed against very small raider counts (>5) but as the raids grow bigger, their firepower improves, the number of grenadiers and snipers increases and the number of raiders in tanky power armour increases, less and less of the fight is in your control. The game tries to play this small colonist count that slowly accrues more people and then fucks it all by throwing 30 well armed raiders at your 10 colonists. You might survive with four, the rest dead and the survivors wounded and you might lose a couple more as they succumb to their injuries because of the shit medical management that requires constant micro that has me going "for fuck's sake, heal him, now go eat, no I don't care that you're tired, fix him, and her, oh great, GREAT, they died anyway". The killboxes and the "waffle" idea breed from trying to put the odds back in your favour. Because if those innumerable raiders ever crawl off those sandbags, people will die and it will take in-game months to replace them while the raids will come every month regardless and expect you to hold against a similar count as before. The combat was better when people did not have this damage tree thing. Sniper takes a shot. It's determined to be a hit. Roll to find out which major body part it hits. It hits their chest. Now roll which minor body part it hits. It hits the liver. Instant catastrophic mass organ failure, pawn dies on the spot. It's not even like this a TBS like XCOM where you can get better armour, better weapons, move around to flank. No, this is Rimworld, where better armour is just power armour with a virgin sacrificed to RNGesus, better weapons is not actually a thing because snipers can't hit for shit given the weapons they use so just rock M16s for the three shot bursts putting more bullets in the air, and flanking is impossible because pawns are omniscient and the combat is still so fucking RNG that shooting a hunting rifle at a guy standing in the open 10 tiles away is not a guarantee you'll hit let alone kill but they can just toss a molotov your way and your colonist becomes a useless turd for the next 5 seconds only to be promptly shot to shit. The combat is bullshit and easily the most unsatisfying element of the game. Adding sappers to blow your shit up and attack from stupid angles is only exaggerating it further. The only thing scarier than huge tribal raider forces are regular raider forces tossing large amounts of molotovs and grenades, making a large part of the RNG combat redundant because things get splashed anyway. So now, instead of losing several turrets and a colonist, you lose several colonists and half your base to the raging fires that you can't combat while fighting off the raiders.

I remember once modifying the Lee Enfield to have 60 range, a total cycle time of 2 seconds, 100% accuracy at all ranges and 20 damage. I then gave a colony of about 15 these fiddled rifles. Can you guess the result of 15 colonists volleying fire at a raider force from well outside the range of snipers? 3 dead, 9 wounded (4 of which, incapacitated), 3 unscathed. 2 of the untouched broke, 3/4 incapacited succumbed to wounds, 2 wounded succumbed to wounds as the single sane person tries to heal everyone with their piss poor medicine score. The survivors suffered from constantly poor mood as they tried to clean up the bodies and then died to the next raid. No slave traders came by and no wanderers joined. The raiders are allowed to have this unlimited turnover and suffer no ill effects from it. I am not. One cog breaks and it all goes to shit. Chef wounded and the only source of fine/lavish meals goes out the window until they're on their feet? Everyone's mood drops, constant mental breaks, the farmers lose their shit, no food is being harvested, everyone loses their shit. Raiders threw 60 bodies at you? They'll throw 65 at you next time. Fuck everything about the combat in this game. I do not have the mindset to find it remotely enjoyable.

hahaha, I liked reading this rant.
I feel that this does happen, but I can manage it with a lot of micro and reloading saves.
It's just that I like to avoid the fighting as is, so that I can have more fun with my own base, instead of dealing with the after effects of the raid / raid dmgs / other factos as Goo Poni so 'eloquently' pointed out.
Sorry I find this funny, but it is :D
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


Quote from: Goo Poni on June 12, 2015, 03:22:19 PM
[long post]

(note: I haven't actually started playing A11 yet, this advice is from A10 and earlier)
I really recommend you try a lower difficulty level if you're finding the combat and game that difficult. On Rough the rest of the settings are the same as Challenge, but only ~60% of the enemies. Lower difficulty levels will even make the rest of the game easier. Phoebe, with less attacks, might also be nice.

I've enjoyed Cassandra Rough ever since I started playing. I don't need to build killboxes, or even use turrets at all except for crashed AIs. The enemies will still outnumber you, but if your base isn't just one big block of wall/mountain with one entrance you need to defend, the enemy will split up, and you can use a few guns or even a few melee-ers to kill them a few at a time.

Lastly, just in case you don't know how cover works, use cover! Sandbags are bad cover. Walls are excellent cover. Stand in doors. Hide behind a corner of a building. Build single wall blocks to hide behind, if you do want a base with one entrance and a colonist-based killbox or something.
Some sort of psychic wave has swept over the landscape. Your colonists are okay, but...
It seems many of the scythers in the area have been driven insane.

Goo Poni

Quote from: Cimanyd on June 12, 2015, 04:10:22 PM
I really recommend you try a lower difficulty level if you're finding the combat and game that difficult. On Rough the rest of the settings are the same as Challenge, but only ~60% of the enemies. Lower difficulty levels will even make the rest of the game easier. Phoebe, with less attacks, might also be nice.

I've enjoyed Cassandra Rough ever since I started playing. I don't need to build killboxes, or even use turrets at all except for crashed AIs. The enemies will still outnumber you, but if your base isn't just one big block of wall/mountain with one entrance you need to defend, the enemy will split up, and you can use a few guns or even a few melee-ers to kill them a few at a time.

Lastly, just in case you don't know how cover works, use cover! Sandbags are bad cover. Walls are excellent cover. Stand in doors. Hide behind a corner of a building. Build single wall blocks to hide behind, if you do want a base with one entrance and a colonist-based killbox or something.

I've been playing on Rough since forever because the regular difficulty just means doom faster and little else. I build walls and use embrasures from mods to have slits for colonists to shoot through while having a few layers of sandbags in front of the wall to slow melee rushers before they get in my face. I tend to focus on mountain bases with one big entrance where visitors and colonists can mill around as well as funneling raiders into one point. However, funneling has it's own issues. An unlimited number of pawns can stand on a single tile so long as they're not told to stop on that tile. This means that raiders form a wall of flesh as they stack up from going around cliffs and path across rocky terrain instead of dirt, so up until they disperse to take positions, there's 15-20 raiders grouped up into like 3 tiles of space. By default, colonists only target the closest raider, so they target the one at the front of the pack and only occasionally clip the other raiders with missed attacks. When that one falls, they reset their attacks (GG long aim times like high power sniper rifles in mods or miniguns/LMGs) to aim at the guy that was just behind him, while barely slowing the rest of the pack. Doing this, melee attacks can easily bumrush right on up to your front door and while doing this, it makes it difficult (and a pain in the arse) to try and micromanage everyone and give them different targets, pick out the threatening ones (i.e. the guys NOT armed with pistols) only for them to reset to the closest guy in power armour tanking their shots like a boss. It took a few raids before I realised I was just building a corral, a killbox, with raiders entering the fray inside of gun range while being out of position.

A couple alphas ago, back when TTM was still a thing, I had the zombie apocalypse mod and my game would literally freeze for several seconds as actual hundreds of zombies would spawn. Sure, the little message said something about the zombies coming to end your colony (and after a while, this is the only type of zombie raid that spawns, because colony wealth (another fine mechanic for upscaling raids to unmanageable levels)), but still. The only way I stood against them was using the blast door featured in TTM which acted as a wall while closed, thereby breaking the zombies' pathfinding and making them lose sight of colonists and mill around merely a few paces away to get gunned down. Raids took an entire day to bring down and another couple days to clean up the bodies, by which time, another zombie raid was about due. I had mod sniper turrets instakilling zombies and mod MG turrets just unloading onto them with the help of colonists firing away with modded lee enfield and all in all, they'd only drop 10-20 zombies out of 2-300+ by the time the wall of flesh was upon them. I even tried modding an LMG for never-ending dakka and gave my colonists those, it was less effective than the hunting rifles because of the petty damage if they ever hit. Meanwhile, the regular raids were well past the maximum-80-items-selected-at-once limit as well against these 10-20 colonists with 6-7 turrets. At 60% difficulty. These numbers would nearly double if I were to play on Challenge. Shit was dumb and the real raids tore massive breaches in the defense which was becoming more absurd each time I rebuilt it. More turrets, more sandbags, more firing ports, flanking firing ports. I never resorted to a killbox with an entrance in that save, my base entrance was setup like a bunker at the front and that bunker grew bigger and more vicious with each pirate raid. Eventually the colony became self sufficient and the bunker entrance was guarded by which of course, made the massed enemies completely irrelevant because splash damage. Also cleaned up the bodies too because the volleyed fire of 10 of the things deleted them all. Such overkill required to stand past a couple years in-game.

/rant part2

Quote from: nmid on June 12, 2015, 04:06:36 PM
hahaha, I liked reading this rant.
I feel that this does happen, but I can manage it with a lot of micro and reloading saves.
It's just that I like to avoid the fighting as is, so that I can have more fun with my own base, instead of dealing with the after effects of the raid / raid dmgs / other factos as Goo Poni so 'eloquently' pointed out.
Sorry I find this funny, but it is :D

Yeah, eloquence and tact did kinda go out the window, but the combat just ticks me off so much. Whoever can put the most bullets in the air, and thus have the most rolls of the dice wins. Unless the other guy brings judicious amounts of explosives in which case they win because it don't matter if they miss.


Quote from: Cimanyd on June 12, 2015, 04:10:22 PM
Quote from: Goo Poni on June 12, 2015, 03:22:19 PM
[long post]

(note: I haven't actually started playing A11 yet, this advice is from A10 and earlier)
I really recommend you try a lower difficulty level if you're finding the combat and game that difficult. On Rough the rest of the settings are the same as Challenge, but only ~60% of the enemies. Lower difficulty levels will even make the rest of the game easier. Phoebe, with less attacks, might also be nice.

I've enjoyed Cassandra Rough ever since I started playing. I don't need to build killboxes, or even use turrets at all except for crashed AIs. The enemies will still outnumber you, but if your base isn't just one big block of wall/mountain with one entrance you need to defend, the enemy will split up, and you can use a few guns or even a few melee-ers to kill them a few at a time.

Lastly, just in case you don't know how cover works, use cover! Sandbags are bad cover. Walls are excellent cover. Stand in doors. Hide behind a corner of a building. Build single wall blocks to hide behind, if you do want a base with one entrance and a colonist-based killbox or something.

Preciesly. Though I haven't played 11 much to see the new effects, but everything before 11 I found on casandra rough I could survive. Often as the large raider parties landed a good distance away I took my snipers and positioned them in various protected locations to snipe at the raiders. Once the mele raiders would charge the snipers, they would fall back to positioned kill boxes of 2 or 3 more colonests who would kill them as the sniper ran past. Was and repeat. If the whole group decided to challenge the sniper, I would proceed to run the sniper back behind walls and turret locations and do the same once the raiders reached the kill box colonests, make them fall back to behind walled positions to prepare for the remaining raiders that penitrate the automated defenses. Usually not many.
It matters not if we win or fail. It's that we stood and faced it.


Yea, so micro + lots of reloading saves, in case you mess up with one fall-back.

Doing a 15 man defence against a 50+ raiding party involves setting up 4-5 crow-nests + every fall-back requires another set up.

So while it is fun once or twice, I would like to have those raids when I want and occasionally, instead of how the game intended - random and frequent.

I don't mind injuries and losses in the fight, I guess I just want an easier way to resolve the mess after the fight
1. the dropped loot (was just told about the cart mod)
2. the bodies (thank god for the mod - crematorius bot)
3. an easier way of healing injuries after battles, without making installing general body parts easier. (bionic upgrades for making colonists better over the course of a game, should still be tough.. but getting colonists back to working condition after a fight shouldn't.)
Perhaps having a faction call for aid request that sends a specialised doctor squad that heals and brings everyone back up to 100% using regular body parts...? But only after a fight.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


Quote from: nmid on June 12, 2015, 11:17:36 PM
Yea, so micro + lots of reloading saves, in case you mess up with one fall-back.

Doing a 15 man defence against a 50+ raiding party involves setting up 4-5 crow-nests + every fall-back requires another set up.

So while it is fun once or twice, I would like to have those raids when I want and occasionally, instead of how the game intended - random and frequent.

I don't mind injuries and losses in the fight, I guess I just want an easier way to resolve the mess after the fight
1. the dropped loot (was just told about the cart mod)
2. the bodies (thank god for the mod - crematorius bot)
3. an easier way of healing injuries after battles, without making installing general body parts easier. (bionic upgrades for making colonists better over the course of a game, should still be tough.. but getting colonists back to working condition after a fight shouldn't.)
Perhaps having a faction call for aid request that sends a specialised doctor squad that heals and brings everyone back up to 100% using regular body parts...? But only after a fight.

Well speaking of a nasty seige... (And I think you're talking more about these heavier armed Seiges than raids) I just had one that tore the heck out of my  survivals. Only lost one, due to infection because I ran out of medication to treat them. 8 vs 25.

Even without the cart, this size of one I was able to fairly quickly pick up the salvage. Larger ones without the cart it will become an issue and the stuff will be mostly ruined by the time it is salvaged.

I have always wondered why I couldn't call for 'help' with one of the factions I'm on friendly terms with in the sense of I have someone REALLY sick beyond my care level or so many injured that I have a rookie who can barely swing a mining pick trying to save the life of the doctor.
It matters not if we win or fail. It's that we stood and faced it.