Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Quote from: mumblemumble on September 14, 2016, 08:15:46 PM
Allow a thing (animal, pawn, electrical equipment) to be vomited on (causing panic / fleeing / attacking, disgust / hate / attacking, and electrical failure chance respectively)

The hilarity of someone throwing up on something causing a problem would be both extremely unlikely, and hysterical.

Also leading to the zombie apocalypse. Vomit infection, anyone? :D


add possibility of rename a bill.
for example, if you set a "cook simple meal" bill to use only vegetables and rename it "simple vegetables" it's a lot easier to remember your settings, without having to enter details window every time.
Until now you simply see "cook simple meal".
other examples: butcher human body and butcher animal body both appears as "butcher body" but if you could (manually) rename it you'll set different name and remember what you set.

Boba Phat

Show training state as a hovering tooltip when viewing animals in the animal screen.  Currently, if you want to see how far along your animals are in training, you need to go to the animal screen, then click on the animal, then click on the training tab, then click back to the animal screen -- and repeat for each animal.  It would save a lot of steps to be able to see something like [5/8] in a tooltip box whenever your pointer is over the animal's hauling skill symbol.


Very expensive implants to implant a particular trait like 'hardworking' or 'nightowl'.


Would it be easy to have the material count of architect jobs listed with the types you can build? 

Example: I want to build a wall but don't know what type of stone blocks I have.  Have the count listed next to each wall type when selecting?


* IRL, dandelions are edible. You can make salads and wine out of them. Add them to the harvestable+edibles list? Add a bill at the brewery table to make dandelion mash or whatever it's called, to be put in kegs for dandelion wine? Berries could follow that same pattern.

* I like arl85's idea of renaming the bills. If it's not cheapo to rename, could a nickname field be added?

* Add a "window" structure, to provide some daytime natural light to an indoors room. I'm not sure how cheap this is, but it feels critical enough to me that I'm considering trying to figure out how to mod that, all by itself, without the bells and whistles that the other mods associate it with.
     * You could probably do a simple "Shutters" structure that works like the door in that it's able to be closed or held open - make out of wood/metal. If it's open, creatures can get through it if they want, though possibly slower since they'd have to climb over the threshold.
     * A "Screen Window" could be made from steel + wood/metal frame - unpassable, but acts like a vent, and easily breakable. (Cats poke holes in them all the time.) Probably the screen-making should be gated behind smithing?
     * Would it be easy/hard to make a "Screen Window With Shutters" that combines the two?
     * idk how to replicate a glass window with existing resources - one of the mods goes so far as to introduce sand and forge. But maybe we could pretend that plasteel can be see-through sometimes, and make plasteel windows? Gated behind... also smithing?

* A 1x1 table, please? Good for smaller rooms. Sometimes those kids get right out of bed and start snacking in the middle of their bedrooms, without bothering to go to the kitchen table.  >:(

Tam's tiny mods: forum thread: Kitchen Counters and other shelving *** Smoked meat *** Travel rations: MREs *** Pygmy Muffalo


Quote from: Tammabanana on September 18, 2016, 07:38:48 AM
* A 1x1 table, please? Good for smaller rooms. Sometimes those kids get right out of bed and start snacking in the middle of their bedrooms, without bothering to go to the kitchen table.  >:(

Better yet, make pawns able to eat off of chess boards as though they are tiny tables (which they are). It would already be well balanced given that chess boards are costly and time consuming to build, so in the vast majority of cases a small table is still better. But if you need a table and you simply can't afford a 2x3 space for it, a chess board could work.


Quote from: orannj on September 16, 2016, 12:30:21 AM
Quote from: mumblemumble on September 14, 2016, 08:15:46 PM
Allow a thing (animal, pawn, electrical equipment) to be vomited on (causing panic / fleeing / attacking, disgust / hate / attacking, and electrical failure chance respectively)

The hilarity of someone throwing up on something causing a problem would be both extremely unlikely, and hysterical.

Also leading to the zombie apocalypse. Vomit infection, anyone? :D

Slightly off topic (sorry) but this suggestion is actually inspired from postal 2, where a chemical plant burns down because someone vomits on a control panel, causing a nasty chain of events leading to the plant catching fire and self destructing

I dont expect the effects would be this severe, but it would still be hilarious say, vomiting on a coms console, and catching on fire from it. It would also make for some amazing artwork.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Can you have "Save" and "Load" for mods. I like switching between mods and it's hard to remember which ones I used. Like "Prepare Carefully" instead of saving starting colonists, we could save mods.


Quote from: 1BadPanda on September 17, 2016, 11:35:28 PM
Would it be easy to have the material count of architect jobs listed with the types you can build? 

Example: I want to build a wall but don't know what type of stone blocks I have.  Have the count listed next to each wall type when selecting?

there's a list of everything you have in the top right. just use that.

Quote from: Pyrite on September 18, 2016, 11:44:00 AM
Can you have "Save" and "Load" for mods. I like switching between mods and it's hard to remember which ones I used. Like "Prepare Carefully" instead of saving starting colonists, we could save mods.

so, you mean presets?
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.


Could you just erase the option that I could change the difficulty of game in middle of playing. It's just so hard to resist the temptation that I want to change the difficulty. Especially my colony hit from 3 crazy herds of animals in a row. You could make another option before the beginning or you could simply erase it only from Permadeath mode.

sometimes, I mistakenly build a sunlamp in a room instead of a standing lamp. could you move it to the another category? production or misc or something.
(In the wiki, a sunlamp is in Misc category. Is it only steam ver., yet?)

Finally,could you rearrange the icons in two rows in the secondary architect menu. Some icons are too far from the primary menu. a mouse pointer unnecessarily travel too much between icons for building a simple room. So I feel like need to force to use hot keys. Even using hotkeys is kinda inconvenient ex.If I want to do 'plan' and moving around the map with WASDkeys at the same time. WSAD and K,I keys are inconveniently far each other and need to change the position of my left hand.

To be honest, I don't mind the first and second suggestions but if the third one happens, my playing experience will be better. cause this game is really addictive and I play it until my fingers are sore. hope these are cheap enough.

Ps. Love this game so much and that is the main reason I submit these opinions. cheers 8)


Quote from: nata6662 on September 19, 2016, 10:01:29 AM
Even using hotkeys is kinda inconvenient ex.If I want to do 'plan' and moving around the map with WASDkeys at the same time. WSAD and K,I keys are inconveniently far each other and need to change the position of my left hand.

you can use MMB to move the view, too.
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.

Boba Phat

In trading screens it would be helpful to be able to get more info on animals you're intending to sell.  For instance, whether or not a pet is bonded to someone.  If I have a herd of 20 boars, trying to sort out which ones are bonded and which aren't, and which ones I've trained and which I haven't is difficult.

I also think animals shouldn't get bonded if they're not assigned to someone.  Trying to farm animals is hard when they randomly bond to people, causing large debuffs when they're slaughtered for meat.  (I'd also like animals to default to "none" when they're trained rather than assigning them to a colonist.)

On the subject of animals, I'd like some way to clear all "tame" orders.  I'll order my colonists to tame a whole herd of boars, but after the first three or four are tamed, trying to find all the rest of the scattered animals to un-set the tame order is a pain.


Ill copy my post from general forum:

What about adding cellar floor tile requring a lot of work to make and acting like a passive cooler acting now? And maybe like a passive heater too - in our lands (boreal forests) people often use special cellars as a "passive heaters" for winter to protect, for example, potatoes from freezing. Or these tiles may act as rooms inside mountain acting now - balancing temperature. For balance this cellar tiles can be very ugly and cause cabin fever very fast.
Sorry for my broken English.


Every Rimworld game has to end by your "winning" or quitting because you don't like how that game is going. 

Cheap Idea:  Implement a scoring system based on achievements in a game.  Then include a "Retire" option and the game will score your progress.  Then keep a list of your games with their scores.  This gives you a sense of trying to beat your best game without having to go for "winning" which can be very very rare on the harder scenarios and/or with permadeath.  You could even categorize the scores based on different scenarios and maybe include character names and their bios.  This option might also give you a sense of accomplishment once your now favorite characters died horribly and you lost interest in that specific game.

Thanks for reading.
