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Messages - Drakon22

Ideas / Better armor?
August 25, 2015, 05:15:23 PM
IRL, armor will stop bullets. I think that an armor vest should be able to stop bullets from things like pistols, PDW's, and assault rifles, while Survival rifles, M-24's, charge rifles, etc. went right through. A Kevlar helmet could stop pistols and PDW's, a steel helmet can stop what an armor vest can stop, and power armor could stop everything except M-24, Survival rifle, and charge lances, and heavy charge blasters would go right through. It would protect the torso ( in the case of a vest) and the head (in a helmet). And if that seems to OP (it is) bruising to the torso, or maybe some rib fractures, and concussions and skull fractures, which are admittedly better than GSW.
Ideas / Target practice?
August 25, 2015, 05:07:06 PM
while I may be a minority, I prefer not to use useless colonists as targets. I'd like a dummy to shoot at, and maybe also the ability to put prisoners in little spots down range to be used as targets as well  ;).
Ideas / Re: Automatic fire extinguisher
August 25, 2015, 05:01:47 PM
Very few people realize this, but the water that comes out of sprinklers is very dirty. Maybe if activated, it makes a big mess? An alternative would be the possibility of water damage for objects, or maybe, it would be similar to halon gas, so any colonists in the room would asphyxiate. But this is a great idea. I too lost a massive colony to a fire, in my battery room. Everybody got infections and died in the hospital ( except for my prisoners, who starved to death, bled to death, or were beaten to death by their fellow prisoners)
Ideas / Legal system?
August 21, 2015, 07:36:39 PM
In a big colony ie 50+, there's bound to be crime. I would like it if we could make that a thing. Murder, and things of that nature. If you can arrest them, punish them, put them on trial, things like that, it'd be great.
Ideas / Diagram For Health?
August 21, 2015, 07:33:23 PM
I love going over my colonists health. I love the health system and how realistic it is. However, a circulatory system, volume of blood, etc. Would be cool.
Ideas / Coffee?
August 21, 2015, 07:25:11 PM
So, some of you may not have this problem, but my tundra colony requires more work and less sleep. Unfortunately this makes them unhappy. Coffee would fix this. I feel like it would be best to make it a researchable thing, like you grow beans,  and then you research a coffee machine and and an oven. What do you guys think?
Ideas / Fire Extinguishers
August 09, 2015, 02:01:27 AM
I recently lost a whole colony to an exploding conduit that burned them all to death, because they got trapped inside. I think that the ability to research and produce fire extinguishers, to put distance between your colonists and the fire would be great, because the colonist would be at less risk. Also, in fires, can the roof start collapsing? That would be cool. And lastly, can we get timers for power conduits? So it would deactivate the switch after so long. And tasers. Its no fun to keep having colonists go on hard mental breaks and then being shot to death by a trigger happy oaf. So it would incapacitate. And the ability to set limbs or body parts as the target for colonists, so you could be less lethal. And also, the ability to have animals to transport goods or people would be great.

-Thank, Drakon