Unstable build feedback thread

Started by Tynan, June 16, 2018, 11:10:34 PM

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Tynan, we need a description or something that states that telescopes must be placed outdoors. Tried placing them indoor in my rec room and my pawns weren't using it. It can potentially fool a lot of new players.


Could you do something about temperature spikes from heaters/coolers/vents?  I was thinking I should try more melee (rather than my usual sniper spam), which lead me to trying to do a maze of small rooms rather than one giant hall and only branching off where required by game mechanics (bedrooms, freezer).  However, you can't have small rooms without individually heating them (nevermind attempting to cool them) because vents very quickly exceed the "slept in the heat/cold" limit and even if you had the throughput the spiking would hit you anyway when the outdoor temperatures hit moderate extremes.

The screenshot is -19°C outside.  The northern bedroom has dropped to 14° for a moment, despite being set to 21°.  One of the heaters is even in "low" power at this moment; there's sufficient heating to maintain 21° if it was stable.

Ironically I like using embrasure mods for this.  They seem to merge the rooms into one giant room for temperature purposes, solving boost throughput and stability.

If I can suggest a solution I'd like if heaters/coolers were infinitely variable.  Tell me you're using 136 W out of 175 W available to maintain current temperature.  I'd still have to worry about insufficient power/heaters when the cold snap hits.

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Are there plans to allow some kind of interaction with relationships outside of our group? A person is passing by, who is the *lover* of one of my people. I'd love to send her out there to at least say hi before he moseys off the map but even if I draft her and stand in his way he just keeps on keepin' on.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


Quote from: Brainsample on July 27, 2018, 09:35:25 PM
Question to every 1.0 player:

Did anyone notice a difference dragging the screen with the middle mouse button?
On my computer the scrolling isn't smooth anymore, it often makes forward jumps.
To be sure I just reverted to B18, and it's smooth as a whistle.
Now I'm back in 1.0, and the scrolling makes the pretty large jumps again.
(I run win 7 32 bit on a dual core)

Is this a known problem?

This happens to me.  I have a very nice brand new mouse and high end gaming mousepad to match it.  I've noticed it happens when I'm dragging with the middle mouse button and there is a tiny loading blip.  It seems to happen when a new letter / event / notification are popping or about to pop.  If I'm currently using the middle mouse to drag to a new location when it occurs it will hiccup for the tiniest of micro seconds then shoot my cursor/screen waaaaaaay far away in the direction I was dragging to right after it hits.


Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Rough
Biome: Flat tundra
Commitment mode: Reload-a-go-go
Hours played in the last 2 days: eh... like 8?
Complete mod list: n/a

Started a new Crashlanded scenario on the frozen tundra and just like last time I played on tundra, raids stopped once winter set in--and winter sets in very quickly. My grower pawn threw down some giant fields of corn; not sure what the food meta is these days but with just one grower I didn't have the time to be constantly planting and harvesting so long-growing-cycle corn it is. Lucked out with two strong builders and a researcher and managed to get a freezer/kitchen/common room, some nice stone bedrooms, and the solar panels and batteries to heat it all before temperatures dropped (not enough wood on the tundra to burn for power). Also planted cotton to make parkas, which are fantastic for this location now that they don't have the work speed debuff anymore; it's just too cold here for cloth toque + cloth jacket to keep everyone warm. Is there a reason why Crashlanded pawns don't start with synthread jackets anymore? It makes starting in cold biomes harder now. Also I have to say I am missing the old OP wool. Usually the first thing I try to do in a cold biome is tame a Muffalo for those snuggly toques but they don't seem much better than cloth anymore. Two raids of one raider each, one of whom was recruited with relative ease and one who bit the dust after shooting my pawns full of bullets that all missed their intended target. Grr. >:( 

Cassandra's been so quiet that there's very little else to report. Miscellaneous thoughts:

*I noticed I'm pulling 40 steel out of a square with a lvl 10 miner now, as opposed to the 32-35 I remember from just a few days ago. Notably, when a steel meteorite crashed, she got 35 out of each of the meteorite squares. Not sure what's going on there.

*I could get used to all the new art except the meat. Fluorescent meat cubes, no thank you. I dislike the new healroot because it looks like a weed and lacks a flower that changes color when it's "ripe" like the old one, but I could deal with it if I had to. The meat is just scary.

*Am I having very weird luck, or are Cannibal pawns more common than they used to be? I rolled up an insane amount of them in pawn creation.

*I haven't played a snowy map in a while and boy does it suck with the darkness walk speed debuff. Forget hauling anything in from the wilderness after 6 pm. It also means that my previous method of keeping outdoor walkways clear of snow by adding roofing will just slow my pawns down anyway unless I stick a bunch of lamps out in the open to clog the passage and get beat on by raiders. Blah. If pawns are going to be so whiny about the darkness I would really like a wall or ceiling light available so I don't have to festoon my base with impassable floor lamps.

*Not that it matters to my poverty-stricken pawns at the moment, but I'm not sure what was wrong with the name "power armor."

Weirdly just one of the two raids shows up on the graphs. Anyway:



(Animal wealth is zero because I modify the scenario so I don't start with pets.)

Quote from: 5thHorseman on July 28, 2018, 12:16:28 AM
Are there plans to allow some kind of interaction with relationships outside of our group? A person is passing by, who is the *lover* of one of my people. I'd love to send her out there to at least say hi before he moseys off the map but even if I draft her and stand in his way he just keeps on keepin' on.

When I was setting up, one of my original crashlanded pawns had a brother "left behind" on the ship. Instead of burning up on reentry, it seems he ended up in one of the friendly factions on the planet. It still seems sad to me that there's no way to contact him--she can't call him and talk or invite him to visit or even to join the colony even though she knows exactly where he is. I was hoping something like this would make it into 1.0.


I like most of the new art.
Meat cubes could use some fat marbling or bone.
A stack of rectangular things could have the top one rotated slightly.
A pile of things (pemmican, for example) needs dark hairlines between individual items. Otherwise it looks like a single amorphous blob. If the individual items need their texture shading muted for the hairlines to be visible, it's still probably worth it.

Ser Kitteh

My colonists have this terrible tendency to take pemmican/packaged survival meals when hauling them to the store room. Please let us make the ability to ensure they don't do that.


just took a look at 1977, and the art :|
1. insect jelly looks no different from jade
2. meat ends up look like watermelon, cube watermelon, i like the old one with dark red/brown instead of this new bright one
3. component+advan. component 're barely noticable, they're basically invisible
4.healroot also becomes relatively stealthy

otherwise, no problem, i like the neutroamine stack
the meal+medicine stack looks kind of "flat", each of them looks paper thin, kind of weird but probably b'cause it's unfamiliar


Storyteller: Randy
Difficulty: Merciless
Biome: Tundra no grow, small hills
Commitment mode: yes
Hours played in the last 2 days: 8?10? something like that
Complete mod list: vanilla

Another year and a half in tundra.  This is basically year of the brainfarts and randy hilarity.  Dudes punches my bombs in a tantrum and kills 1/4 of the whole colony.  Is disintigrated in the process, drives a few people insane for a month from dead friends/spouses.  Immediately after that, I send a terminator to a steel lump to go fight some manhunting pigs, forget to drop pod at the edge, and am immediately trampled to death along with a fine pair of bionic legs and a good heavy smg. 

Rather annoyingly, and why I have mixed feelings about the whole storyteller trying to force loss/recovery and raids by wealth, this has made my horridly cold tundra colony the easiest fort by a large margin.  The combination of deaths and inability to accrue large wealth in the tundra have made the raids sizes 2-3 years in about as large as two seasons in on a standard "easy" map.  Example:  One of my raids about two seasons back was literally just 5 dudes.  I've completely dismantled my trap corridor last I checked and just had the walk into turret fire.  As such, there really isn't much point even mentioning the raids.  I think I lost a cannon to something stupid, had some hypothermia scares after a small drop pod on top of someone anesthetized, that's it.

The LRMS is amazing on cold maps where you can't make wealth from crops, and I've done a few lumps for steel, silver, and components.  In particular doing components is nice, as I'm completely able to forego trading or building them myself, which might be a bit too good.  Additionally, it's a great way to essentialy get all the wood you need on a tundra map  in the process, as you essentially trade a launch pod for like 250 wood or so which is kickass.

Some notes:  Forced spreading out of deadfalls now feels redundant.  They don't have much utility anymore as single use spiked traps, so it'd nice to at least be able to use them to protect cannons or build a panic room.

Hypothermia is annoying to micromanage when you don't quite have the cold threshold down:  your idiot colonists will wait until they have hypothermia (serious) to go back to camp, in which case they'll get frostbitten.  Which leads to either even more micromanagement or dealing witht the fact that your medics are using full on medicine for a single frostbitten finger.

My annoyance with hunting is a bit overblown:  draft hunting is just something you have to do in year 1, but in years 2-3, it's fine to just use the wildlife tab to hunt freely, as a 3-5% chance of death per year is manageable in an established colony.

Edit:  While it's debateable whether it's worth fixing or not, intentionally sacrificing exactly one colonist every 3 seasons makes the game considerably easier as is apparent from the chart (although each of these in my case were careless mistakes or random happenings).  This has always been true with the game, even in beta, which is a huge point against "loss/recovery" for me.

[attachment deleted due to age]
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Quote from: mndfreeze on July 28, 2018, 12:46:35 AM
Quote from: Brainsample on July 27, 2018, 09:35:25 PM
Question to every 1.0 player:

Did anyone notice a difference dragging the screen with the middle mouse button?
On my computer the scrolling isn't smooth anymore, it often makes forward jumps.
To be sure I just reverted to B18, and it's smooth as a whistle.
Now I'm back in 1.0, and the scrolling makes the pretty large jumps again.
(I run win 7 32 bit on a dual core)

Is this a known problem?

This happens to me.  I have a very nice brand new mouse and high end gaming mousepad to match it.  I've noticed it happens when I'm dragging with the middle mouse button and there is a tiny loading blip.  It seems to happen when a new letter / event / notification are popping or about to pop.  If I'm currently using the middle mouse to drag to a new location when it occurs it will hiccup for the tiniest of micro seconds then shoot my cursor/screen waaaaaaay far away in the direction I was dragging to right after it hits.

This used to happen before for me too, really annoying when dragging zones. It's like the game doesn't properly pause your input while auto-saving. I've turned my autosave frequency down to the minimum because of this.


Tynan, can we pretty please with sugary flake on top get a different/alternative blight?  It's really bad for me being colorblind, like REALLY bad, but at least on all the crops I can look for it by shapes.  With COTTON however being both are little blobs of circles I can't see it hardly at all.  A single blight hit on a few fields of crops takes me 10 minutes of tile clicking to make sure I don't miss one because it is that bad.  I know my colorblindness isn't a community wide problem, but it's a common enough of a problem that I'm sure a large chunk of players would love you too bits.

If the graphics stay the same then the color needs to change drastically.  It needs to highly contrast against all the plants it affects.  Or the simplier solution is to make sure it looks so different then the plants its sitting on that its easy to see. 

Clusters of bubble shapes on cotton, which is basically a cluster of bubbles, is terribads. :(   Stop discriminating against my disease Tynan plleeasse :D


Quote from: mndfreeze on July 28, 2018, 04:13:04 AM
Tynan, can we pretty please with sugary flake on top get a different/alternative blight?  It's really bad for me being colorblind, like REALLY bad, but at least on all the crops I can look for it by shapes.  With COTTON however being both are little blobs of circles I can't see it hardly at all.  A single blight hit on a few fields of crops takes me 10 minutes of tile clicking to make sure I don't miss one because it is that bad.  I know my colorblindness isn't a community wide problem, but it's a common enough of a problem that I'm sure a large chunk of players would love you too bits.

If the graphics stay the same then the color needs to change drastically.  It needs to highly contrast against all the plants it affects.  Or the simplier solution is to make sure it looks so different then the plants its sitting on that its easy to see. 

Clusters of bubble shapes on cotton, which is basically a cluster of bubbles, is terribads. :(   Stop discriminating against my disease Tynan plleeasse :D

Better: remove blight/zzzt ;)
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


I don't mind either of the events really.  They have never "frustrated" me like some others (lookin at you TORNADO!), but not being able to see it on cotton definitely is a feelsbadman kind of moment because without quite literally click on each tile of cotton I will for sure miss one and have it infect my entire set of crops, which of course can be devastating.

I wish more games defaulted to planning for color blind players.  There are entire genres of games I pretty much can't play, like color based puzzle games.  :'(


New build!

Thank you so much for the ongoing feedback everyone, especially those who post play reports.

When you do post feedback please begin your post with this info:

Commitment mode: (yes/no)
Current colony age (days):
Hours played in the last 2 days:
Complete mod list:


Visitors don't hang out near traps.
Graves don't expand the home zone.
Friendly caravans try harder to avoid stopping near doors.
Rework various art.
All new art for dessicated animals. Each animal now has a unique dessicated look.
Revert orbital trader money amount to ~B18 levels.
Buff wool insulation.
Adjust armor rating quality impacts (it won't cap under legendary on strong armor any more).
Changed quest generation to be more consistent.
Hives now appear in a single cluster, not widely separated groups.
Added "reduce resistance" interaction mode. It's the same as recruit, but without any interaction once resistance is broken.
IEDs now have an auto-rearm option like spike traps do. The autoRearm toggle is no longer ignored if the trap is outside the home area.
Losing one eye now sets sight to 75%, not 50% (the same applies to ears and hearing).
Misc other tweaks and fixes.

Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Storyteller: Phoebe Chillax
Difficulty: Medium
Biome: Temperate Forest (Flat)
Commitment mode: yes
Current colony age (days): 448
Hours played in the last 2 days: 20+
Complete mod list: Greenworld, Numbers, Incident Person Stat, Wall Light, RandomPlus, Simple Bulk Cooking,
Small Shelf, OgreStack & Simply More Bridge.
Rimworld versions: 1974 to 1977

Hello Tynan,
I just send my ship in space for the first time (after only 1668 hours  :P) and I wanted to share this wonderful experience with you.

Early game:

Love the new spike trap. They are deadly and totally worth it (at least on temperate forest). Wood are fine on soft target,
steel are better for harder target (like scyther or lancer), which make sense. Never had enough plasteel to think about making plasteel trap.

That being said, I seen quiet a couple of animals and colonists get hit by random trap. steel spike trap can be particularly
deadly to colonist without heavy armor.


I lost 2 colonists to a plague during trade caravan while having proper medic skill, bedroll and medicines.
This is because medical tending delay during travel seems to last about 2 days for the plague. That is more than enough
time for the infected colonist to die if the doctor fail his first check.

What did I learn from this? Always keep at least 1 penoxycyline in your colonists inventory. Once I did that,
my caravans could go out safely without too much trouble. Of course, it won't help if you get a infection.


My earliest real threat was a psychic ship fight. There was a centipede, a scyther and a lancer. The perfect trio.
I was able to lure the scyther but the lancer wounded seriously the leg of Amelia, one of my main colonist.

I send her immediately to the medic bay while I try to figure out how I can deal with those mechanoids.

No sniper, no EMP, I decide to build a long wall with a door and trick them into melee/short range
the other side of that wall. It did work out, however not without a cost.

Amelia leg get infected and the medic being on the battlefield, she don't get proper tending. The infection is now
winning but the gaps with immunity get closer as the infection become even more extreme.

You know, it do not always end well. Had to remove Amelia infected leg at infection 99%/Immunity 96%. Very close one!
A prosthetic leg for you, and later, I will make a bionic leg just for you, then for all your brothers and sisters! ;o)


I noticed that some times, colonist will wear weaker apparels than what they already have.
For example, I noticed that some of my colonist prefer the wood full plate to the steel full plate (same quality/hits points).
I know that wood is perhaps a bit better than steel for heat protection but I literally had to forbid the wood plate
so my colonists could wear steel plate armors.

This seems to happen as well during end-game with hyperweave/thrumbofur duster and marine armor.


Mid game:

I started to use IEDs, well mostly high explosive and EMP, and they feel pretty cheap and can get very good result.
However, they do not seems to auto-rearms in my game.
Maybe because I started on a old version before the update ? *shrugs*

Also, what is the point of IED firefoam trap when we have firefoam popper ?


I did lost a third colonist to a hungering warg. It was totally my fault as I could have outrun him back behind the wall
but I took the wrong choice and try to fight him with a chain shotgun while wearing full flak armor. Sadly, that was not
enough and the hungry warg downed him quickly. And as we all know...Unlike manhunter, hungry animals continue to attack
you until your are dead, which don't take that long unfortunately. ;oP

What did I learn from this? Don't ever fight hungry animal alone. (I guess that make sense!)


I had a colonist that had several daze mental breaks during drug withdrawal process. It did seems that the colonist
was not getting the catharsis mood bonus after the mental state end. It might be fixed by now, I do not know.


Caravan ambush did seems a bit weak in general. For 4 colonists in full flak armor or better with mostly precision weaponry
and thrombo horns for melee.... and around 10-15 various pack animal... the AI send a single raider with a knife.

Don't get me wrong, caravan ambush should be pretty weak as we have little time to setup defense and must-do with what we have.
But this seem a bit silly. Anyway, this keep happening multiple times.

It did scale a bit as I progressed into the game, with up to 6 poorly equipped raiders completely at the end game.

Still, I did enjoy caravan traveling a lot, and it's fun to have weaker fight from time to time.


While raiding a small turret outpost I noticed that mortar are lighter than mini-turret.
I am not sure if it's intended or not but I did find it a bit funny that it was lighter to carry 3 large mortars
(30kg each) than a single mini-turret (100 kg).


I was gaining new colonists pretty fast during early-mid game. Starting from 3 to 12... then finally top at 24 colonists.

The colony population was raising so fast that growing food quickly became the main issues. Good thing that the map had
50/60 growing days or I would probably not have survived that easily. The game almost ended with a large colony famine as
I completely forgot removing the roof I had build a week ago on my crop field to protect them from a cold snap... XD


I finish my killbox, a mix of long range uranium slug turret (Incredibly powerful!), autocannon turret and
a layer of uranium mini-turrets with a minefield in center and a deadly trap corridor. Well, of course it's also
around that time that the game adapt and send mores diverse types of raid (siege, sapper, transport drop, etc.) to test
your defense.



Deep mining seems much more rewarding than before. I got many thousands of uranium and steel that way.
However, plasteel is still elusive.

So I build 2 LRMS and start searching for plasteel. I even made a specific miners team that I send
periodically to mine plasteel deposit.

I also buy every scrap of plasteel from any vendors I encounter.

Even until the very end, plasteel was pretty hard to get while I had thousands of steels, silvers, uranium & woods.


Melee DPS info seems to be missing on power claw, prosthetic arm, bionic arm & archotech arm. I would like to know
how their DPS compare to others melee weapons.


Friendly fire seems much better in general. However, those uranium slug turrets are still very dangerous, lost
a few pets to them.


Infestation and deep drilling infestation strength did feel alright. They can deal some damages to your base sometimes
but in general are pretty easy to deal with. I guess it would be another story on a mountain map.


I tried to use moisture pump to drain some mud around my base. There was not that much mud/water to begin with, yet it
feel like it was taking forever. I got quiet a few of them working but at the end I feel that it was not working fast
enough to justify their use over simple bridge.


Caravan request did seems less interesting/rewarding during the mid/end game. Most of my caravans travel was for components
/ plasteel mining and some times selling items at friendly villages or finding item stash.

I wish there was more opportunity to find those rares tech devices (healer mech serum, resurrector mech serum, archotech, etc.)

On another side, it make each colony unique has I won't have the same rare devices in each colony.

The largest threat to me during end-game was probably mechanoids drop directly inside my base. Those often inflict large
damage to the base. To help against this, I put EMP IED trap & firefoam popper everywhere inside my base.


Ship starting sequence was incredibly fun! Lot of actions and had the chance to use some on those nasty weapons/devices
I collected during my adventure.

It was intense, I barely had the time to repair and rearm trap between each raid. It was also the first time that I saw
raiders with triple and doomsday rocket launcher.

I even lost 2 geothermal generator to late mechanoid raid. Good thing I was producing way too much electricity at that time.

In general, I feel like the challenge was adequate for medium difficulty.


Unfortunately, I don't have dev graph because I... permanently disabled dev mode by mistake.

Hope this will do!

Thanks for your time!

Time to test this new build...  ;D

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