[A17] An Unfortunate Misfeed v1.0.1 (11/24/2017) - Guns Now Misfire and Jam

Started by lempface, August 20, 2017, 04:13:14 PM

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Hello, this is my first mod. Let me know what you think.



Bugfixes: Mechanoids could not shoot at all, excluded them from the jamming system. Grenades and Neolithic Weapons should not have a chance to jam, excluded them from the jamming system.


Added a chance for a gun to misfire and explode. Size of explosion based on ammunition.
Added a chance for a jammed gun to be destroyed due to the misfire.
Added a Jinxed trait that makes jamming and explosions happen at a higher rate.
Added a Proficient Armsman trait that allows for 100% chance to unjam a weapon.
Added a jamming gun sound effect.

Restored ability for turrets to fire. Turrets now skip jam checking entirely.


Guns may now be damaged when they jam. There are two settings in the HugsLib in-game mod settings to control this.
Damage on Jam Percentage: (default) 20%
Damage on Jam Amount: (default) 1 HP

As guns become more and more damaged, the chance to jam increases.


Guns jam based on the quality of the gun. These percentages can be altered using the HugsLib in-game mod settings.

If a pawn tries to fire a jammed gun, they will attempt to clear the jam first. The chance of success is based on the pawns shooting skill. There is a minimum 20% chance to clear a jam, and the chance goes up by 5% for each experience level in shooting.


Road map:

  • Add a chance for a gun to misfire and explode. Size of explosion based on ammunition.
  • Add a chance for a jammed gun to be destroyed due to the misfire.
  • Add a Jinxed trait that makes jamming and explosions happen at a higher rate.
  • Add a Proficient Armsman trait that allows for 100% chance to unjam a weapon.
  • Add a jamming gun sound effect.
  • Jam chance increase as weapon condition lowers.


If you make it work with Combat Extended I'll be sending tons of virtual cookies your way! :)


Quote from: dezuman on August 20, 2017, 05:30:39 PM
If you make it work with Combat Extended I'll be sending tons of virtual cookies your way! :)
I've not tried that mod, but I heard it isn't the most compatible mod out there. I will try to take a look at some point.


Welcome to the community! I'll be sure to check this one out. Makes zero sense that some crappily-made, horrible condition gun can fire perfectly 100% of the time. Speaking of, is a weapon's jamming likelihood also based on condition, or solely quality?


Quote from: XeoNovaDan on August 20, 2017, 05:42:35 PM
Welcome to the community! I'll be sure to check this one out. Makes zero sense that some crappily-made, horrible condition gun can fire perfectly 100% of the time. Speaking of, is a weapon's jamming likelihood also based on condition, or solely quality?
Quality only at the moment, it does seem to be a good idea to include condition as well though, I'll add that to the road map.

Chicken Plucker

Hey, thanks for this mod. I will test it if I ever get the time to play the game again to see if it works with other gun mods just fine

Your entire mod reminds me of that Nicholas Cage film, Lord of War when some guy with an AK tried to shoot him with his own AK47 and it kept jamming. Please consider having a Nicholas Cage update, thanks


A very good idea.

Thank you for your time/the mod

And welcome in here :-D


Quote from: XeoNovaDan on August 20, 2017, 05:42:35 PM
Welcome to the community! I'll be sure to check this one out. Makes zero sense that some crappily-made, horrible condition gun can fire perfectly 100% of the time. Speaking of, is a weapon's jamming likelihood also based on condition, or solely quality?
XeoNovaDan, I liked the idea so much I stayed up late and released v0.2.

Now guns have a higher percentage chance to jam the lower HP they have. Also, there is a chance that a jam can damage the gun. Both the percentage and amount of damage are configurable in mod settings. Feedback always welcome! Let me know if you run into any bugs or other incompatibilities.



Somehow my military grade turrets are out of condition and do nothing with this mod on.


Quote from: Warforyou on September 01, 2017, 12:35:34 PM
Somehow my military grade turrets are out of condition and do nothing with this mod on.

Thanks for pointing out the bug. I'll get it fixed ASAP!


Quote from: Warforyou on September 01, 2017, 12:35:34 PM
Somehow my military grade turrets are out of condition and do nothing with this mod on.

This should be sorted out in version 1.0, let me know if you run into any additional issues.


I definitely see Tynan including this to the base game in the near future.
The more drama the better /s.


Quote from: faltonico on September 05, 2017, 11:39:31 PM
I definitely see Tynan including this to the base game in the near future.
The more drama the better /s.
I can't tell if you hate my mod idea or what. But! I've provided settings for nearly every calculation so YOU can tailor the experience to your liking. You can even disable some features by making the percentage chance 0.


I don't hate the mod, i simply wont use it, what i hate is the idea of Tynan using it in the base game, and knowing him, anything that adds drama is a good addition.