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Messages - night777

The mega-totem as a "win condition" is great, I'd really like to see a Modder put that into the game.
Ideas / Replays would be tremendous
August 31, 2016, 11:00:05 AM
May be practically impossible or surprisingly easy to give us REPLAYS.

Its like this, man, things get real tough in this game and I'm trying to record my footage for post-production. But I can't both observe the cool parts of the action while triaging or managing other incidents.

It would be great to have a simple replay, where we get a free camera. We don't need the 1st person perspective, the mouse movements, and stuff, but a replay where we can watch and hear things go down after the fact.
One of the most heroic moments I've had was...

My 7 man colony was rolling along. It was Winter in the Boreal Forest, and everyone was locked up inside because a pack of 24 manhunting Wargs were in our courtyard. My only friends, my best friends, the Peaceful Rest Valley outlanders decided to send me a helpful raid of five men during this time..

The wargs took them all down right outside of my doors. I was sure none of us were any match for the Wargs, but after a few hours I couldn't just watch these men bleed to death outside my wall.

The crazed Wargs seemed to migrate a full screen south, and I thought, now is my chance to mount a rescue. My men geared up and we rushed out the door in an effort to grab 'n go with the colonists. I figure worst comes to worst I'll fight these Wargs in my one-door choke point I've opened.

Good god, the Wargs just all turn and assault as soon as my boys started picking up the wounded. My soldiers are caught in the open field, getting thrashed by Wargs. A few men made it inside; I had to drop a survivor on a workbench so that pawn could help our three full power armored body guards fight off the massive swarm. Wargs went down. My boys went down. Everyone in the rescue fought valiantly, with rifle and gladius... The colony seems doomed, visitors and residents alike.

All of the men are down with bleeding wounds.. except one.

Howell the surgeon. He was in the operating room waiting to bandage the rescued, as they had been bleeding for a long time and would need immediate care.

But it came down to something else altogether: Howell versus ten wargs.

Howell, with no weapons training picked up our elite bodyguard MaceySOL's Charge Rifle.. and marshaled our two Dromedaries, a few Elk, our half dozen trained turkeys, and our two Timber Wolves.

With over half a dozen colonists laying wounded Howell and his band of furry and feathered creatures went into that dark wintery night..

And saved the colony.
August 31, 2016, 10:32:54 AM
Its already in the game vis-a-vis mechanoid ships. One thing that seems extremely rare are the dropship raids, not sure if they are even in the game anymore. Those were spicy.
Ideas / Re: Let insects capture colonists
August 31, 2016, 10:28:42 AM
This is nice, it prevents hives from spawning and insta killing colonists. Colonists are too valuable, its really crap when something unstoppable pops up and kills your 20 skill constructor right as you were preparing to make your upgraded quarters. Same for any pawn, you typically can't afford more than one high-skill in each important area (construct, art, craft..) and to have them instakilled basically sucks.
Bump for ending conditions

I'd like to see an ability to create some variability. Like, Solar flare incident in 40-60 days instead of in 43.12 days. This is nice for repeating events too, say I want wanderers to join every 20-30 days.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 30, 2016, 08:29:00 PM
Happy thoughts for visiting the beach or the coast. "Visited the beach +5, 12 hours"
Mods / Troll mod gave siege raid nuke for a mortar?
August 30, 2016, 07:50:31 PM

Which trollmod did it? My permadeath colony was just wrecked. I paused and caught the nuke on video, you can see everyone around get wiped out. My dudes were sniping the siegers. one of these mods did it
2500 seems like too much work, that's a long time at a bench.
Quote from: NolanSyKinsley on August 25, 2016, 04:20:02 PM
I am not 100% sure but I believe A15 changed animals a little bit. I had over a dozen huskies (somewhere around 20-24), and over the period of a year only one became bonded to a pawn. Before I had 3 muffalo bonding to one pawn in a single milking session, so it seems they have really toned down the random animal bonding, without reducing nuzzling.

As for following into battle, yea, I wish I could define which animals are battle animals and which are not, so I don't have to constantly remove ownership before sending pawns out to fight. BUT things like elephants make AMAZING hunter companions, they just trample any animals that seek revenge.

For the eating of food, I found a tactic that reduces it by ~95%(for huskies that is). Placing a single tile stockpile of kibble outside the freezer entrances on each side of the door ensure that the kibble will be the first thing they path to for food from the outside. When they are on long hauling trips they still rarely eat inside the freezer once they drop off the stuff, but it is at an extremely reduced rate.

If you don't want to make kibble all the time consider using pigs or boars for hauling, they can eat hay instead, which is very plentiful unlike meat, but you have to deal with the increased dirt scatter that they produce.

As far as rescue and haul, they aren't useless, you just have to fully train them(hauling has to reach 8/8 before they will haul). A pack of a dozen or so fully trained can pretty much take care of all my hauling needs. (also, how do you expect to get to lvl 15 training unless you, you know, practice training?) Sure it takes a while, but what else are they doing in that time? Nothing! May as well train them to increase animal handling, and eventually have a pack of haulers.

Thanks for the tip on placing kibble/hay outside the freezer, I'll add to that placing it outside of the entrance to the dining room. Having animals move my food to the dinner table and giving them more free roam is great, and was really annoying having to work with the animal zone to keep them away from foodstuffs.
General Discussion / Re: Visitors eating my food
August 26, 2016, 07:02:39 PM
I really like the Hospitality mod.

Visitors mooching my food and stuff, but I can build guest beds for them to sleep in (and therefore create a guest room).

And with the mod, visitors often leave items as "thank you for your hospitality" moves. 100 silver here, a limestone club there, so its adequate compensation. The only problem being when multiple groups come, and large groups come, and they stick around for ages and eat a bunch of food and my people or animals are starving before Winter ends!
Quote from: Kegereneku on August 26, 2016, 02:47:06 PM

Of course, realism isn't the goal. But speaking of GAMEPLAY, being forced to build a perimeter wall by anti-player features made is part of what's keeping players from getting in the open.
So you can't solve the problem unless perimeter wall (and indoor fortress) stop being the only way to prosper.

Dude, practically every historical city of significance built a wall to control borders and defend territory.
Interesting replies. Peer Reviewed.. Cool!
General Discussion / Re: AI Cores where art thou
August 24, 2016, 09:03:23 AM
I was crapping myself over a psychic ship that landed in my yard, the  colony was not really in a position to tolerate losses.

I built 6 explosive IEDs around it, then build-cancelled 18 more around the ship in order to surround it with mortar shells.

Well, 4 centipedes and a scyther popped out. 4 Incendiary launchers and a top tier rifle..


Only loot: Mechanoid corpses.
Ideas / Re: Min/Maxing
August 23, 2016, 08:28:01 PM
Quote from: po5 on August 23, 2016, 12:20:06 PM
Great suggestion. Never thought of that. I suppose you like to manually tell your colonists to do everything. Ok? Nah, gtfo.

Combat is infrequent and demanding in Rimworld, this isn't a Sims game.

Although in the forthcoming tutorial I'd like to see a note that different weapons are more or less accurate at different ranges, according to their type.