[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Hello! I think I've seen somewhere a post of possibility to move your colony to another map - and I wander if it was in this modpack or if I am misremembering something and it is entirely impossible?

Sorry, was not able to search for it properly, as search here is kind of strange...


is there a fix to fish disappearing at the butcher's table?


Quote from: Masquerine on January 24, 2016, 11:42:13 PM
Quote from: jacob_28348 on January 24, 2016, 12:21:47 PM
Can someone explain to me how the antimatter reactor works, please? It will work for a few in game days, but then it starts "cooling" for eternity. I also like to know how the Ion reactor works. When I place it down it never produces power.
I didn't play around with the antimatter besides initial placement. Good to know it has a cooldown period (will add in description and playtest it). As for the Xenon Ion Turbine, I do know how that one works as I too had no clue initially (the original description was entirely wrong). It gets placed on a steam geyser, then you'll want to seal it in a room. Make the room as hot as you possibly can, as the Xenon Ion Turbine produces power from heat. Something on fire in the room will blast it up really quick so you can see how it works.

Thanks, at least now I know both are utterly useless. The amount of heat required for the xenon-ion turbine is ridiculous. The cool down period on the antimatter reactor I'd absolutely bonkers aswell. I've always wanted an endgame power solution that was actually worth all of the trouble required to build and maintain them.


Hello again! Having a great time with this mod. Already developed a couple of bases, and Im currently working on a huge base for 30 to 40 colonists. Hauling is a pain, even with the adition of the Tools for haul mod. Does anyone know a good tutorial on how to work conveyors?

I like the simplification of the parts.

I have a question, i cant seem to find a way to produce schematic kit. I also didnt notice any merchants selling them. Can some one helpme out on how could i get some schematic kits?

Oh, the learning curve, and skill gathering/loosing is weird. I change the defs, so the trashold for most crafting went donw to 8. I have colonists that have a real hard time uping their skills. I know this is hardcore, but somehow the timing of colony maturing is not compatible with the skill needs. This will in turn make you wait years to beeing able to build some stuff.

Nevermind about the schematics. Found out that tailoree goods trader have them.


I'm working on translating the prisoner and raid events, quite a few entries. This will take a bit. Will fix up seeds/plants afterwards for descriptions.

Harder to do than I'd have thought. Got the prisoner one done as best as I could make out. Russian to English translations get wonky sometimes. Working on raid one now.

Got all about 1 or 2 done. Some of the translations made little to no sense so I had to improvise. Will finish up tomorrow sometime.


Quote from: Masquerine on January 27, 2016, 12:40:12 PM
I'm working on translating the prisoner and raid events, quite a few entries. This will take a bit. Will fix up seeds/plants afterwards for descriptions.

That's cool! :) we have a writer and from time to time text events will be replenished.


Quote from: Probe1 on January 25, 2016, 12:39:53 PM
I find this modpack to be alright but the whole "animals attack colonists when hungry" aspect is terribly coded.  I've lost 0 colonists to raiders, disease, hunger, and accidents.  And I've lost four (4!) to random insta kills by swarms of animals. 

1.  They provide almost zero warning.  When you get the event they're already very close to your colonist.
2.  Colonists do not react to being eaten..

imagine if raiders showed and colonists just stood there drafted and ignored them.  All and all its a sloppy addition to a modpack that has some issues but is otherwise very nice.

Fixed in test 2.5-16. Now all hungry wild animals will be perceived as a threat for colonists +add force to normal speed. So, colony would attack animals in hunger state. I couldn't do it before, because doesnt know how... But C# skill grows.

So, i fixed all annoying Enviro AI bugs... :P


Do I have to create a new world or colony whenever I download a new github version and replace my whole mods folder?


Do earthquakes feel OP to anyone?  One earthquake destroyed every bench and 80% of my walls. 


Quote from: dunka on January 28, 2016, 10:59:13 AM
Do earthquakes feel OP to anyone?  One earthquake destroyed every bench and 80% of my walls.

Old test version? In some earlier updates Eq were reworked and can't break all buildings.


Is there a way to increase your spawns base speed? I know there some clothing.


Quote from: Griffith on January 29, 2016, 02:05:09 AM
Is there a way to increase your spawns base speed? I know there some clothing.

yeah the infused apparel can make them go lightspeed if you stack em up high enough.

fastwalk i think their called and haste. others too i think. but hard to equip all of them and get a easy overview


Quote from: Killaim on January 29, 2016, 09:45:08 AM
Quote from: Griffith on January 29, 2016, 02:05:09 AM
Is there a way to increase your spawns base speed? I know there some clothing.

yeah the infused apparel can make them go lightspeed if you stack em up high enough.

fastwalk i think their called and haste. others too i think. but hard to equip all of them and get a easy overview

Man, I'd kill for a better clothing/weapon management table. It'd be handy to open up a tab and then select, say, "movement bonus" and have a list of all the equipment you have that has that stat.


Quote from: Griffith on January 29, 2016, 06:39:42 PM
Quote from: Killaim on January 29, 2016, 09:45:08 AM
Quote from: Griffith on January 29, 2016, 02:05:09 AM
Is there a way to increase your spawns base speed? I know there some clothing.

yeah the infused apparel can make them go lightspeed if you stack em up high enough.

fastwalk i think their called and haste. others too i think. but hard to equip all of them and get a easy overview

Man, I'd kill for a better clothing/weapon management table. It'd be handy to open up a tab and then select, say, "movement bonus" and have a list of all the equipment you have that has that stat.
There is a mod called like autoequip and it could make ur pawns wear clothes with specific bonus(research speed, walking speed, etc) instead of armor one but it doesn't work with this pack when u just add it as regular mod. Long time ago I offered to include it in the pack but got no response.


Quote from: Parole on January 30, 2016, 06:25:29 AM
There is a mod called like autoequip and it could make ur pawns wear clothes with specific bonus(research speed, walking speed, etc) instead of armor one but it doesn't work with this pack when u just add it as regular mod. Long time ago I offered to include it in the pack but got no response.
I just gave it a try and Autoequip seemed to be working. I just added it to the end of the mod list (Autoequip and Autoequip+Infusions). I didn't test it for long, but pawns were grabbing clothing pieces with the bonuses they were told to look for. Some mentions in the Autoequip thread say pawns tend to strip naked sometimes. Otherwise, it seems to be working as is.