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Topics - Xerberus86

hey, the current methods of moving the view is by:

- edge scrolling (which 80% of the time is kinda not working for me :/)
- wasd-keys
- arrow keys
- clicking & holding the middle mouse button

.. i would like to do the ladder with the right mouse button (maybe switch the function for middle mouse button and right mouse), or give us the option to do to (options menu).
hey, have rimworld for over a week now and just now i noticed that there are two graphic pre-sets, "normal" and "great".

"great" seems to increase the quality of the coloring mainly and makes some lines thinner / finer. hadn't much time testing the better graphics quality option, my current colony didn't live long enough, my question would be what your graphic setting is (if you use "great" or "normal") and how big the FPS impact is on the higher graphic setting.

thanks :)
Ideas / vehicles
September 05, 2014, 11:57:13 AM
would it be possible / feasable to add some vehicles to the game? especially later on when rimworld gets some more optimizations then with the big map settings having some vehicles would be !FUN!.

implementation could be either some fixed vehicles OR that we could build them like rooms ourselve :).

now with amputation, different biomes (and moddable biomes) and the possibility of crafting things out of virtually every material, who wants some PIRATES? :D
Ideas / hotkeys - like "m" for mining
September 04, 2014, 05:08:53 PM
now yes, "m" is already the hotkey for mining BUT you have to open up the architect menue, then open up the orders menue and then you can use the hotkey "m"....WHY?

if i have to move my cursor down there to open up TWO menues then there is no reason to not use the mouse for the last command, the hotkeys right now are pretty much pontless.

as far as i know there is nothing bound to "m" (for example), why not let us press "m" and then our cursor has the mining symbol?

also adding the options to rebind those hotkeys is pretty much a given since people might adjust them to better suit their playstyle.
Ideas / item comparison
September 04, 2014, 11:52:51 AM
i know i already have a monster-sized suggestion thread but i feel like this is more of an urgent request than a simple suggestion (well more like every UI suggestion is like that but well here we are).

please let us compare the items we are looking at. for example on the ground lies a M-16 rifle and i have a M-14 equipped (or glock 17 or whatever), now if i click on "information" for the M-16 (the one on the ground) then why not:

1. color code the stats (red worse, green better)


2. put the stats for my equipped weapon right besides the stats from the weapon on the ground, that way i can make an informed decision if i want to equip those weapon or not.

this game has so much depth in its gameplay mechanics but the UI still needs to be improved to better deliver us the information we need.
Off-Topic / RimWorld Wallpaper (Main Menue Screen)
September 04, 2014, 09:31:04 AM
like the subject title says, does a wallpaper exist which looks like rimworlds main menue screen but without the menue options and the version number at the top left corner?
hey, i bought rimworld a couple days ago and have already played over a dozen hours with it, it is a good great (great with mods) but there are some essentials missing.

- better UI thankfully we have the edb interface mod and these changes should be made vanilla. i read the thread were the dev said duo to resoultion limitation xyz ... idc...selecting a deer and a button with "hunt" should appear. rimworld doesn't over 100-200 (or even more) colonists like dwarf fortress does and focuses more on the indivudal one, which is fine cause the fights are all tactial and having over 100 soldiers would make tactical gameplay impossible. the latest edb interface versions deliver some colonist picture including their outfit (in their symbol picture) and a color coded hp-bar next to them. now these things could still be improved with icons singaling that x colonist misses armor / weapon / head / x equipment but the mod adds so much already which should really be considered vanilla-worthy.

- squads / fighting groups (UI +): let me group certain colonists and make them more easily selectable for me (like fleets in sins of a solar empire for example). shift+1 as hotkeying does sadly jack. now i am sure that currently and in general with the intended amount of colonists it isn't that big of a deal but honestly i want to hotkey 2-3 frontgunner, 1-2 sniper and maybe 2-3 artillery guys / gals and with the current setup it takes half an hour (slight overstatement) to find the person i need.

- resource panel (UI tweak):let me decide which resources i want to see at the left panel, i play with tech tree minami mod and my left screen side is completely cluttered with icons and it takes ages to find the resource amount i am looking for. thankfully edb interface mod gives me an inventory screen where all items are listed by groups. 

- power / energy management: (UI +) now energy is kinda an important resource and batteries have effectiveness rating, different items / buildings have power requirements and solar panels aren't always delivering (which is kinda expected). now what i am asking for is an energy / power management screen. let my see the items which supply me with power, which store power and which consumer power and let me see their statuses. let me activate / deactivate certain items in this screen and let me set some priorities like if i have not enough power then the game should automatically shut down the garden lamps instead of the nutrition dispenser. of course lamps would've needed to be grouped (manually) by the player or / and by rooms.

- burrows / activity zones (UI +): we have friendly fire in the game and the colonist AI in general is quite suicidal. please let me have some zones where i can assign colonists to and give ma a big red button which i can switch and then all colonists will stay in the "DANGER"-area.

- jobs screen (UI tweak) needs some improvements, why not add the option to sort by certain skills, this shouldn't be too hard to implement. let me sort the overview by doctoring / research skill for example.

- health & equipment overview (UI+): we also need a colony overview screen with all the colonists and their current health-status. put every colonist in a row and the columns are the rows from the colonist "health" screen. like an excel spreadsheet and even better if i click on a colonist then there will be a screen-extension where i can enable / disable jobs for this colonist.....or "relieve" him (read execute)...i do hate those vegetables taking up work-orders and food. they also die too slowly when i stop doctoring them and the micromanagement is killing me....sadly we have no atom-smasher or pit in rimworld ;). having an overview screen with all the colonists and their equipment would also be nice, rows are the colonists and the columns are the equipment slots, also let me assign them equipment from my stockpiles directly from that screen. there is really nothing more frustrating than searching for that sniper rifle which he had dropped somewhere on the map or which lies in a certain stockpile (scratch stockpile, let me also view if i want the weapons on the map to assign to them).

--> sub-note, add some general rules like "claim dropped weapons" or things like "new stockpiles have everything disabled" <-- this is added by the edb interface mod i believe and is a must-have (sorry if i'm wrong and this is part of vanilla).

- AI tweak:the colonist AI needs some fixes / tweaks ASAP. in my current i almost had my entire population (6 people...hey shut up :P) whiped out by this mind-thingy which made all 5 out of 6 colonists rampaging chimpansies. at the end they beat each other to ribbons and i had to carry them all to med beds....that wasn't the problem. problem was that the AI doesn't care when it has work to do (or it sleeps) and its starting to starve. this is unacceptable, really, in DF if you dwarvese have nothing to eat (either by fault of the player doing jack or being trapped on an small are on the other side of the river, curse those ice fishing dwarves which stay there till spring) they will automatically harvest nearby / reachable plants, drink water and hunt for food....even vermin if the need is too big. in rimworld they just do their things and starve. the top reason my colonists are dying lately is because they starve while doing their job. it is actually funny, i had some colonists starve to death while they were feeding patients and hauling food....i mean wtf.

- melee combat: melee weapons? please give me some melee weapons, we have "shooting" and "melee" as a stat but not a single melee weapon. an idea would be that every colonist has 3 weapon points, he / she can either equip a medium-sized weapon (costs 2 points) and a small melee weapon (knife, 1 point), a small weapon (handgun, 1 point) and a medium-sized melee weapon (katana, ..yeah..2 points) or a big weapon from one of the two categories (bazooka or a greatsword / halberd / lance / dual-wielding katana...yeah :D). especially against critters and tribesmen with bumerangs / rocks its kinda silly. i wanna fight mechanoids with a katana....last samurai 3k style :D.

game creation options:

- add more options regarding the difficulty and add more storyteller (this isn't an urgent one), the current scaling is from noobish to challenging (30% to 160%), why not give us 200%? also having an ironman-mode would be fun :D. yeah sure, just don't reload...i am scum :p.

- character creation: PLEASE give me the option to create my first three characters with a point-system, having to press random for a clear amount of predefined characters is a) not random and b) too much time-consuming and the end-result is almost always unsatisfying for me.

- custom game: pls add an option to create a colony with custom game settings, now this is an idea for the long run i think / i am sure of. what if i wanna have a scenario where i crashlanded on this planet where only tribes-people are. let me set that the only things attacking me and visiting me are tribes-people. then either let me have the standard weapons / gear / items or let me decide which era-type / developement-grade equipment i wanna be able to reach. maybe i want to have tribeswar ^^....i think some checkboxes won't be too hard to implement. or give me the option that i will get attacked from mechanoids from the start and the world is a lost / ancient civ planet where i am certain to fail or at least struggle till the very end.

- progression (and some rambling): now the game is still in alpha and the dev made the right call and concentrates on adding game mechanics instead of pure content. mods like project armory and apparell mod are doing an AWESEOME job in adding a huge amount of new content....big KUDOS to all the mod makers of rimworld...GENIUSES! now my favorite mod / mod-pack is tech tree minami...why? rimworld vanilla has no real progression, yes there are some small improvements but i dare the dev to play a round of rimworld with the TTM mod, it is a different of day & night, i think this kind of progression is what keeps the player addicted to the game. honestly i have tried rimworld once in vanilla format (after seeing a bunch of lets plays beforehand) and vanilla rimworld is good, don't get me wrong, but i have reached everything i can buld and the "lategame tech" pretty fast. vanilla rimworld doesn't have a long gameprogression like you get with tech tree minami. now this depends of course to some degree on the personal taste and you can decide for yourself how far this should go but i think that adding more progression to the game (again, more for the later stages of gamedevelopement) tied in with the research and a bunch of new workshops is really more engaging to "reach that next tech level" ("just one more turn"-syndrom) instead of the current drive of "i wanna build this area with that layout". vanilla rimworld reminds me more of a topdown minecraft which is focused on the actual building / designing of the colony and with the TTM mod for example it reminds me more of dwarf fortress, it is more focused on the developement / progression of the colony from the early stages to the lategame and focuses more on the colonists. in vanilla rimworld colonists are more or less your main workers for building your dream colony, shaped in a specific form. in my modded TTM version every colonist is important and starting with a colonist who has construction high, one cooking high, crafting high, etc. is important because certain jobs (bills) have certain skill requirements and so the focus shifts from generic workforce, mainly customized with weapon and amor as an individual soldier, towards individual colonists which are almost irreplacable duo to their skills. as i played with the modded rimworld version i got more intimate with these guys, in my current gameplay i have 2-3 colonists which are so essential, if they would die (or become a vegetable) then my colony would be truly crippled. THIS is a huge survival sim aspect of the game which builds a huge synergy with the whole "crashlanded on a foreign planet (rimworld)" and has the focus the game (i think) intends to go towards.

colonist / enemy AI tweak:
i also think that the tactical AI should get some tweaks regarding their positioning and their direction of attack. building an entrance hallway of doom is the easiest way to kill them off. if you have too many long-range weapons then the AI should attack (spawn with them first of course) with long-range weapons too like rocket launchers, in-hand mortars etc. and prioritise your turrets from a distance (and of course you if you are closer to them than the turrets).

if the AI tries to go through your main entrance and it gets suppressed  by heaver fire then it shouldn't stay in the corner and hope for the  best but retreat and try another direction of attack, breaking through some of your walls instead (better melee-attack the wall and break through than die in the main entrance).

some raid parties should also get the option to carry dynamite (to open up walls or eliminate turrets) and to carry picks...yes....we have enemies trying to poke you out of your base with mortars...why not give them some tools to dig a way towards your colony slowly on their own? of course they would take a while and not every raider would have one. in a party of 12 raiders why not give one or two a pick and let them start digging towards you.


fog of war:

-would it be viable / interesting to add fog of war to the game? so that you get for example the message that raiders / tribesman have come but you only see your near surrounding. lategame you could also build some camera mast that show the immediate surrounding but require some power (give us smaller solar panels + batteries, this could be used for this kind of things). this would not only add more tension to the game, could potentially increase performance because not everything is rendered at all times (idk, not a programmer, just a guess) and it would add more strategy to the game.


in contrary to the bolded letters i don't mean actual fantasy titans and fantasy monsters but a rimworld equivalent. let us have bigger enmies which are much stronger with way more HP and more importantly MORE THAN ONE WEAPON!

in dwarf fortress there are wild animals, night creatures (werecreatures, undead, vampires), invading factions like goblins, megabeasts (both full and semi-megabeasts) and titans.

in rimworld we only have the equivalent to invading factions which is nice on itself but these game mechanic offers us the challenge to fight a horde of easy to medium difficulty groups, the challenge is basically in numbers and that we have to spread our firepower. the equivalent to titans / megabeasts would be the opposite, a HUGE and strong enemy where we have to focus our attacks against. also making him able to destroy walls (not instantly but at a reasonable fast pace) would mean that we also have to go on the offensive (mortar attacks from raiders are fine but they are more like attrition damage which is a thread over time than an immediate threat). of course this would be lategame encounters! i know mechanoids are supposed to be that lategame enemy but they still fall in the category of many enemies, dividing our forces and / or firepower. having a huge killer-robot fore example attack with laser beams and rockets would be neat (or the rimworld equivalent).

raider gunboats:

now having a medium to big-sized army of raiders walk towards your colony is good and fine but it would also be a nice idea to have them come with gunboats which are give them some cover from incoming bullets and have some (smaller) canons and machine gun nests (both explosive when damaged too much).

now i don't want to have vehicles now in the game, of course after fighting this what remains is more of a building than a vehicle. this idea adds more challenge to the game and after the battle you have kind of a building near your colony which will remain and remind you of your battle :).

here is what i mean (more or less):

General Discussion / will she wake up again?
September 02, 2014, 07:52:33 PM
hey, one of my very important colonists (only have 4 with her atm) has some serious injuries and she is still unconscious, my question is if she will wake up again and if she will be at least kinda useful.

Bugs / grave glitch?
September 01, 2014, 05:42:33 PM
in my last colony i often-times build a bunch of graves like a 4x4 field (without space between them, i think that they will be able to walk over them) but my people keep glitching out to put them into the grave (they just shake them with themself irratically). it almost looks like they make forceful love with them^^, this was especially funny as i used the corpses for meat and after he made that "dance" with the corpse he butchered and ate it x'D.

fyi: don't butcher corpses, colonists seem to be picky about their meat (am newby, somebody should've told me).
hey guys, knew about rimworld since alpha one but never really gotten the time to research about it and decide wether i wanna jump in to it.

currently watching mathas alpha 6 rimworld lets play and the game looks great. i am currently primarily playing dwarf fortress 2014 (got new feature update :D) and my survival simulation genre-itch (or how you wanna call it) got bigger. i am a HUGE fan of the firefly movie and series (both i have watched at least 3 times).

i will most likely join the moldly alpha-bunch and i am curious when the dev has planned to release the game. now don't read this as "i want it to be released soon.", i completely understand that good things take time and an answer mich leads to a longer planned developement period is more satisfying for me than saying  "we'll hit beta next month".

rimworld has already some great game mechanics implemented and i hope that future features / mechanics will build on synergies between those already existing mechanics (colonist mentality, body parts and health system, deep item statistics, etc.).

from the current videos i could find thus far it seems that the most common threads are:
- raiders (both small groups trying to raid and more like siegers)
- environmental hasards like storms and lightning strikes
- cyberkinetic aliens
- local wildlife going BOOM :D

...are there other plans for more kinds of dangers? i think with enough gameplay mechanics implemented, adding some new kinds would be quite easy and / or modding some in could be easy enough (no modder myself sadly). but what about the inner dangers? right now it seems if you have a pretty "secure" colony then the only real danger are some random artillery shots and some environmental hasards. maybe having some violence and some traicherous colonists might be a nice idea, or some colonists just go crazy or get possessed by an alien artifact. having some kind of zombies (personal opinion / idea) might be interesting....maybe less like walking dead but more like dead space zombies? an obelisk which appears and might reanimate the fallen colonists & raiders?

dwarf fortress is a great game and i will play it an & off for the near and distant future but games like rimworld have the potential to add their own flavor, drawing inspiration from the "800 pound gorilla" and might even improve on things. my biggest complaint / trouble / problem with those kind of games is that lategame they get too easy, nothing is really happening and "FUN" is only happening if you let it happening. in dwarf fortress that means you can build your fort up to a point where it can be selfsustaining without your input and where is no real danger left. now vampires for example and "crimes" can and will be FUN and give some challenge but they can be dealt with easily and lategame you can close-off your fort and nobody can go in. (cage traps for example are completely OP, you can catch a dragon with a wooden cage without any failure-state...100% gurantee that he will go in the cage-trap).

in rimworld i think adding artillery is a nice incentive, if i remember correctly, in the beginning i saw some dynamite being in the game where the enemy could destroy your walls and attack this still possible? i think adding lategame danger like sieges with artillery, some mind-bending drones and some cyberkinetic aliens might be interesting and i hope that things will get added which also might pose a constant danger lategame. some of the most fun moments i had / have in dwarf fortress is when in the cave below a forgotten beast awakes. my last fort got destroyed by one consisting of precious opal, he had already his arms and one leg missing and yet murdered my whole fortress by deadly headbanging them^^. are there some kinds of monsters / aliens or lategame super-threads planned?  i read something about ancient ruins on the kickstarter page, i think adding some exploration to such games might be a huge point differentiation them from the mass.

sorry for the wall of text, can't wait to join the moldly crew ;).

ps: i read in one thread about alpha 7 something about clothemaking and stuff....does that mean that besides visual appearences we could have some clothing / armor system which would actually matter? i also read that getting / providing food is pretty easy, why not give each colonist a different food consumption rate based on their body volume (aka fat people eat more than thin ones) and / or people with hard jobs like mining need more food and growing food / harvesting food could be scaled based on a herbalist skill (bad herbalist harvest less plants than good ones...aka harvesting 10 berry bushes with a newby herbalist might only give you 3 berries while with a good herbalist might give you 6-7 berries).

edit: i also read somthing about more Z levels, is this still planned or a discarded idea?

thanks for ya patience :)