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Messages - RazorHed

General Discussion / Re: "Hide" stockpile?
April 11, 2017, 10:51:59 PM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 11, 2017, 07:11:19 PM
I use hidden stockpiles (which accept nothing) to cover the floor of production rooms. This means anything that gets dropped on the ground still gets tallied towards the stockpile amount.

That gives me the idea to make a big crafting room with all bills being drop on floor and then use the industrial rollers mod to suck everything onto a belt .
Sounds like it will be a great update :) Still no trains though !! haha
If you use a mod where you will have better access to bionics , when you get a prisoner you want to recruit ,install a peg leg then remove it, then when they are recruited replace the leg with the best artificial one you have . If a man can't stand , he can't fight. So he won't go berserk or break out of prison.  This could be ok as well if you don't have bionics if the pawn will be doing something where he doesn't have to move a lot. Research , weapon smithing etc.
General Discussion / Re: oh my GOSH
March 29, 2017, 02:37:42 PM
Indie games are SO much more fun than main stream ones. If I didn't have Rimworld, FTL, Factorio, Craft the World , Terraria, and Minecraft over the last 10 years I probably would be in jail or an asylum by now. The only industry games I play anymore are Far Cry 3 4 P and Xcom and the occasional play through of Battlezone 2.   If Zelda Breath of the wild didn't look atrociously awful I might be half tempted to buy a switch

General Discussion / Re: This game makes you evil
March 29, 2017, 02:29:13 PM
I send the craps on a solo caravan to nowhere with zero food . I'm almost positive you miss the colony member died debuff this way.
General Discussion / Re: Help with tamed animals
March 26, 2017, 10:24:25 AM
I always do a no mod play through too every new alpha build .


BaRKy does a lot of mod showcases you might find interesting

Bjorn Strongndarm

Bjorn makes some videos that show the way things work .

Jenny Nicholson

Jenny has nothing to do with Rimworld , but shes HILARIOUS.
General Discussion / Re: Help with tamed animals
March 26, 2017, 10:14:58 AM
Yes the freezer is double walled . The temperature tries to equalize with the outside , and the double walls stop it pretty much.

there are several small zones directly on my roller belt going through the fields. I tried one long zone once but they will carry things way too far to odd points on the zone instead of walk a few feet to the nearest belt.

Yes pushers have to have their input on a roller and output to either a zone or a belt. They can be set to only push certain things just like any zone. 

Pullers input needs to be a zone , the bigger the zone the more power it uses, which is why I use a smaller zone to pull from constantly and a larger overflow zone with a puller between them that I only power when the small zone empties. Pullers can be set to allow certain items just like a zone too.

I also have a belt going way over to the other side of my base by my kill box that ends in a puller which is connected to a thin zone that goes through 4 doors and has a little spot outside the wall people can drop anything on so they don't have to haul miles.
It used to be that you created a world , then chose that world to load and then you chose a spot on that world to make a map . I wish it could go back to that way again.
General Discussion / Re: Help with tamed animals
March 25, 2017, 11:06:18 PM
Sure Robb , here is how my current base works. I'll link to any mod I use that shows up in the pics.

The Freezer

Industrial Rollers

I have a loop of rollers that goes around the freezer then passes item storage and around by the fields. There  is a pusher machine that pushes whatever into the proper zone in the freezer and elsewhere off the main roller line.

A:Smaller Main Hay storage
B:Hay Overflow with a puller to A if it ever empties
C:Herbal Meds and plant matter
D:Large corpse storage
E:1x1 corpse storage right by door to the butcher with a puller machine to keep it stocked with a corpse when I have an abundance of corpses
F:Main Meat storage with a puller to G , off till G empties
G:Meat storage that sends to a 1x1 zone right by the stove
H:Veggies with a puller to a 1x1 zone right  by the stove
I:Veggie overflow with a puller to H if it empties

The Main Base

A: Hay till im full then Psychoid leaves
B: Trees Cecropia in the beginning then Teak
C: Always Devilstrand
D: Corn or Hay whichever is lower or Psychoid Leaves
E: Always Cotton
F: Corn or Hay whichever is lower or Psychoid Leaves
G: Corn or Hay whichever is lower or Psychoid Leaves
H: only Silver + beacon
I: Everthing that has no specific zone
J: Stone Chunks
K: Stuff I take on caravans to sell

The Barn

A: Meat (eventually only unfertilised eggs)pulled to stove
B: Veggies pilled to stove
C: Main Corpse storage fills up fast if I keep roosters in with all my hens
D: When I have lots of corpses a use a puller to keep a corpse here to save run time to the butcher table
E:  The corpse Butcher table the zone around it catches meat and leather
F: butcher table to make compost for a mod
G: Compost room to make fertilizer
H: The animal spot , a 5x5 animal area , also 2 zones 5x5 minus 1x1 top right which holds hay. Anything that falls on the zone gets pulled onto the roller belt . All animals live here only , unless its a hauling trained pig which then goes to a special zone which covers the entire map but the meals zone and any potted plant which they just LOVE to eat .. dirty bastages
I:Slaughter spot

Fertile Fields Mod

Base Location ( makes things way too easy)

Caravans always exit south , and only take maybe 5 hours to get to one of those villages.but from the village to my home zone is instant.

General Discussion / Re: Help with tamed animals
March 25, 2017, 12:07:01 AM
Another super useful mod I use a lot with my animals is Industrial Rollers. I put a small 5x5 or so  animal area next to my colossal freezer . I have a puller machine pull through the freezer wall onto a 1x1 stockpile for hay . I make tons of hay . So that feed zone of hay is always full for the animals to eat. then theres a zone over the whole barn that has a puller machine onto a roller that pulls all the eggs, wool , corpses and sends them away to whatever zone they need to go to.

I only ever make kibble if I use dogs for hauling , which I never do because pigs are superior and they eat hay. 50 or 60 hens in that coop will cover you for protein forever either by 75 chicks every couple days or just unfertilized eggs. Iguanas are pretty good too for meat. I also keep a heard of muffalos in there till I go on a caravan, and 5 to 6 boomalopes , since I use the mod to make nuetroamine from their juice.

I read this question and immediately thought .. Yes we DO need trains in Rimworld !
Releases / Re: [A16] More Planning
March 11, 2017, 03:42:46 AM
Such a great idea :)
oops sorry ,I misread.
General Discussion / Re: Play through vs reload
March 02, 2017, 02:15:49 AM
Some of the game systems as is are really cheap as to be more challenging , which can make them utterly frustrating at times, and if I had to go on through those uncontrollable events , I wouldn't bother playing the game. Its different if doing a challenge I guess though.
I used to make stone double beds and cancel them right before completion to not lose resources