Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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- Sunlamps use WAYYY too much power.
- Turrets are destroyed way too easy.
- Swamps and lakes are annoying. I think larger lakes would be better than a bunch of scattered small ones. Add fishing!
- It would be cool to have a little more control over selecting your starting colonists. ie. max age, certain traits, no Dumlabour restriction.

Just my two cents.

Lady Wolf

Quote from: jeffehboy on April 13, 2016, 07:57:24 PM

- Turrets are destroyed way too easy.

You can actually make turrets out of material other than steel. A plassteel turret is way more durable  ;)


Different human leather colors for different races.

Give certain body parts sharp / blunt / piercing / energy resistance. I think a gut punch would cause pain,  but little damage,  while a head punch could cause a lethal concussion / death.  Likewise a knife to the gut would be devastating,  yet a knife to the skull would be more likely to glance off.  (though,  head is obviously  more fragile)

Give vision a new calculation.  Instead if 50 + 50,  make a perfect eye count for 80,  it counting the best eye first,  plus the quality of the second eye as 20. So perfect eyes is Still 100, but a missing eye is still a respectable 80, because it contains the best eye first,  but gets no depth perception bonus as for bionic eyes,  sams deal, but scaled. Might be a bit of math but still, would make losing a single eye,  or getting a scar much less detrimental.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


- Using cloth to heal bleeding wounds
- The ability to put two power conduits in a wall would help a lot to put switch where you want to
- An auto-hauling order for the farmers and woodcutters : when they finish to harvest an area, they haul at least one time. One of the most annoying thing for me is to micromanage colonists to put the vegetables and wood logs in the stockpile. On a desert map it's even worst, because the resources can be far away. The colonist go and cut the stuff, comes back, and if you wasn't on his back, watching, you have to send him again to bring it. Of course the ones who can't haul won't do it.
OR a way to ask haulers to bring vegetables and other perishable stuff first.


A food dish for animals.  Pets should prioritize food in the dish over other available food.  Ideally, this should help keep them from eating your prepared meals and never eating the kibble.


This is a small thing, but a key when looking at the generated world (ie describing what the difft colors mean in terms of rainfall, biome, etc).


Small animals nestling into / building nests in either trees,  or damaged walls.  Squirrels,  boomrats,  chinchillas,  mice (if ever added) can sleep inside them for safety / flea into them when attacked. Nests can be forcibly removed by breaking down the nest object (wall,  tree)  but it will piss off the mommy while all the babies scatter.  Potentially a huge headache for inside bases,  a mice infestation in particular,  causing filth,  broken into food storage,  and other issues. Animals treat nests as doorways,  able to go through both sides. And expand nests steadily if not treated.

Food filth,  occasionally added from eating. Food filth will rot and grow worse with time,  and attract rats,  see above. Food filth will also be eaten opportunistically by tamed animals

A shooting range target as a joy activity and to improve shooting skill.

Boxing / wrestling ring as 2 perspe joy activity, with very little,  if any damage,  but melee training.

Apprenticeship option,  to force a low skill person to follow,  watch,  and learn from a high skill person,  giving them a boost in learned skill,  but only effective with large skill point gaps (over 5)

Beavers with a taste for cut wood... Like alpha Beavers but specifically eat walls,  chopped wood,  wood furniture,  wood weapons,  anything made of  wood. Can eat trees too,  but specifically go for other refined wood items first.

Annoying salesman event : salesman with guard goes around offering to  aggressively sell stuff to your colony at a ridiculous price.  Has a modified abrasive trait to annoy any colonists he talks to,  worsening moods until hes arrested,  killed,  or bought from,  At least once. Also lasts 3 times as long as normal traders.  Forces you to fight,  buy,  or have people pissed off.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: Mkok on April 12, 2016, 04:37:31 PM
My suggestion is to make spaceship traders carry a lot more stuff, but make them rarer, so they actually feel different from trade caravans.

Right now, they feel just like another caravan. But considering they have a spaceship, they should have much larger stock to offer, and since we live on a rimworld, they should be kinda rare. If you get 1 space trader per year, but get the option to buy enough medicine to last you for 10 years, they could actually feel important. You would still need that silver to buy it, so it wouldnt be OP, and land caravans would still offer you all the small trading you need. Also, this would make it more important to not make every faction your enemy, as that would seriously cut your trading capabilities.

Very cool thought.

And it's actually a cheap idea, which is great!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on April 15, 2016, 02:23:57 AM
Quote from: Mkok on April 12, 2016, 04:37:31 PM
My suggestion is to make spaceship traders carry a lot more stuff, but make them rarer, so they actually feel different from trade caravans.

Right now, they feel just like another caravan. But considering they have a spaceship, they should have much larger stock to offer, and since we live on a rimworld, they should be kinda rare. If you get 1 space trader per year, but get the option to buy enough medicine to last you for 10 years, they could actually feel important. You would still need that silver to buy it, so it wouldnt be OP, and land caravans would still offer you all the small trading you need. Also, this would make it more important to not make every faction your enemy, as that would seriously cut your trading capabilities.

Very cool thought.

And it's actually a cheap idea, which is great!

They are already very rare, I see them three time per year perhaps, and it's a combat supplier quite all the time. On one of my game I got my first space exotic trader on the 4th of winter 5502 and I had so much stuff to sell I almost exceed their capacity even if I bought stuff. I had met a caravan exotic trader before and I had bought 2 televisions, 1 telescopes, 3 arcade games (more than 1000 silver each) and 5 wargs to get rid of most of the stuff I didn't want but it wasn't enough. And this caravan came perhaps two seasons before the spaceships.

So... I don't know, the trading system can be change in many ways but make the spaceships more rare ? Well, if the separate system with combat, textile (I haven't met a textile trader yet, perhaps I'm very unlucky), and other doesn't change, I don't thing it will work. In A12 I liked exchange stuff to traders, particularly on Ice sheets, instead of using silver I gave them beers, cloth or statues against food, wood or steel. Now we have to make a self-sufficient colony and pray when we badly need something in particular, it's less fun.


I would like to see prison marriages! ;D

I have 2 prisoners that Im keeping for social training, they became lovers some time ago, and then fiancees without me knowing. I would ve never discovered it if it werent for that marriage message: "The colonists are gathering to celebrate x and ys marriage", x and y being the prisoner names. I thought "Haha, how cool is that ;D", sadly nothing happened, the marriage didnt happen and they re still only fiancees.

king komodo

Quote from: Panzer on April 15, 2016, 06:33:05 AM
I would like to see prison marriages! ;D

I have 2 prisoners that Im keeping for social training, they became lovers some time ago, and then fiancees without me knowing. I would ve never discovered it if it werent for that marriage message: "The colonists are gathering to celebrate x and ys marriage", x and y being the prisoner names. I thought "Haha, how cool is that ;D", sadly nothing happened, the marriage didnt happen and they re still only fiancees.

Perhaps try adding a marriage spot inside the prison, might just be a case of "I'm in the wrong area for this."


Fire zones - Add "Fire Zone" in Restrict tab. Mortars and other weaponry won't target enemies outside Fire Zone. Particularly useful for mortars. No-fire zone would probably make more sense since it's manual...

Bad cargo pods - Cargo pods drop near-spoiled meat, desiccated corpses, and rubble. Sometimes they just explode.

Undead mechanites - When a colonist infected with mechanites die, they rarely pop out of wherever their corpse is, the corpse object is destroyed and a mechanoid spawns in its place.


More varied pronouns for colonists! I have a feeling this could be super cheap but very very effectful!

I am a nonbinary trans person and it would mean the world to me to be able to have colonists using other pronouns than just he/him and she/her. I also think it would add to the feel of the game.

The obvious example would be to have singular they/them pronouns, but I also would love it if you could have it/it (esp. for modified humans!) or xe/xir, and also to just use the colonist's name (which is my particular irl preference).

For the value of the Gender variable, you could add the values agender and genderqueer corresponding to the above pronouns.

I suspect that implementing genderfluid or bigender colonists (which would change gender and/or be more than one gender at a time) would be significantly less cheap, but if not, that would also obviously add an amazing amount of value for players of those genders.

This addition really would make the game go from amazing to fricking earthshaking for me, without exaggeration <3

Juan el Demgrafo

More more more forbid-able . This problem comes up when infestations arise and half the walls are partially damages. The colonists will run in and then get scared away and then go back again. Also stockpile zones should be forbid-able. Really just about anything should be forbid-able. Beds, especially beds.
240 hours on Steam of this 2017-7-23.

Quote from: Shurp on July 29, 2016, 06:30:22 PM
...tell her to go stand in the corner of her bedroom, and beat her when she tires of it.

I really need to finish researching beer.


Hello first I will like to say I love your game and love watching videos on it to see how other people play through it

But I have a few suggestions about the game that could make it a bit better they aren't anything big just some simple things that you guys might like

1: fishing, because you can build a base near a lake or the sea in the game you should be able to fish. Making fishing spears, fishing rods, nets and whatever to fish for a new food source. It would work like growing plats where you have a chance that you will get nothing after a long day of fishing and you can have it work as a  stress reliever and joy tool. Like if someone was able to find nothing after a day of fishing they will have like +5 stress the fallowing day but if they can find something they might be happier the next day

2: fertilizer, with all the animals running around the game you should be able to gather their or your own pool and mix it with something like bone (because bone should be used for something) and make fertilizer so your plants can grow faster or whatever just something simple

3: animal armor: nothing crazy like putting guns on your dogs or elephants, but something simple like leather or steel armor for some so when they fight for you they wont die as easy from a shotgun to the face. or maybe saddles for some of them so your people can ride them and haul more things as they go out.