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Messages - Kelian

Quote from: skullywag on June 30, 2015, 03:17:12 PM
unfortunately it has a mountain over it so no matter the size theres nowhere for the heat to go. You need a vent to the outside really...

This. The heat does bleed, without a vent you'll be fighting a losing battle.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
June 30, 2015, 02:01:58 AM
Quote from: Jimyoda on June 29, 2015, 11:36:45 PM
Quote from: Kelian on June 29, 2015, 11:08:21 PM
Any idea when we will be able to craft ranged weapons?

By ranged weapons I don't suppose you mean bows and pila, which can already be crafted.
Assuming you mean crafting modern/advanced weapons, I believe that will never happen in vanilla.

Yes, exactly, I was referring to the sniper rifle, assault rifle, pistol etc. Like a gun-smithing bench. It seemed like the logical next step since we can do all of the primitive and melee weapons in the game.

After that I would hope armor-smithing for armor vests, power armor and whatever else is added to the game between now and the future builds.

The beauty of rimworld is that you can add so much to this game :)

Making a zone to grow agave would be easy enough yes?
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
June 29, 2015, 11:08:21 PM
Any idea when we will be able to craft ranged weapons?

Also would be nice to grow agave in a zone.
Quote from: EscapeZeppelin on May 08, 2015, 09:17:35 AM
In a map with only psychically deaf colonists I built a stone temple around the fallen ship part. As the psychic drone grew anything that entered the map was driven to madness within minutes. Raiders would turn on each other as they were driven insane and soon there were too many corpses to even burn. The death cult I had created sealed themselves inside their citadel as the map turned into a wasteland of the dead and the broken husks of would-be conquerors who wander aimlessly until they simply starve to death. The approaches to the temple are literally a blanket of corpses and my colonists didn't kill any of them. Truly their dark god is a great one.

I'm going to try this! Awesome.
I tend to just put four plasteel turrets in an X formation on each corner of the genny. Then I have a sandbag perimeter one square tile away from the genny all the way around so my best assault troops can hop in and knock out the enemy. Usually this is successful. The turrets usually hold them off until I can get better firepower in the area or hit them with mortars. The only downside I've noticed is turrets take out a pretty large square when they explode and destroy my sandbag emplacements. But hey no system is perfect I guess.

You could wall it off one tile away from the edge with a door and a vent to harden the perimeter and still have space to firefight if needed. Usually by that point though I have most of the geothermals capped and losing one isn't a big deal in the overall network so I can just repair it as needed.

Just my two cents.

This is seriously my favorite mod for Rimworld. I hope Tynan adds it to the offical release at some point. Great work!
General Discussion / Re: Evil Ships
April 24, 2015, 10:54:15 PM
Well I may be lazy but I usually have my base built into a mountain with an outer perimeter wall and mortars in the courtyard. I'll blow the ships up with mortar fire (incendiaries mostly), let them rush my entrance and have the turrets take out a few on their way in. My entrance is long and only five tiles wide so I can funnel them into my base and that itself is the kill zone. Colonists use the rooms and hallways I've built for cover and to navigate away from the mech mob. One on one in the hallways and room to room I'll knock them off, usually taking a few injuries and maybe one or two killed.

My biggest challenge is if I have two or more centipedes make it in my base. Then things get a little dicey and I tend to lose half or three quarters of my crew to grievous injuries but hey, no strategy is perfect.
Basically what I've found is they each have different levels of protection and there is no one "best". Hyperweave provides the most protection from damage so thats what I usually upgrade to from synthread.
Ideas / Re: What do you want in alpha 9/10?
January 19, 2015, 11:11:21 PM
    Quote from: akiceabear on January 18, 2015, 06:13:45 AM

    • Fog of war - this really increase the tension in the game. I think it is reasonable to know the entire map layout on start, given you just fell from space. But active knowledge of every creature and enemy incoming is too much, I think, without investment. Line of sight should limit views, as should traits/skill levels. Thus, in some cases a character that is a great shot may still have terrible range.
    • Fog of war tools - a first step might be a viewing tower, which gives you a view in all directions for a few dozen (?) tiles, granted there is no mountain in the way. A radio signal interceptor could give you early insight it where pirates or ships are landing, but not exact locations, just general areas (e.g. NE of the base). The pinnacle could be a varying types of radar - thermal for organics, radar for all (incl mecs), etc. You wouldn't know exactly what was there, just see the signature red heatmap when switched on.
    • Fog of war traits - psychics have short range ESP, allowing them to see heatmaps around corners in the near vicinity - think of the value of a psychic helping you target around a blind corner. Hunting as trait would help track animals more quickly, rather than just random walks until bumping into one (as even a skilled marksman may do without wilderness training).
    • Trading screening improvement
    • More interaction with visitors. Perhaps make the trade beacon a harder tech to achieve, making reliance on regional trade much more important at first.
    • Revamp the tech tree and what is immediately available to build on landing. Increase the challenge/duration of tech research.
    • Increase variety of events, especially non-human ones - more local nature and flora/fauna events, colony growing-pain events, etc.
    • Make raiders/pirates more robust - at least at higher levels - able to use ladders to jump walls, may pop up from underneath via a tunnel into your fortress, etc.
    • Similar to the above two, events to nerf turtling - rains sharply increase the chance of severe mountain flooding, destroying all goods and injuring/killing people in subterranean rooms without installed drainage systems. Underground beasts that may consume your miners and run into the shadows (Fog of War!) before you even see them.

    If fog of war is added, then leave an option in game to disable it. I hate it. I know other players do as well. Generally fow feels too much like an RTS which I also tend to not enjoy and Rimworld is definitely not an RTS.

    General Discussion / Re: Concerned about endgame
    January 19, 2015, 11:07:22 PM
    Hashing out diplomacy between colonies, both ai and other players on the map would add end game viability. As well as adding more visitor/prisoner options. Multiplayer options would add spice to the game. Two colonies on the same map both fighting raiders and each other... that'd make for an interesting game.
    Ideas / Re: What do you want in alpha 9/10?
    January 13, 2015, 10:55:12 PM
    I'm sure it's been mentioned but besides general AI improvements I'd like to have a vistor area and the ability to rescue,heal and release them and allies without arresting them.
    General Discussion / Re: Multiplayer - how?
    January 05, 2015, 12:02:57 AM
    We need the supreme leader almighty Tynan's two cents. I think a co-operative would be fun, with a diplomacy system for the other factions in the game. You could of course turn on each other and fight competitively, but starting neutral to each other would provide a ton of variety.
    Bugs / Re: [Bug, Possibly] Hot Freezers
    December 29, 2014, 01:08:40 PM
    I've noticed a wierd quirk that if you try to vent other rooms by mining ventilation shafts to combine ac units efforts, when the rooms merge sometimes the game reports the room as outside will no longer effect the desired rooms. This is a sometimes not always bug.


    I also forgot to mention doors are bugged too. If you have a combination of auto and manual doors in a mined out hill/mountain, the game will detect outside for the whole room until you finish mining out the walls and connect walls instead of leaving them as rock and then replace all doors with auto doors. It's wierd and life threatening if your people live in the extremes and suddenly you notice your HVAC systems no longer work.
    Bugs / Vistors only spawning with hats?
    December 27, 2014, 10:12:23 PM
    Three to four hats on person, no other clothes? 9 out of 10 spawn with only hats. Only one so far has spawned with clothes.

    Hope you can see it well enough, had to resize it from 1920x1080 to met the stupid 600kb limit.

    [attachment deleted due to age]
    Bugs / Hypothermia bug
    December 25, 2014, 05:34:17 PM
    If vistors or people passing by die of hypothermia while still en route, my debug screen pops up. Also their gear (meals) is sometimes unforbidden, without player interaction.

    This was deadly for two of my colonists who autopathed to an unforbidden fine meal over the simple meals we had in stock. The passer bys died because the outside temperature was -157F. My colonists soon trekked out to get the bugged meal and died within 10 minutes of being outside.

    Something to look at. Yes I was running the ice sheet mod to play in the icesheet, but I believe this has to do with the codding of hypothermia, not the particular biome.

    Also maybe an easy fix would be to have NO vistors/passer bys during the winter months when even a parka and turqe won't cut it in the tundra and icesheet biomes?

    Thanks guys! Still loving this game.