[1.0] Children and Pregnancy - v0.5b (2019/Feb/25)

Started by Thirite, December 27, 2016, 09:06:22 PM

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thats the same error i posted a few mod versions ago. its caused when u have alien framework enabled.


Quote from: sidfu on December 20, 2017, 04:57:11 AM
thats the same error i posted a few mod versions ago. its caused when u have alien framework enabled.
Thats correct. I have the same error when alien framework and c&p enabled at the same time. I cant see any ingame bugs though. It seems to work pretty well except the initializing take longer than usual.


Again thanks for this mod! been using it always!
however i just wanted to check if anybody else ever had someone pregnant because for me it seems like never. I also have children learning mod and before C&P i had a kid straight up!
Just wanted to know how slim was the chances of getting a kid with this great mod and if they are any mod incompatibilities that would make me not have kids. PS: i have 2 couples and they do make love from time to time :) one is menopausal due to the birds and bees mod, so i am praying on the other couple for a kid to come.
Thanks again


Children and Pregnancy doesn't interact with the Birds and the Bees (not yet, I might change that*), but there is a cutoff age for female fertility. You should be able to use the "Determine pregnancy" procedure on women to check whether or not they are pregnant before it becomes naturally visible.

* Initially I didn't want to depend on another mod but I've learned it's trivial to make a mod compatch itself at runtime, and the BntB seems to be very well made/maintained. So I will likely make them interact properly in the future.

Edit: A user reports that BntB replaces the Lovin action which makes C&P not impregnate properly.


Ah that's a bummer but i am relieved to hear that might be the problem.
Thanks again for taking the time in answering and making your mod top notch!


Me again, i realized that i would have to start a new colony if i wanted to remove birds and beers. So i look online a bit and found this on your thread:

Since this mod is incompatible with Fluffy BirdsAndBees I made a patch for them. I'm uploading it for anyone who wants to use both mods.
Impregnation works and pawns have genitals you can shoot off. Just replace the assembly in BirdsAndBees with the one from here:


Going to try it out and see, finger crossed

Doesnt work actually... :( or maybe i did something wrong or not updated

Squidward Tortellini

One quick incompatibility I noticed is when I use this mod with the Androids mod the droids can no longer wear any apparel besides solarpanel dusters.


Ah, I think that patch was for A17. Interesting that it modifies BntB and not my code.

@Squidward Tortellini
Found the problem code, thanks for reporting.


shouldn't be too hard to make them compatible or even make it possible to modify getting pregnant more often if not on contraceptive. Anyways hope you all the best and see what you came make of this.


Updated to v0.4c
- Fixed incompatibility with Androids mod and general code cleanup

Squidward Tortellini

I noticed that now with the Android mod the droids now use the newborn baby sprite instead of the actual droid sprite they should be using. Also with the Rimworld of the Apes mod (and I presume any other mod that utilizes the Alien Framework Mod) it will have a similar effect.


Missed a "!" in the code. Fixing shortly.

Edit: I can't seem to reproduce the specific problem you describe with the newborn graphic (both Ni'hal and Androids work 100% on my end), or the transpiler error reported by CrowSR. But children were being drawn incorrectly. Can anyone experiencing the problem upload their modlist to a pastebin?


Hey again so here is what fluffy said about his mod and yours:
simpolplan being me.

@simpolplan; not interacting and creating a conflict are two different things. I think what the author is saying is that he wants to build a closer integration of the two mods (@Thirite; hit me up on Discord if you need anything).

As for B&B 'replacing' the Lovin action, that simply isn't true. B&B stops colonists without reproductive organs having sex, but if that check is passed the lovin` action continues as normal. Finally, after the colonists are done, the mod does some checks to guesstimate how good their lovin` was, and gives a mood buff/malus. These are implemented as Harmony prefix and postfix respectively, and should not interfere with the C&P mod.

It's certainly possible that the two are incompatible - I've never checked, but I see no real reason why they would be. Without further proof, I'm inclined to think you've just been unlucky.


After installing the update last night, I noticed my 11-year-olds have the adult sprites now... was there a change in the aging as well?

Also noticed this little issue again... any time there is a child pawn rendered with a particular bottom/middle layer apparel, thin-bodied pawns on screen suffer the drawbacks of awkwardly positioned clothing overlay. So if I have a child wearing a muffalo wool t-shirt and there's an adult wearing that exact same shirt/material, the adult thin pawn ends up rendering with child-sized/positioned apparel as well, perhaps not initially, but definitely on the reload of a save...

If I need a pic to better represent, let me know. I'll get it up when I get back home later.

EDIT: I take that 1st one back, reinstalled since I saw the more recent update and they're kids again... however the clothing issue is still very much there.


Does the shirt maintain the same incorrect scale when the pawn turns a different direction?