[B18] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner

Started by user19990313, November 28, 2017, 08:13:32 AM

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RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
For B18 (build 1722)

What's new in this release:
+(New) Remove BattleLog entries
+Optimized and even more secured GC algorithm
+Reduce memory usage by about 1kb
-Remove Filth or Remove Corpse tools are only displayed under dev mode now

For A17 or older releases, click Here

How could you salvage your over-sized savegame?
How could you make your game running smoothly as it used to be?
Well,you're lucky because you're using this mod!

You can:
-Remove unnecessary World Pawns to alleviate burden of GameSystem
-Clear AvoidGrids to reduce the size of your savegame
-Remove useless members(dead or of other factions) in an animal family
-Remove filth in HomeArea
-Remove corpses in current map
-Fix some faction relationships error(Those caused by mod conflicts are excluded!)
-Re-generate faction leaders to fix some CommTable issues.
-Reclaim Memory used by GameSystem to boost up game performance

You can view help documentation for these tools by clicking "?" buttons in the GUI.

1.Activate this mod(after Core mod)
2.Load your savegame
3.Find a tab called "RuntimeGC" at the bottom of your screen
4.Click,and do some cleaning with the GUI


PS. The longer you played(year-in-game),the more effective this cleaning will be.
PS2. Sometimes errors occur like "Tried to remove xxx from RimWorld.WorldPawns,but it's not here."They're unavoidable as I should thouroughly de-register every pawn(to avoid further bugs).But,they're harmless,so just ignore them.
PS3. Post any errors or bugs on my forum page.Your effort contributes to a better mod.Thanks!
PS4. (Too expensive to buy)

No known mod conflict yet.
Add this mod any time you like.
Remove this mod any time you like.
You don't have to create a new game.
-Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack?
-Whatever,as long as you don't remove <author /> tag.And inform me via PM/leave a comment at Steam Workshop.

-Can other modders make derivative mods based on yours?
-No.There's nothing to inherit in this mod ;)

English & Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional By BiscuitMiner
Japanese By kazumu
German By maculator

[If you want to do some translations, please also translate RuntimeGC.SteamWorkshopDescription.txt  ;)]



via DropBox
or subscribe it at Steam Workshop :P

Special Thanks to A16 testers:
[Check About.xml for their codes]
Thanks for your splendid work in Close-Alpha tests!

Why not pick up some of my mods here?Maybe they could make your gaming experience better!

[B18] AntiAutoUnload-Keeps your inventory!


Thank you :)

I was just checking if there was an updated version a few minutes ago.

===== EDIT =====

The Dropbox link leads to the folder containing the mod, rather the zipfile itself.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Quote from: SpaceDorf on November 28, 2017, 08:18:51 AM
The Dropbox link leads to the folder containing the mod, rather the zipfile itself.
Well, just click the folder, and you'll see the folder B18, then the zip file... ::)


I know ..  ;D

What I wanted to say is, that it is very inconvenient.

I can also just download the additional folders. Which I have to browse through after unpacking.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Atlast my collection is almost complete


Quote from: SpaceDorf on November 28, 2017, 08:47:11 AM
I know ..  ;D

What I wanted to say is, that it is very inconvenient.

I can also just download the additional folders. Which I have to browse through after unpacking.
You're right, I've just adjusted the folders, now you'll face the B18 folder instead of a vague "RuntimeGC"  ;D


i need to agree to Spacedorf.
For compatibility with with other release please adjust the download that you straight get the mod.
Don't forget some user are dump and maybe get problems. And i bet at the steam-workshop you didn't upload that filestructure.


Quote from: Canute on November 28, 2017, 09:44:55 AM
i need to agree to Spacedorf.
For compatibility with with other release please adjust the download that you straight get the mod.
Don't forget some user are dump and maybe get problems. And i bet at the steam-workshop you didn't upload that filestructure.
Thanks for the suggestion. Now the folder structure's clear enough now.


Its a bit better.
RuntimeGC B18.zip\RuntimeGC.zip\RuntimeGC
There is one zip to much.


Quote from: user19990313 on November 28, 2017, 11:31:32 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. Now the folder structure's clear enough now.

thank you very much  ;D
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Was waiting for this to show up before I start any B18 gameplay!


Yay! The final piece of the puzzle! Thank you, user19990313! YOU ARE A GOD


A small bug I've noticed. Sometimes, when using the "CleapUp: WorldPawns" option, nothing happens.

Using the debug option, I get this exception printed to the attached log. Something about failing to fill the window?

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Quote from: Zookes on December 02, 2017, 11:21:30 PM
A small bug I've noticed. Sometimes, when using the "CleapUp: WorldPawns" option, nothing happens.

Using the debug option, I get this exception printed to the attached log. Something about failing to fill the window?
Wierd... A well-checked vanilla function has raised an error...
Can you paste your mod list here? I guess it's not my mod logic but other mod conflicts that printed this log.


Thanks for adding the removal of battle logs, I love the idea of keeping my saves lean and mean :)
(regarding dead man's apparel)
"I think, at the very least, the buff should go away for jackets so long as you're wearing the former owner's skin as a shirt."