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Messages - Epyk

Quote from: slicedtoad on February 18, 2015, 06:45:27 PM
Dammit, this modpack has ruined vanilla for me. I tried playing the new alpha but without a bunch of mods it feels empty.

Fear not!
Epyk Pack will be getting an Alpha 9 release.

All the wonderful mods will be back and they're bringing beer!
To be fair, mushrooms actually do grow quick!

2.16.15 Epyk Pack 1.18y
- Increased time for Caveworld Flora plants to grow
- Increased market value of CyberneticsStorm weapons
- Slighty reduced health of Horrors
- Removed ED Plants24h
Quote from: skullywag on February 16, 2015, 04:50:26 PM
Confirmed my version does not do it, you have an old version of the mod, you need to update.

Looks like a number of his mods got updated several days ago.
I'm slipping...  :-[

Just updated, next update will update the ED mods.

Edit: I'll bring ED Plants24H in Alpha 9
Quote from: skullywag on February 16, 2015, 04:21:19 PM
Actually the only thing that uses the new plant class that has that code are the core plants, no other mods will use it....weird how i dont get the same errors.

I've encountered the error only a small amount of times but never thought anything of it.
Gotten an increased amount of reports on it. As of now, the error shows itself under certain a condition that I can not replicate. When it does, the error appears every tick and creates huge files and lags the game severely.

I'll see what I can do or find out while it's removed from the Epyk Pack.
Quote from: Tasher on February 16, 2015, 03:08:21 PM
Quote from: Epyk on February 10, 2015, 01:07:14 PM
Quote from: ManWithNoName on February 09, 2015, 03:08:18 PM
@tasher - i always get them errors i just ignore them, i dont even have the cybernetic mod activated.

Pretty much, all errors you'll find currently in the Epyk Pack can be ignored without ruining your game.
Otherwise I wouldn't allow the update.

Re-started a new game, and running. Have hit year 1 and this looping error on re-load of savegame is really hitting performance and using up memory. I'm not sure the back-end coding, but the output_log.txt file was in excess of 1.06GB in size. I wiped the file, and re-started the load and after about 20 mins the output_log file is now nearing almost 100kb in size again. It's extremely laggy b/c all it's doing is throwing and writing the error log out.

Most of the errors are:
Custom GrowingNow()
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc635190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEnginerDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Edit: Just ran a search on the mods folder, and it seems the only one that comes up w/ a result for "GrowingNow()" is the plant.cs for Ehanced_Defence/Plants24H

It has been an issue since the early days of the Epyk Pack.
ED Plants24H will be removed next update. It's a nifty mod, but does cause issues listed above.
Quote from: Marnador on February 16, 2015, 05:53:59 AM
A bit late but thanks guys, different people have different skills or points of view when it comes to art style for mods, but as I already mentioned in the first post I do try to mimic vanilla style, feel, colors, outline thickness, how it looks when you zoom-out which is very sensitive since the game doesn't blur custom images, and too densely packed lines and details makes it look like a mess when you're looking at it from far away.
I could have easily made the prettiest gun but then it would just clash whit the existing style and make it feel out of place.
Now I know I am not the best and some moders here done a superb job when it comes to art style, in fact the guy who did vanilla guns mod is what got me to make this to begin with :)
I myself aspire to work in a graphic industry one day... this is a thing I pretty much do as a hobby for years anyways so might as well benefit from it.
*shakes fist* one day world! one day!
I will probably hold off until beta 9 to make some of the major balancing changes that I took from feedback that I received, Ty is busy fixing bugs lately and if the history repeats itself hopefully that means that he is very close to release.
Glad to hear from you again friend.
I couldn't play another game without your turrets.
Quote from: Haplo on February 15, 2015, 10:24:44 AM
The trader only set their trade beacon, if there isn't another one around. Once you've set your own trade beacon, the traders won't build their own.
Was wondering why stockpiles were randomly appearing around my base and just like me, single out the obvious answer.
Quote from: shhfiftyfive on February 15, 2015, 06:32:40 PM
"Skullywags Weapons, Tools and Trinkets - By skullywag
ShapedCharge - A device that will remove roofs!" to this mod's page is broken in op
Thank you!
Its been fixed.
Quote from: art281996 on February 15, 2015, 02:34:29 PM
the first time i install everything works great but after i exit out and try to play again, the game just stays frozen and never starts. any helo would be greatly appreciated

PM me and I'll help you out.
Want go give a heads up with the tent traders.
Come next update beacons will automatically plop a stockpile when placed.
The stockpile stays when they leave, this already happens with JuliaEllie's Better Beacon mod.

2.14.15 Epyk Pack 1.18v
- Increased time for Omni Gel to grow
- Increased power, reduced production rate, and increased recipe requirement of Ore extractor
- Increased power, reduced production rate, and increased recipe requirement of Fissure generator
- Chunks can now be produced from Ore Extractor
Quote from: Catjaco on February 14, 2015, 11:53:13 AM
for me it still doesn't work, i placed the modconfig.xml file in the right folder but when i start the game it doesn't respond and crashes if i click anywhere... heeelp

When starting up RimWorld, give it a minute or more to load without clicking or giving your computer a command. PM me if you have any further issues and I'll help you.
Quote from: Furmindrule3 on February 14, 2015, 10:24:57 AM
Hey Epyk, I just wanted to say that ModPacks are the only reason I even bother testing mods with Alpha Updates (since its very tedius to go through each and every updated mod and apply them and then find a load order that works and then finally play after like 3 hours of fiddling or sometimes days) so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! And I don't know if you had any nay sayers in this thread but aslong as you provide proper credits (as you already did just by adding "by <author>" I don't see a problem with it at all! .. otherwise people like me wont bother. 10/10.

Thanks for the kind words!
Proper credit is something I make sure I don't miss a step on!
Quote from: Lennox on February 14, 2015, 05:21:14 AM
Hello there. Awesome modpack you've made there. Looking forward to try it on, but facing with some kind of an issue: When I'm installing this pack and launch my RimWorld again to create new world and stuff, it's just simply showing me black screen. No "no responding process", no lagging, just clearly black screen. Have no hamachi installed.
What could've I do wrong with it?

Check to make sure you didn't accidentally the "Core" folder in the "Mods" folder.