I want to hear about exploit strategies!

Started by Tynan, March 21, 2016, 04:46:51 PM

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FYI TL:DR I didn't read through all 400+ posts...

@Tynan, I have heard from Youtubers (Blitz) and I am sure you already fixed this, but if you put up sufficient lighting it greatly lowers the chance for an infestation.

Also another bug, when you get raiders and you set up blueprints (example a wall) the raiders will attack and try to destroy the blueprint (I think discovered by Yeti (YouTuber).


This is definitely more of a strategy than a tactic, but abandoning building altogether, immediately forming caravan, and leveraging stealth raids makes the game pretty easy to beat. I've done it in 3 hours. I don't think I'm particularly 'good' or anything, rather it's a bit of an exploit. Most of the time is spent just staring at the globe and once the various 'caravan lag' pawn ticking glitches are dealt with you can see that may mean a victory in less than an hour of game time. Some of the odd things that make me think this strategy is an exploit is that I find myself getting around temporary debuffs by marching people through the wilderness & totally depriving them of joy without much consequence while stacking tons of fine / lavish meals and drugs to bring their mood up when they need to raid. Also I've grabbed hundreds of Luciferiums by reloading pirate bases and stealth raiding them repeatedly, which essentially ends the struggle of supplying the caravan. Sometimes the raids are so easy because the pirates congregate on one side of their compound and getting into the storage is as simple as beating down a door, taking the stuff, and leaving with no stealth really involved at all. I at least expected to pay a big price to make the friendly AI launch, and was pretty shocked when I learned it was free. Also the caravans call into question the weight of silver as currency, as compared to the weight and value of Luciferium and other items. Another odd, exploit feeling thing about it is I've given up on medicines entirely as they seem to give no benefit at all to the wounds while the caravan is moving (and it always is with this strat).


I don't know exactly if it's an exploit.
I play in permadeath but sometimes, some events are really too impredictable and unaffordable. Warg manhunter pack appear between my colonists and my base for example.

I just use ctrl-alt-delete, force the game to quit and thanks to the not perfect auto-save, I can resume my game before the bad events.

Oh, and the most common, one colonist trigger opponents then turn around my fighters.
Opponents follow him while fighters shoot at them.
When they decide to attack an other colonist, I just move this one around and again...
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Oh, and a other one using transport pod.
I just order to fill a transport pod with simple meal (340 per transport pod then I don't launch it.
So I store 340 meals in one tile without any need of refrigeration.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Just a quickie: is it considered an exploit that you can reap the impressive room bonus twice from the same room if you combine the dining room with the rec room?


Quote from: hwfanatic on January 14, 2017, 01:42:22 PM
Just a quickie: is it considered an exploit that you can reap the impressive room bonus twice from the same room if you combine the dining room with the rec room?
I combine the dormitory, the dining room and the rec room in one very big and very impressive room and it works perfectly.
In my opinion, it's not an exploit.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Looting bases to get unlimited glitt meds/luciferium for free:

Get in, loot, get out, get back in: their stock is renewed instantly


Quote from: NeverPire on January 13, 2017, 05:16:46 PM
I play in permadeath but sometimes, some events are really too impredictable and unaffordable. Warg manhunter pack appear between my colonists and my base for example. I just use ctrl-alt-delete, force the game to quit and thanks to the not perfect auto-save, I can resume my game before the bad events.

You can also go to your saved games directory and just copy the save to another filename.  You can do this as often as you like.  Then just load the previous save without bothering to exit the game.

Permadeath is a choice... nobody's forcing you to do it.  I don't bother because it discourages trying new things.  "Hey, let's see if I can take down that centipede with a plasteel gladius... oh, wow, that didn't work.  Reload!"
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: hwfanatic on January 14, 2017, 01:42:22 PM
Just a quickie: is it considered an exploit that you can reap the impressive room bonus twice from the same room if you combine the dining room with the rec room?
Imagine Viking dining hall :D


You can bring in a large harvest quickly by making your pawns form a caravan (with everything from the harvest in the caravan), leave the map, then reenter. You can also use this trick to make people incapable of hauling actually haul things.


Preparing a caravan with muffalos and a huge amount of items in less than two minuts.

Order to create a caravan with one colonist, the muffalo and only the heaviest items you want to transport.
Then, create one other caravan with only colonists and all the others items.
Without any muffalos, these colonists will directly pick up items and leave quickly.
Once both caravans in the world map, merge them.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


The textile industry is the secret to infinite money with low effort. A medium sized group can focus most of their energy making cotton, and then sell the raw cotton via player made caravans. Each cotton sells for over 2$ (on lower difficulty) and only weighs .03 kg meaning you can easily generate thousands per year and transport them to nearby settlements to exchange for whatever you need.


Quote from: Forfor on January 16, 2017, 04:36:12 AM
The textile industry is the secret to infinite money with low effort. A medium sized group can focus most of their energy making cotton, and then sell the raw cotton via player made caravans. Each cotton sells for over 2$ (on lower difficulty) and only weighs .03 kg meaning you can easily generate thousands per year and transport them to nearby settlements to exchange for whatever you need.
I've been wondering if Corn is more efficient, since it grows slower but produces more in a harvest, meaning less labor spent growing them. Math is 7.25 days for 16 corn at 2.00 per corn, or 4.4 silver per day vs 2.71 days for 5 cloth at 2.80 per cloth, or 5.16 silver per day. Not sure about the price of other crops, strawberries may be better at 2.50 per berry, but I don't know how fast they grow.

Also somewhat of an exploit, placing your colony next to another colony that is located on flat ground (preferably arid shrubland) means you can spend only a few hours travelling to reach them, then instantly teleport back.


The advantage of cotton is that anyone who's good at crafting or refuses to grow things can mass produce parkas which are incredibly value efficient. My excellent plasteel longswords were selling for about 500ish. My mid-quality parkas were selling for over 300.


If you have a good crafter, making cotton for him to work with makes financial sense.  But why are you guys forgetting about Smokeleaf?  *Everyone* can make them, and at 11s per 0.01kg it beats everything - even silver.  In fact, now that I think of it, why am I even selling it?  Everyone buys it, you can store 11x the value on a single tile... I should be stockpiling joints and using them to buy what I need.

And seeing as there is no interstellar DEA, why are joints so valuable?
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.