Alpha 10 - what do you want?

Started by Daemoneyes, February 19, 2015, 11:10:34 AM

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Plumbing / Makeshift outhouses
Colonists dress themselves
Clothing racks with the ability to set quality priority. (Lets face it good or below gets sold past a point)
Quality control on weapon racks / stockpiles?
That vents mod for heating was nice, maybe I'm missing something in A9 on how to regulate temps better without having a power draining heater / fan in every room. (Small vent ducts hidden in floors/walls?)
Higher tier defensive systems to research? (Past a point that makeshift one seems a bit.. primitive, something a bit more stable or upgrades for it perhaps?)
Theres beer in-game now, added depth on agricultural exports so.. corn and rice liquors? I play the game mostly for making a colony profitable so that would be enjoyable.

and something that I don't expect to ever see but it's a nice thought...
A Roomba... crafted at a machining table with a high skill check, needs to be within x tiles of power or docks at a specific spot to recharge.. whatever have you. But cleans rooms for you. I mean when we have giant robots of doom attacking surely we can get some utility bots of our own lol
Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "This Land.".


QuoteA Roomba... crafted at a machining table with a high skill check, needs to be within x tiles of power or docks at a specific spot to recharge.. whatever have you. But cleans rooms for you. I mean when we have giant robots of doom attacking surely we can get some utility bots of our own

I similarly would like to see some sort of low-level drone(s) that can only haul and clean.


Bridgebuilding and some way to deal with marsh/mud/water. Most maps are so annoyingly useless right now.


I would love a system that lets you aim at body parts sort of like the Vats system in fallout.
makes taking down fleeing pirates a lot easier if i can aim for the legs


I'd love to see a list of priority for Construction or Repair and then be able to edit the list that way the projects I want done NOW get done first.

Tweak the AI so that colonists don't walk into the line of first

Better yet, any Colonist that hasn't been Drafted will stay X-distance away from any enemy firing a weapon. Stupid colonists walking right up to enemies who are killing their friends just to pick up something..

Ability to build ceilings on indoor rooms.. recently found it raining indoors and couldn't stop it! (maybe it's just me?)

Backpacks! I want my colonists who always get hungry (and hence unhappy) from being so far away can simply pull out a meal/canned food and eat it whilst out. Yes, have a bit of a penalty, but don't let them get to the point their starving whilst out on a job. A backpack would fix that!  After that, flasks for water IF water is ever implemented!

Equip both melee and ranged weapon

Ability to equip tools that enhance your work without having to unequip weapons

Ability to prioritize which food/medicine is consumed first.

Ability to throw a party to help overall morale, or allow them to happen spontaneously.

Forced labor by prisoners, even if just cleaning/hauling.

Have slave traders keep coming, not just in the beginning (at least for me it seems that they stop coming!)

Luxury items to help with moods (for individuals, not art for rooms).

And yeah, implement some mods like the colonist state

That's it off the top of my head. Still love the game though I'm finding that Mods really do improve it for me.


More complex social interaction between your colonists. I personally think the Abrasive trait is a bad design decision, because it over-simplifies social interactions. You have characters who are nice and chat with each other and then you have characters who makes anyone they talk to feel bad. So it basically comes down to Avoid Abrasive = perfect social harmony. That's boring. I want characters who hate anyone from a glitterworld society. I want snooty nobles who count as abrasive to anyone who's not also nobles. I want alcoholic colonists to get angry at other colonists for taking the last beer and start a fight over it. I want them to fall in love. And then cheat on each other.

I realise most of these are very complex ideas and not really possible in the current game. I just think limiting social interaction to nice/not nice is too simple.

Johnny Masters

Well, for alpha 10 i'll let go of the more ambitious ones so i'd say:

- Slot system. For carrying any combination of weapons, tools and whatever.

- Hygiene. Baths for cleaning and chilling. Shower pods, cleaning stations/tools, perhaps necessities.

- Damage system reworked: instead of % we get straight numbers for deciding damage reduction. No more punching down walls and weak metal walls.

- Save lodout feature and auto-equip/alert button. If its peace time i want my pawns casually dressed, certainly not cooking and farming on power armor and miniguns, but when i'm under attack i want to quickly click a button to make them auto-equip stuff, if available. Might be useful for auto-equip/unnequip coats because of weather.

- Fog of War re-implemented

- More technologies to research

- Better sentry turrets

- Weapons need ammo

- Search function when dealing with storage

- etcetera

Justin C

Less micromanaging.

Instead of manually choosing the equipment for each unit, we should be able to create "classes". I'd like to be able to set the weapons and armor that a class uses, and then just assign a class to colonists and they will automatically select weapons and armor from a stockpile and upgrade it as time goes on. Maybe some options for color preferences.

Easier mass-selection of items for forbidding/unforbidding, and options for auto-forbidding/unforbidding. Right now it's a bit tedious cleaning up after a fight, because you have to select every individual object type.

Maybe more intelligent doctoring/wardening so we don't need to micromanage every single injured colonist and prisoner to keep them from dying (though this could just be me being bad at the game).


auto clothing repair / changing.
> if colonist has a 0% shirt and they're standing next to a 90% shirt. please for the love of TynanSylvester allow the colonist to change their shirt.
Yes another god damn youtuber.


Being able to more easily cycle through the configurations for the items you are crafting at a workbench instead of having to exit out an open the next one up


I think the constant stuff updates are making the colonist management more unwieldy.  Sooner or later we're going to need an AI overhaul to keep things manageable.

Things I'd like to see:
1.Colonists claim rooms, not just beds. Closets/weapon racks for colonists. Give colonists 3 sets of spare clothing and weapons at home where they can rearm after being downed. Also allowing them to pick out better items in the stockpile and switch out their worn items. That way when I'm selling items to a trader I can be more confident that an item in the stockpile isn't needed without cycling through everyone.

2.Colonists choosing their own clothing and equipment loadout. I don't know the difference between a 97% awful item and a 63% good one. Let the colonists decide.

3. Global state of war toggle and a rally point, so I don't have to hunt down individual characters. Maybe a lockdown to send non-combat colonists to the nearest shelter. Nothing sucks worse than having your cook rushing into your killbox to repair walls in the middle of a firefight.

Those are my biggest, though still minor, issues with the state of the game at the moment.



Please oh please I would love to see more power in the character creation menu. Instead of making me click "randomize" a hundred times just let me distribute some points! set a handicap slider, low gives you less points, high gives you more. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get 3 characters with the "psychopath" AND "cannibal" traits... too long, way too long...


I mostly want deeper/better colonist interaction, and having some sort of cleaning/hauling robot would be AWESOME!


Quote from: Outbreak on February 27, 2015, 07:05:57 PM
Please oh please I would love to see more power in the character creation menu. Instead of making me click "randomize" a hundred times just let me distribute some points! set a handicap slider, low gives you less points, high gives you more. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get 3 characters with the "psychopath" AND "cannibal" traits... too long, way too long...

Edb Prepare Carefully MOD
Yes another god damn youtuber.