[RW-1.0.2059] Medieval Times (v. 1.974.B-19 (Updated-10/22/2018))

Started by Vindar, July 27, 2016, 11:14:42 PM

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I have translated this mod into ChineseSimplified and there is the Language pack.And if i can upload this to a chinese website named Baidu Post Bar . :)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Hey, @Vindar! I found a curious incompatibility in Medieval Times with Enhanced Prothetics and Organ Engineering mod. When you install advanced bionic bodyparts from EPOE you can't ever wear any kind of gauntlets or boots, game just says - "Can't equip - bodypart's missing". I know that dealing with mod incompatibilities isn't something you must do, since there is a ton of mods and you can't really have absolute compatibility with everything... But if you have some time spare, maybe you could look at it? I don't know, if I should ask this of you, or the EPOE's author, since i can't say I know what needs to be patched - artificial bodypart to be recognized as viable by your gear, or your gear to be able to be worn on artificial parts.


Quote from: qq823677787 on October 13, 2017, 11:49:06 AM
I have translated this mod into ChineseSimplified and there is the Language pack.And if i can upload this to a chinese website named Baidu Post Bar . :)

feel free to upload any translation packs wherever you feel it necessary.

In the future when the mod is finished i'll probably go looking for translation packs and ask their authors to incorporate them into the mod. Of course the mod is a long ways off of finished, so that's gonna be a while.


answered on steam.

didn't know that 1.74b incorporated boots and stuff back in, its not supposed to yet.


Yup, thanks for your time. I never even considered that vanilla RW mechanics made it so that bionic parts removed some natural parts entirely replacing several human parts at once with one that is combined, effectively destroying some of them... I imagine that would be a pain to workaround(.


So, I'm having a bit or a problem. First off I have a line in the debug when I load, and I can't make any armor with 'winter coat'. x.x Such as 'Brigidine with Winter Cloak' Only with Tabards and Capes.

XML error: Could not find parent node named "MedTimes_BenchBase" for node "ThingDef". Full node: <ThingDef Name="MedTimes_BlacksmithsForgeBase" ParentName="MedTimes_BenchBase" Abstract="True"><ThingClass>Building_WorkTable</ThingClass><fillPercent>0.5</fillPercent><useHitPoints>True</useHitPoints><statBases><WorkToBuild>2000</WorkToBuild><MaxHitPoints>180</MaxHitPoints><Flammability>1.0</Flammability><Cleanliness>-5</Cleanliness></statBases><hasInteractionCell>True</hasInteractionCell><surfaceType>Item</surfaceType><inspectorTabs><li>ITab_Bills</li></inspectorTabs><comps><li Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"><fuelConsumptionRate>50.0</fuelConsumptionRate><fuelCapacity>100.0</fuelCapacity><fuelFilter><thingDefs><li>MedTimes_Resource_Coal</li><li>WoodLog</li><li>Bamboo</li><li>VG_Biofuel</li></thingDefs></fuelFilter><consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed>true</consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed></li><li Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities"><linkableFacilities><li>ToolCabinet</li></linkableFacilities></li></comps><placeWorkers><li>PlaceWorker_ShowFacilitiesConnections</li></placeWorkers></ThingDef>
Verse.XmlInheritance:GetBestParentFor(XmlInheritanceNode, String)


@ Beathrus
their was a change in the way the mod works in terms of brigadines and winter cloaks, the winter cloaked versions are/have been removed for the most part.

I'll look into the XML error.


Updated to (v. 1.88.A18)
- Added new Building "Eternity Forge". (Can be found w/ Orbital Traders)
- Added new item "Nanite Vial" (must be purchased via outlanders or orbital traders)
- New armour class "Nanite" (can be created via the eternity forge and nanite vials or purchased, non-degrading versions of armour.)
- Personal Computer is no longer craftable and must be purchased (Initial intention)
- Warbands can now be reasoned with.
- added new faction "Warbourne" (Hidden/Hostile)
- Added new Armour "Warbourne's Chain"
- Added new helmet, "Wearborne's helmet"
- Added new gauntlets "Warbourne's Gauntlets"
- Added new boots "Warbourne's Boots"
- Added new armour "Berserker's Chain"
- Added a new HiQ version of the Warknife.

- Added new helmet "Warlord's Helmet"
- Added new gauntlets, "Warlord's Gauntlets"
- Added new boots, "Warlord's Boots"

- New graphic for Marksman's Bracers
- New graphics for Graphic Novels

- removed various low tier weapons and armour variations.
- Added new belt, Toolbelt and smokepop toolbelt variation.

- Added new Weapon "Musket". (including sound effect)
- Added new Weapon "Morning Star"
- Added new Helmet "Full plated headwrap"

- New shrine added "Shrine of Pang Li"

- Added new weapon "The Wargod"
- Added new shieldbelt "Wargod's Crest"
- Added new weapon "Fragment of Mjolnir"

- Added new Statue "The Gentleman"
- Added New statue "Revenge Cat"

- Revised Item "Graphic Novel" as a drug (Initial intention)
- "Page Flips" sound effect created.
- Added new Building "Coal-fired Generator".
- Added new Building "Firepit". (Wood conscious campfire)
- Added new Building "Storage Pallet"
- Added new Recipie, Create Coal Chunks

- Tweaked Various graphics, stats and gameplay issues.
- Various Rebalancing.
- Other things I cant remember.

Yes, i just realized where in beta now instead of alpha, I'll update all the tags on version 1.89


Updated to (v. 1.89.B18)
- Added new weapon "Fun Bunny"
- Fixed portable butcher block bug.
- Fixed various graphical bugs.


jerked meat feels op in a way. no malus, high preservation rate, need any meat (pemmican that is roughly the same 'type' of food need meat AND vegetables) and is available since start.
why would one cook simple meals when you can cook jerked meat?


Hey! Seems to be a very good mod indeed! But could someone please send me the non steam, non nexus link of the .17 alpha version, please? I don't have a premium account in the nexus! Dropbox or something alike should do, thanks!

Muffalo Wool

Since this mod adds factions to the game, I'm curious to know if the world is limited to 5 different factions. Currently using Rimsenal which makes it so that there's 1 Outlander, Tribal, Pirate, Feral and Federation faction.


(v. 1.90.B18)
- Added new building "Medieval Stool"
- Added new building "Medieval Cot"
- Added new accessory "Warbourne's Shield Belt"
- Added nanite version of toolbelt
- Fixed some missing de-crafting items.
- Some minor fixes i cant remember.


So I tried this mod and it has been so much fun.

Btw never try outshooting Scythers with Ballista. After 2 Ballista destroyed and two new arrivals loosing body parts I charged in with warhammers that did the trick. Shooting regular raiders with Ballista and catapult is fun though.
THX for the great work.
Those warlord shields that drop early are pretty OP but I guess its fine because they loose durability quickly and also attackers get very numerous and are quite threatening because fort value also goes up fast and the attackers come with pretty scary equipment.


Is there a way I could download items and weapons separately, or you are not planning to split them?
