[1.3.0] Hospitality

Started by Orion, March 13, 2015, 11:19:16 AM

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I couldn't test much with caravans. There's a good chance you found a legit bug in Hospitality. I'll check the code that picks the joining wanderer.


a question, is there a bonus too having a guest room that is labeled as a "guest room"? so by not putting other stuff in it, making it NOT a guest room, will visitors get a penalty too hospitality?


The mod seems a bit broke currently. The visitation rate is really high, in which I've had three groups come at once and all get pissed when I can't entertain them all. Nothing like getting multiple groups of visitors at once, during a raid, and then getting screwed over for not entertaining them while my colony is being slaughtered. We need a "no visitors currently allowed" option.


I've also seen it suggested that visitors not come unless there's a guest room.


The guest room is their preferred staying location. Also, they will only buy stuff from guest rooms right now. There is no penalty for not having a guest room.

@Hikurac: The mod is open source at GitHub. So if the mod is not to your liking, feel free to submit a patch.


The problem is that the guest room is the best way to make them happy. No guest room, they are probably going to leave pissed. So when they come before a guest room is built, the player is probably unprepared to host them and doesn't want them yet, which can lead to all the other factions getting pissed off at them early on.

I don't think it HAS to be added, of course. It adds a bit of difficulty. But that's the complaint.


Well, their expectations at the start of the game are so low, they'll throw their stuff at you just because you had ... rooms. I can't make it easier than that.


1.16c - 06.01.2017
- Fix: Pod crash rescuee leaving error
- Tweak: Slightly increased minimum stay duration
- Fix: Combined vanilla and Hospitality checks when rescuee leaves
- Fix: Refugee chased event will now always find a pawn
- New: Added recurring visits to counter less frequent visitor groups
- Fix: Problem with drug policy (please test again)
- Fix: Guest Beds become unusable when in contact with prison
- Fix: Guests sleeping to much
- New: When visitors couldn't come, they will now try a few days later again
- New: Visitors will now not come with a hostile faction is present
- Fix: Wanderers or refugees are not picked from caravan anymore


Quote- New: When visitors couldn't come, they will now try a few days later again
- New: Visitors will now not come with a hostile faction is present

Great idea, alot less bad standing because visitors run into some manhund packs.
Could you expand this for caravans too ?


I don't really want to mess with caravans, or it'll conflict with caravan mods...


Why do the weapons pawns leave you have such low durability? They're worthless.


Quote from: Orion on January 06, 2017, 07:35:22 AM

- Fix: Guests sleeping to much

This was one of the biggest gripes i had with the mod.
I had one guest in A15 that the only thing it did when it got to the base was to sleep. Obviously, it woke up urgently hungry and very joy deprived, spiced with a lot of dead relatives (that i recently slaughtered). The guy got into a berserker rage and its companions tried to flee sapping my walls.
Thanks for fixing it ^^



I think my visitors are stealing my hard drugs out of the fridge and overdosing on them. I keep getting blamed for it!


Goddamnit, all these awesome modder are making this too difficult again!! I spend more time downloading mods than playing the game!!

Grrrr >=(

kidding!! love it ty!