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Topics - Dave-In-Texas

A pawn (npc or colonist) with the killer backstory gets  +4 Melee and +2 Medicine and then the skill Doctoring is disabled.

A typo perhaps? Seems like social would go along with the killer mindset as described.
Crafting Neutroamine 1.1
I was Inspired by both an A15 Unstable mod by Bendigeidfran [craftable Neutroamine] and a desire to craft this important chemical.  It provides a production chain that improves through research in 5 stages and I've got more uses in mind for the new resource.

  The file newest version of both mods is attached to this post and can also be downloaded from dropbox below.

Warning! Do not install Crafting Neutroamine Simply with the full version!

In this mod the crafting process takes two things in varying amounts: Herbal Medicine and Plant Essence.

Plant Essence is created by performing a distillation bill on the lab, with better formulas available through the same research as neutroamine.  When you first research drug production the lab will start with one recipe which, while highly inefficient, lets you essentially preserve 'raw plant ingredients' in a non-decaying form for later use.

'Raw plant ingredients' are all the vanilla food crops,  psychoid leaves and hops.  That initial recipe uses 2x as much raw food as a simple meal, almost three times as much as one flake and more than one yayo.

So now you have to decide which uses are more important for those materials: Your people eat (or get stoned) or they can have Neutroamine.

On an easy start the various ingredients are usually plentiful but it can get complex when you're on higher difficulties.

As you research Neutroamine Production I through V the process gets more efficient until at the end it is amazingly efficient.

  The skill required is Crafting and the minimum scales up as well, from 6 to eventually 12.

Crafting Neutroamine Simply 1.1

This is a stripped down version and only uses Herbal Medicine with three tiers of research.  Simpler but not necessarily easier.

Are they save game friendly?   Sorta. .  Yes!  thanks to some timely advice from Deimos Rast I am no longer overriding the lab!!!

I am open to feedback and suggestions and have more planned.

Changelog for 'Crafting Neutroamine':
   1.1 - Removed the override on the Druglab (credit to Deimos Rast) and fixed some typos in the recipes.  made the labels within the bills tab more meaningful.
   1.0 - Initial Release.

Changelog for 'Crafting Neutroamine Simply':
   1.1 - Initial Release.


- Add some pictures to this post.

- A Stacking texture.  If anyone has the skill and tools to make a little deep blue bottle texture that stacks like the core drugs do, I'd be grateful as I currently have no idea how it is being done.

- Make plant essence a drug, with moderate effects and low risk of addiction.  After spending all day on this the drug defs seemed unbearably complex.  Another day :)

- Possibly make the plant essence creation function like skinning, so it makes essence of berries, etc.

I tested against a range of mods that I'm using and not only did it produce neutroamine, the normal recipes for the bench worked flawlessly, with no errors but I still didn't get a chance to test all of the other mods at the same time, but hey no errors were thrown :)

license: No commercial profit from any of my mods. I'd like to be contacted before my mods are added to a modpack as that often generates messages/postings to the original author and I reserve the right to decline.

Feel free to take what i've done and modify it, if you repost it just credit me :)

here is my modslist in play as of tonight :)

    Fireplace Mod V1.3 A14
    Modular Tables
    More Vanilla Turrets
    Stonecutting Tweak
    Animal Feed Trough V1.0
    Craftable Neutroamine
    Medical Training
    Wall Torch Mod V1 A14
    Crafting Neutroamine 1.1

edit  8/31/16 1030ct: clarity on what plant essence is made from and save game friendliness.
edit: 8/31/16 2130ct: added the 'license bits'.
edit  9/01/16 0113ct: cleaned up the page, added link to the new version and removed irrelevant text.
edit 9/01/16 16331ct: released a standalone version with a simpler process for those seeking that. Also
         improved the post formatting.
edit 9/01/16 2024ct: corrected a few typos, including the post subject. lol

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Mods / [Mod Request] Medical Bill.. Keep Sedated.
August 28, 2016, 11:23:21 AM
It occurred to me when i had to deal with a high strung colonist with a serious infection that being able to set a bill 'keep sedated' using medicine would be very handy :)

or perhaps a drug distilled from heal root that i can schedule every 12 hours, but then they'd be passed out in the stockpile like a good ole drunk :-p
You let me know that the steam overlay functions handle printing now.  Some of us don't run the overlay because I feel its a waste of resources in 99% of the time.  Shouldn't rimworld print a message when it doesn't find the overlay and i try to print screen or find some other way to gracefully handle it?

Im a miser,  want ever cpu cycle and byte of memory possible available to my games when i play them.. this laptop isn't uber, just above average, lol.

Mods / [Request] fast forward until <x> mod
July 24, 2016, 05:04:54 PM
I've been finding myself wishing i could set the fast forward speed and have it return to normal on some standard conditions..  like someone (one of the colonists) waking up, for example.  It might be useful to also have it pause with any event that triggers a message.  Perhaps have both options be configurable.

I lack the skills to write such a beast, at least now; if someone with the know-how can, i'm sure the community will enjoy it :)
This may be a bug or an undocumented property of the joy item.   i ended up roofing the area which had my pin and the colonists promptly started not using it.  as soon as i put a no roof zone directly on the pin, they started back up.
I'm sorry I didn't have a save near the incident but a pawn who was fighting a fire stopped to eat.  he proceeded to walk two paces over INTO the thickest fire to try and eat... and got some burns.
I just noticed when i changed my mind on where i wanted a wall that had materials in the blueprint already.   the wood left behind is forbidden if its not in a home zone and i turn off auto-home :)
The behavior of the reverse designator between these two resources is inconsitent.

when you select a harvest-possible non-tree like a raspberry bush it gives you two choices if the plant is mature enough.  Trees however do not, they always give the chop wood option, which in turn acts like cut plant not chop wood.  No wonder folks find it confusing.

I submit it would be better if not less confusing to implement the same logic for  trees or make only one option available for either.  the harvest version if its mature and the cut plant if it is not.

recent posts about it

to which i posted  the logic you and i presented in this bug post on the testers forum

Bugs / [0.10.785] Rain does not extinguish fires
April 22, 2015, 02:42:22 PM
This may be by design.. but it seems unlikely.

1) create a world.
2) created a game.
3) turn on dev mode.
4) set a half dozen fires with lightning strikes or fire bombs.
5) watch the fun, the fires aren't put out.

Here is a world/save file (vanilla/no mods).
General Discussion / About timetables
April 22, 2015, 08:57:15 AM
I've seen a lot of discussion on joy and timetables (on youtube lets plays specifically, looking at you Blitz *grin*).  there seems to be an assumption that pawns only change clothes if 'anything' is in the timetable.

i use:

This isn't the only working variation, just wanted to share a visual.  I rarely have trouble with happiness once i've built a horseshoe pit and chess table to give them more variety.

They also put on clothes as necessary..  and as you can see I have zilch on the anything time :)

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Ideas / Charafter creation request
April 17, 2015, 12:15:21 PM
When playing vanilla, esp to help test its a real pain to suddenly find you've chosen a blind, cripple.  to offset that we can check the health tab but its convoluted to access.

There's this lovely empty space:

for at least this information:

it would be so helpful for that data to be echoed forward to simplify testing.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I just had a  friendly visitor put on a freshly made duster and then they left.  grrr.
Every now and then it bugs out.  i get items just left lying around.

the first time it was some cloth.  i tried to manually haul it and got the greyed out 'no empty places' message.  a little bit later someone picked that same cloth along with some others and away it went.

most recently its a pistol that i want hauled under cover before it melts away.

the dumping stockpile is set to all weapons.  the % is 0-100 (its at 87%) any quality (its normal).

the files (world/save) are too big to post here even with compression, so i thought i'd ask if anyone else had this trouble.

edit: actually here's a dropbox link to the word + save (no mods)
Set up your stove with  cook simple meal until you have say 8.
your cook will cook 9.

May happen with other bills but i've not proceeded that far in a game yet.

this happened several times in rc 2 but i was unable to see if it was situaitonal (something like another colonist taking one out the the stockpile and then dropping it after the cook started cooking).  this time i was able to watch him and he kept plowing on til 9.
alternative title:  Farmers hate trees!
This was also happening with A9 latest release.

Create a growing zone that has trees on the outside border (not actually IN the zone) and your people will clear the trees outside the zone too.

I don't think this is a critical error but it is odd and odd things are often symptoms of bigger problems :)
Help / [Idea] Deconstruct gives xp
December 16, 2014, 01:44:17 PM
I can't help noticing how long it takes to deconstruct anything.  It seems wrong to me that this gives no Construction Xp.  I think something nominal like 25 or 50 xp is reasonable but after skimming the xml i cannot see where to adjust/add this.

I know deconstruction was so trivial in the past this was a non-issue but... lol.  Any thoughts?
Bugs / [W|Alpha 8 652] Audio oddness
December 12, 2014, 04:31:56 PM
This game has  RICH soundscape as you all know.   After an extended period of time of game play (unable to quantify but its hours)  I'll hear a rather ugly boom-pop sound and then silence from the game.  No visual corruption or other problems.
save, get another pop, exit and reload and everything is back to normal.

The sound resembles the kind of sound you could generate by messing up your pointers back in the day with 8bit 6502 :-)

Did not happen (to me) on alpha 7 or earlier with similar or even longer play sessions see the response from Wex for his take.

Windows 8.1 x64
Mods / Some Questiions
October 14, 2014, 01:02:58 AM
I'm having trouble being able to tell when mods will not be compatible with each other.

I've tried scanning through the directories but its not apparent when they aren't going to work together just based on apparent structure - or i'm not looking for the right things.

for example:

I added Enhanced defense, played a bit and later after I had researched through the entire tech tree and didn't find any new research.  I'm not picking on that mod, just hoping to gain a basic enough understanding of which mods will prevent others from loading right by writing over research or some such?

Insight would be helpful, i'd like to explore other mods but it is less fun to play through, get involved in the colony only to realize that the fun new shiny toys i was expecting are broken..  lol

I kept looking on the forums (somewhat like a terrier after a mole, lol)  and found this thread [MOD HELP] (Alpha 7) How to install all types of mods.

I thought I knew how to install mods but I had missed point 3 "one folder deep". RimWorld-Enhanced-Defence had sub folders in the archive (ED-Shields, etc).   

I feel better about getting some new shinies to play with :)